The Redstone Engine & utterpower 6kw PMG

Started by flywheel, March 26, 2010, 11:58:29 PM

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Have you kept a log of the time you have spent "blueprinting" your itty bitty redstone? ::)
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


knowing "flywheel" he has documented every step of the journey, and

when it is done it will run like a swiss watch!
and his attention to detail is second to none, including the paintwork...

it makes me sick!!!



bob g

Henry W

Flywheel is pretty thorough on is projects. He will spend a good amount of time going over details before the build.



Quote from: vdubnut62 on April 01, 2010, 12:21:55 PM
Have you kept a log of the time you have spent "blueprinting" your itty bitty redstone? ::)

Nope - have not kept a log of time spent.  It does indeed take time to go through a engine from top to bottom.  The lovely thing about being retired is there is no schedule for anything,
just do as little or as lot as you want.
Never met a diesel engine I didnt like.


Quote from: oliver90owner on April 01, 2010, 12:35:53 AM

If those big end bearings are any good there won't be so much pressure where your straw is?  Or does the crank pressure supply pass directly across it  It will likely simply be more of an oil slinger!  That is unless there is a decent sized oil-way from the pressure feed to the crank to that hole.  Is there one?  A tiny sqirt will, of course , meet the piston as the piston moves 'down' the bore.

I am wondering how much oil would leak as the feed passes by in, what, micro seconds?

Regards, RAB

Crank oil pressure supply does pass across this hole and the Redstone does have large oil passages in the crankshaft. 

Never met a diesel engine I didnt like.


Main sleeve bearing.  This bearing is used to feed oil into the crankshaft, notice its grooved on the backside and has four openings on the inside to force oil into the crankshaft. This style sleeve bearing is also used on many other singles.
Never met a diesel engine I didnt like.


hey all, driving the oil pump off the balance shaft seems to keep the mesh loaded. they do not rattle at low rpm like the chanfa. i think th   ey have a sound level of the lister types. flywheel, was your cam-shaft bushing missig at the case cover end?   blink


Quote from: prof.blink on April 04, 2010, 12:26:53 AM
...was your cam-shaft bushing missig at the case cover end?   blink

It is missing on my JD175A.
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Quote from: prof.blink on April 04, 2010, 12:26:53 AM
hey all, driving the oil pump off the balance shaft seems to keep the mesh loaded. they do not rattle at low rpm like the chanfa. i think th   ey have a sound level of the lister types. flywheel, was your cam-shaft bushing missig at the case cover end?   blink

Yes - the bushing was missing, it does show one in the parts manual, I have placed shim washers on the outer end of the camshaft.
Never met a diesel engine I didnt like.