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Virginia Speed Limits

Started by Jsw, May 09, 2010, 10:07:36 PM

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To all who live or drive in Virginia:

A bill passed to increase the speed limit in virginia on rural interstate highways to 70 MPH from 65 MPH. This in itself is not bad, however consider the following:

In Virginia, driving 20 MPH or more above posted speed is reckless driving. Additionally, driving at any speed above 80 MPH is reckless driving regardless of the posted speed limit. (This does not mean that you will not be given a ticket if you are exceeding the speed limit by less than 20 MPH.) The penalty for reckless driving is mandatory court appearance, a fine of $750, and possible jail time(although jail time is rarely imposed). It is not hard in traffic especially to be doing 11 miles over the speed limit for a short time. Those of us who live here know Virginia police probably will give reckless driving tickets for such.

I suggest as many as care should write to their state senators and congressman and request at least that since the speed limit is increased by 5 MPH, the reckless driving threshold also be increased by 5 MPH.

Here is a link below to find your representatives:


This in it's self seems like so many taxing districts today...a lucrative way to increase fees without a formal tax red light cams...speeding cams...reminds me of the the good ol south where the JP, and the local sheriff set a up a thiefdom...speed traps.

I once got pulled over in lake dallas for going 155 in a 55, I went to the JP, who I knew(1975 in a 68 goat), and he said lloyd, i'm going to put you on 12 days probation...if you don't get another ticket in 12 days, I'll tear this one up...but if you's going to cost  you double...

On the after noon of the 12th day I got pulled over driving safe and seign...i got wrote up for doing 80 in a 25...I went back to Johnny...and said look my car is fast but there is know way, i could have been doing 80, bc I just pulled out of my street and it was only 3 blocks to the stop i skated...2 years latter the cop that pulled me over ended up working for my crew where I was the super...we had a constant beef until one night after work we were all drinking beer...and he said I was lucky bc the city manager wanted my ass, and it's only bc of Johnny that i wasn't in jail...i dated the city managers daughter a couple of times...and couldn't stand i knew why i was in trouble.


Who Runs the
JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


and this topic relates to micro cogen/ combined heat and power.... how?

maybe this topic should be moved to the "octagon" ??

bob g