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Setting up Changfa cooling system

Started by Stevem, May 01, 2018, 10:13:51 AM

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Quote from: glort on June 19, 2018, 01:07:49 AM

The soloution is to take some personal responsibility in the first place and not post garbage you will have any cause to regret later.

That and the "special" people like this guy who cannot stand to be treated same as everyone else,,,,,,  for which there is no solution other than what has apparently happened to him under his prior usernames?
Fume and smoke addict
electricly illiterate


Quote from: mobile_bob on June 16, 2018, 02:54:42 PM
sorry to Ade and company from me,
i have been so embroiled with political stuff here in town that i have
had very little time to keep  up with what is going on here, or the LEF

No apology necessary Bob; I will remain forever grateful that you rescued LEF from its former owners, and will continue to do my best to ensure it remains a smoothly run, inclusive forum, open to all. TBH I was more confused by stevem's post than anything else; I have no idea where it came from, what it was referring to, etc. In fact, I still don't... Since the gentleman in question has not come back to explain what the hell he meant, I assume that he's either confused himself, or just insensitive. I really don't mind either way. We all have our bad days...

Anyway, for the avoidance of doubt, he's not banned, and if he wants to contribute to LEF he's free to do so. Unless he turns into Spencer Mk2 of course....
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...



is it good to hear (or read )from you again... it has been way too long..

being mayor around here has become so contentious, and i think anytime they are going to storm my
house so they can tar and feather me..  it is really getting ugly around here.

and the local press is loving every minute of it too.

btw. i am responsible for global warming, ww2, herpes and a plethora of other maladies
or so i am told.

always fun around here.

oh well, back to the trenches for me.

talk to you soon.

bob g