CHP unit "Folly"

Started by Crumpite, June 04, 2010, 01:07:44 PM

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Daryl P. Dacko, Crump, MI

operational philosophy:
The design goal is a system run 24/7 in the winter for heat/power with intermittent operation in the summer for cooling/battery charging and emergency power.
Unit is to be fired with waste oils whenever available. If renewable oil are used, net metering will be investigated.

Bill of materials:
6/1 Metro brand listeroid (preban), 5kw ST alternator head, hydronic water pump and 50 gal storage tank.
50 gallon exhaust gas heat exchanger, domestic hot water tank heat exchanger and water/air heat exchanger in the forced air heating duct.

theory of operation:
This unit is intended to supply most of the heating for the house, all of the hot water supply and most of the electrical needs.
During the coldest weather, excess electrical energy will be diverted to the grid to offset electrical use during the summer months where the excess heat isn't needed.
(This is assuming that an agreement can be reached with the local power company as to the use of waste vegetable oil as a renewable resource.)
The use of waste motor oil is also envisioned.

A battery bank arrangement and a mechanical A/C refrigeration pump will also be investigated in the future.
The CHP unit is located in the garage of the house, along with oil cleanup and storage.

Instrumentation and control computers will collect efficiency data and control operation of the engine, pumps and electrical control system.
(planed for the future)

stage of development:
The CHP unit itself is about 90% completed, with hot water and electrical runs to be installed yet.
The CHP unit has been tested to the 2.75kw level with success.
The goal is to have the unit operational for the start of the heating season, 2010.

Daryl's Folly, the Folly.
Named by my wife for most peoples view of the project.