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cool junkyard find

Started by mobile_bob, November 20, 2012, 09:51:02 PM

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having moved back to my hometown, i have taken the opportunity to refamiliarize myself with my old haunts, "junkyards".

the old man that owned it is long gone, but his son continues as the old man now
thankfully he is in remarkable condition for a man in his mid 70's.

he and i have built a pretty good friendship and he stops by to tell me of his new stuff
as it comes in, giving me first pick, which is always nice.   not to say there is much competition around here, most folks don't build or fix things anymore, but that is another story.

anyway, he stops me yesterday in a neighboring town, tells me he has some 2 inch emt tubing i might want.  so today i go check it out.

8 full pieces, perfect condition, with couplers and full length, no bends or kinks. so i loaded it up, and then set out to stomp around to see what else he might  have.

i find a pile of old batteries he just moved in from an auction, and sitting on top, what do you know!  a nice hd shumacher charger! cool...

what is really cool is it not only does the 6 volt and 12 volt thing, but it also does 8volt charging!  i have never seen one for 8volt batteries, so in the truck it went and now i got to stop buy and see my buddy to settle up with him tomorrow.

i haven't tested the charger yet, but my bet is it is just fine, looks clean and well cared for, heavy bugger too.

makes charging the 8volt golf cart batteries much easier now, before i had to group them into 24 volt strings and charge them that way, now i can do them individually if i need to.

a good day at the junkyard.

bob g


the guy at the scrap yard is one of those "outside the home" relationships that is good to maintain ;D
I take my guy "value added lead", and he watches the neat stuff for me  8)


Henry W

Shumacher charger parts are still available for many older models. That is a great find Bob. Is it a model with wheels?
