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met a forum member today

Started by mobile_bob, April 23, 2010, 08:07:42 PM

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our member WGB came from illinois all the way to seattle and made time to stop by
for a short visit today.

he was here to pickup an outback inverter system, which is my opinion was a buy of a lifetime.

anyway, Bill (WGB) is a heck of a nice guy, and we had a nice visit, got to show him my overly stuffed and messy
as hell shop, and the trigen in its frankenstein condition of never quite complete because i am forever testing different stuff.

anyway, Bill is quite an accomplished builder and prototype guy, he shared pictures of his different projects, which i found very interesting.

Time as always was too short, and Bill was tired after driving straight through 2200 plus miles, (god what a soldier!) and i needed to get back
to work, so we bid farewell and he started his return trip with the booty.

it really is too bad we all live so far apart!  its not hard to imagine the quantity and quality of work that could be accomplished as a group
without each and everyone having to duplicate and reinvent every damn wheel.

so after having met some of you guys in person, i have decided we need to find and purchase our own island! and establish our own country
maybe the US government would sell us one of their old military bases? with a huge friggin hanger and we can establish the largest research and
development concern the world has ever seen that is totally independent.

failing that, maybe it would be pretty cool to plan for an annual get together somewhere centrally located, where we can have a convention?

hell the trekkies have a convention!  why can't we??


bob g

Henry W

I think a convention would be great! Lets plan one. Who else is in.



To have B.S. aimed at you is an insult to your intelligence......To have B.S. spread about you is an insult to your character.....Neither should be tolerated willingly.   EBI-WPO 2010


sounds great.  first vote for having it on the West Coast!  :)

I met SteveU. on the old LEF.   He came down to my house about a year ago and we did wood gasification together, stayed at our house for the weekend.   Had a great time.   Wish there were more members nearby....
JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"


What the heck, after all Dirk Pitt lives in a hanger!  ::)
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


What a great idea.I'm in,just let me know the time and place!


Sorry I haven't replied sooner, just got home yesterday.
Ran over 1000 miles one day.

Thanks for the kind words Bob!
And thanks for the letting the forum know about the Outback deal.
I just had to stop by, see you for couple hours and say thanks.

I picked up an Outback system worth over 11,000 dollars, plus two complete breaker panels with breakers, amp meters, etc.
For 3 grand!
I get a thread going when I start putting things together.

I'm in on a get together!
Maybe we can pool some mechanical abilities, not just mental.
Take that mental either way LOL.

It's funny how you envision things and people.
I always thought of Bob as a wise old sage, or maybe a old pipe smoking, subject pondering, professor type.
Heck he's a lot younger than I thought!
Bob has some damn interesting projects going.
I hope to get more info on his 24 volt charging system.
Also having a 7.7hp Changfa clone, I never thought his Changfa would be so big!
Man that is a big hunk of iron.

Thanks again Bob!


living in this area has one fascinating benefit, with over 310 days a year of no sun, we don't age as rapidly
as those that live in the more hostile climates of the country.

gotta be a plus living here, among the more liberal thinkers :)

it was very good to meet you and i am glad you made it back home safely

btw, had i thought about it i would have send you home with a hopper cooler off the s195, i got no use for it anyway.

bob g