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has it been 3 months??

Started by admin, December 23, 2009, 12:58:58 AM

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looks as though we have been at this for 3 months now, and have collected 200 members

thats pretty cool guys, don't you think?

just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your work in making this as good of a forum
as it is, and here is looking forward to the next 3 months and beyond.

thanks one and all



Right back at you admin.

Thanks for making this place a great place to hang out!

Best regards and Happy Holidays,


Henry W


I would also like to thank you and the others that put all the hard work to make this a very successfull Forum.



Yes the time has flown by!
And a great big THANK YOU! to everyone that has made this forum all it is.
This is a great place to hang out!



Yup. Great place. I like it here. Haven't been called an idiot yet, just because of a typo or two, or a dumb question... ;D ;D ;D


Merry Festivus !

Been on the road, and just now got connected. Got a glimpse of the listeroid today, peeked thru the shrinkwrap, will peel it off and unwrap over the next day or 3.



Very good progress for the new forum!
Lot's of useful info being shared.

Good work everyone !



This forum has really risen to the top. I really enjoy it here and everyone is very helpful. Glad to be a part of it and an early joiner


Quote from: cognos on December 25, 2009, 01:16:01 PM
Yup. Great place. I like it here. Haven't been called an idiot yet, just because of a typo or two, or a dumb question... ;D ;D ;D

Well y'a gotta be a retard to think that's gonna last.   ;)
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Quote from: rcavictim on March 24, 2010, 03:54:51 PM
Quote from: cognos on December 25, 2009, 01:16:01 PM
Yup. Great place. I like it here. Haven't been called an idiot yet, just because of a typo or two, or a dumb question... ;D ;D ;D

Well y'a gotta be a retard to think that's gonna last.   ;)

I had no idea you knew me in real life! ;D ;D ;D


It's nice to have so many smart and/or adventurous people here, the people make the home, not the house. Nice to have the forum work well though, sucks if it don't!!


I have enjoyed my short time here a lot, I am 2 months into slow speed engines and home generation and feel like I have been around for years thanks to the shared knowledge here and the other place.

My cyber forum pet peave? When somebody bashes a newbie saying
 " that question has been asked 150,000 times!!! >:( >:( Dont you know how to do a search??? >:("

Everyone was a newbie at some point
Fume and smoke addict
electricly illiterate


that is too funny Jens!

i belong to a couple other forums, like most of us that are addicted to info

most of them are pretty good with newbies, one of them is so friggin hard on the newbies it is a wonder
how they are so successful, for that matter the admin is a CAPITAL type A alpha a/hole of the first order
and he roundly derates even the senior members on a frequent basis.

of course he gets beat up for in frequently too, i refer to him directly as "MASTER DON"
or his "HIGHNESS"

actually he has gotten so bad he has become a characature of himself, (i wish i could spell)

it seems for the most part we are very tolerant here of newbies or questions that have come up many times in the past,

i guess none of us are decended from a momma lister


bob g

Fat Charlie

Bob, if your spelling were perfect it still wouldn't help this newbie understand any more of what you're posting. 

I think it helps that this forum isn't on the type of topic where someone will create an account to ask one question and never come back.  People might hurriedly get in and ask something in an emergency, but something like home generation isn't something people only do once, so they stay.  If they are only doing it once, they'll probably be calling the 800 number on their Home Depot receipt for support, anyway.
Belleghuan 10/1
Utterpower PMG
Spare time for the install?  Priceless.
Solar air and hot water are next on the list.


maybe i can illustrate what i posted more succinctly

there are some forums that are horrible to newbies and those that post questions thought by the moderator as
being too stupid to answer

thankfully our forum hasn't been that way that i know of.

bob g