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Setting up Changfa cooling system

Started by Stevem, May 01, 2018, 10:13:51 AM

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How much of the rad I had to block off to maintain the 205-215 temps. Without this the TS was controlling the temp. Not the fan controller.


Just be careful to double check your backstop before commencing shooting


     Thank you my friend for the info and photos.  I will knock off your system as far as return to the drain port.  I still have not picked up the fan sensor but will do so shortly.  Been really busy for a few days but will get back on track.  I truly appreciate your taking the time to share your knowledge on this project.  Ateve


Quote from: Stevem on May 28, 2018, 10:42:28 PM
     Thank you my friend for the info and photos.  I will knock off your system as far as return to the drain port.  I still have not picked up the fan sensor but will do so shortly.  Been really busy for a few days but will get back on track.  I truly appreciate your taking the time to share your knowledge on this project.  Ateve

You can Thank Mobil_Bob, as everything I did was based off his knowledge when I inquired about the same subject.




According to Mobil_Bob the threads on all his 195 drain ports were 1/4 NTP.  My 1115 was for sure 3/8 BSPT. So I purchased an BSPT to NTP adapter from MCMaster Carr. You can probably see it in the pics.


Understood.  Thank you Mobil Bob.  I need pictures.  I am not a visionary.  I'm fairly strong in some areas but as far as these power generating units I am a grasshopper and count on you guys.    This works for me.  It just hurts to not use one of the ports on my blockoff plate for the return.  It looks sooo cool.  Good news is  I have huge amounts of steel and brass as well as copper fittings to make up the system. 


Thanks folks for your help.  I made a post on the Lister Engine Forum the other night and got attacked by a bunch of people including a "moderator".  I am going to go back to occaisionally checking in to these sites and see if I can learn something.  You folks have been most helpful.  If there is a way to scrub my posts please do so.  My equipment is pretty much up and running and I will enjoy it now.  The diesel engines that I own are just tools.  If I get the chance to help any people getting on board with them I certainly will but they will have to be geographically close.  Cheers to you all.


what?  the lister engine forum has become hostile?

maybe they ought to take  a good look at their history and who stepped up and made the deal to get
the site bought from the original owner?

lef should understand that there are long time ties between these two forums and treat those that frequent
them with equal respect.

of course i have no idea what the bruhaha was all about in the first place,  i would appear you have been
a civil member here?  so what was the problem?

bob g


btw, we don't scrub posts here, not unless they include rude remarks, then one of the moderators might step
in and do some housecleaning.

everyone here was a newbie at some point, none of use were born knowing anything other than how to suck down milk.

and i am not sure i was all that good at that at first!

a long time ago, an old man mechanic and a very good friend told me

"bob, i have learned the most from two types of people, the old guys as they have done it everyway they thought possible
and from the  young guy, who has no clue how to do it, but somehow comes up with a better way."

so we all learn from one another, even some seemingly very minor thing, might well lead to a breakthrough everyone has been working toward.

bob g


Quote from: Stevem on June 05, 2018, 09:31:19 PM
Thanks folks for your help.  I made a post on the Lister Engine Forum the other night and got attacked by a bunch of people including a "moderator". 

Own up to the truth here mate. You posted something aggressive right off the bat having a go at people and effectively the mods there from your very first post.  You later admitted you should not get a skinfull and post things on the net and it was a stupid post.  In actual fact you were treated pretty kindly for what YOU started off with so you have no reason to complain now as you had nothing to complain about with your very first post you came on attacking people.

Pretty rich to be pointing the finger at others without taking any responsibility for your own actions.


Quote from: mobile_bob on June 06, 2018, 08:42:15 PM
what?  the lister engine forum has become hostile?

maybe they ought to take  a good look at their history and who stepped up and made the deal to get
the site bought from the original owner?

lef should understand that there are long time ties between these two forums and treat those that frequent
them with equal respect.

of course i have no idea what the bruhaha was all about in the first place,  i would appear you have been
a civil member here?  so what was the problem?

bob g

The LEF is no insider club and everyone gets a warm welcome,, well almost everyone.
Here is his first post there, judge for yourself
Fume and smoke addict
electricly illiterate


At least the OP's thread on the lister forum was Correct.
Unfortunately HE was the one making stupid posts as he has done here causing potential trouble where there was no grounds for it and he was totally responsible.
Clearly, this is not the first time he's found himself having problems on forums and the reasons are even more clear as to why.

I believe he owes everyone, especially Ade, on LEF an apology.


sorry to Ade and company from me,
i have been so embroiled with political stuff here in town that i have
had very little time to keep  up with what is going on here, or the LEF

so i probably should have kept my big mouth shut? 

it has always been my experience, that probably 99.9% of the time newbie's are treated
with respect on either of the forums... there are however a couple times over many years
that maybe someone responded in a rather course manner... but generally that works out
very quickly.

and i also think things would be much better had the epa not banned the import of the engine's we work
with... that alone has created an opportunity for frustration to swelter.

i still think we should ask president trump for an exemption for the purposes want to use these engine's for.

maybe we need to first get kim kardazian on board?  or some other high profile character to champion our cause? :)

maybe we could get peewee herman?   lmao

bob g


Well Playdiesel - I followed the link you posted and........... Had a damn good laugh. ;D
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
Honda EU20i
Anderson 2 HP/Fisher & Paykel PM conversion
Anderson 3.5 HP
Villiers Mk20
Chinese 6500 watt single phase 4 stroke


Just looking at the posts in question, I think stevem gets on the sauce a bit too much for his own good or at very least needs to take a good hard look at himself. 

He apologized on the LEF forum 2 Days before he had his dummy spit here and had a sook about being attacked. He was clearly aware he was in the wrong and admitted it but then sought to make accusations here.
That's piss poor in my book. Seems he may have been ignorant to the connection between the two sites.

I can see why he has trouble on forums and I think it best he does not come back to either one.  He sure as hell won't get any help from me if he does.
The LEF forum is brilliant and provides an outlet and chance to share things far beyond it's scope for a number of us.  Problems, apart from things like this are non existent. the moderation there is excellent. basicaly there is none. There is also none of this " On topic crap" from over bearing mods and that's what makes the place so good. You can have like a normal conversation and it makes for more of a discussion amoungst Friends than a forum per se.

Every one is welcome but if clowns come along and want to start shitting in the nest and making trouble, they can go somewhere else.
I can see what was behind the sook about posts being deleted.  The soloution is to take some personal responsibility in the first place and not post garbage you will have any cause to regret later.