Rearranging the furniture here one more time

Started by admin, October 01, 2009, 01:06:59 PM

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in an effort to try and make this forum more intuitive for those that are new
we are thinking of rearranging things a bit on the forum

basically restacking the boards as follows

microcogeneration forum , stays on top for now
general, stays where it is at
engine's, stay put
generators, stay put
fuels, move to this spot
heat exchangers

and so forth

the idea being is the forum will flow in a more linear fashion, where most folks start with an engine, then get a genset, then work on fuel concerns, then they think about harvesting heat, then maybe
some electronic control or automation, some testing, then maybe some refrigeration concerns and so forth.

just trying to make this a bit less overwhelming to those that are taken aback when first visiting.

we are going to try and make this our last major restructure of the forum for a while.
