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April is project contribution month

Started by mobile_bob, April 09, 2010, 09:54:55 AM

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ok, fella's things are a bit slow around here lately, time to pick up the pace
and post some stories about your projects, plans, and thoughts.

everybody asleep around here???

on a related note, there soon will be some information about a possible alternate source of prime mover
in the 6-8hp class.

soon as i can get the details i will be posting them here, these thermal conversion units will require a bit
of hands on, and some parts from an alternate source, but the end results should be quite interesting to
those that like slowspeed stuff.

more to come, wake up fellas, ya snooze ya lose around here!


bob g


I have a lot of projects to do must most are on hold until I recover from my ACL replacement.
First up is starting on the microhydro, getting a damn, weir and started on the penstock.
A remote kill switch for the SR2 would be nice.
Getting my ST-5 mounted better so I can run the 6/1 more often
Get the ST-5 to output DC so I have clean inverter power.
Get a pentametric and hook it up at the house for remote power monitoring.
Generator auto start/stop
list goes on and on!


Jens what is the diameter of the bowl?   3/4 hp doesn't sound like enough power to pull a bowl up to those RPM's?

I sense a new tread about to get a workout ;D

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


My portable battery charger project is about complete. I made up the charging cables and put Anderson connectors on. The Flexmax has Anderson pigtail connectors coming out the bottom and I found a new, 100 amp, mil spec, Leece Neville, 24v alternator for cheap. The batteries need to be held down a little better but I think that's it.

Jen's, more about the CF please.

Thanks, Geno


OK, short list.
House painting, deck staining, getting ready to order new solar system and install, Had to build a pergola above my deck so I can install the solar panels on top.

Trying to snag a Lister LV1, LTV or someting like that off a trashed cement mixer. I could probably just haul it away and the owner would probably not miss it for a year or so, or maybe never, but I will contact him and try and cut a deal. Keep things honest. The intent is to hook up a 24 volt alternator for battery charging. Looking for a 24 volt alternator.

Remote DLS reset via phone or something like that. Thanks sailawayrb for the home controls link.

Oh and trying to make a living in between.



Fat Charlie

-Building a home co-gen system
-Yard cleanup
-Putting new brakes on the wife's car
-Building a play table for the kids
-Building hanging tomato planters
-Installing a gutter on one side of the house
-Fixing some dining room chairs
-Staining the trailer

And that's in my spare time- when I don't have anything else to do.
Belleghuan 10/1
Utterpower PMG
Spare time for the install?  Priceless.
Solar air and hot water are next on the list.


I tried posting earlier... it told me my attachment (picture) was too large. So... I'm trying again.

My Short List

Put up the Dock... Done, (2 weeks ago! man was that cold!)
Put Boat Lift in position and install cover. Not Started.
Summarize Boats... Just Starting.
Clean Up Yard... Ongoing.
Set Up Lake Sprinkler Pump... Later.
Clean up my garage and shop... Man Thats Funny!
Continue Building my 6-axis welding machine... (robot... Yes it does work! "The Eternal Project")
C-201 GenSet electric clutch PTO... (80% parts gathered)
Oil Change's (NewHolland.. Done, MBZ 190d.. Next, My Truck.., Wifes Truck.., Boat.., Misc Equip)
CNC Mill Conversion/Rebuild... 60% complete. (The Other Eternal Project)
Trench and install Pex Tubing... Not Started.
Install New Flooring in Kitchen... Yuck! Not Started.. Turn Up the "Procrastinator" knob on that one!
Lot's I'm forgetting... As usual

I am not including pictures this time... Maybe it will post this time. I tried to find the post that described how to shrink pict's for posting.... I could not find it.



Oh kewl, a diesel powered backyard BBQ power supply.  :D

I see some serious recycling going on here.  Good on you!

Quote from: Geno on April 11, 2010, 09:36:12 AM
My portable battery charger project is about complete. I made up the charging cables and put Anderson connectors on. The Flexmax has Anderson pigtail connectors coming out the bottom and I found a new, 100 amp, mil spec, Leece Neville, 24v alternator for cheap. The batteries need to be held down a little better but I think that's it.

Jen's, more about the CF please.

Thanks, Geno

"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


This year?  Whatever gets done.....I'm officially a year behind on my projects now, so I can start fresh!

I'm working on my CH...Chang....Chinga - darn, can't type the word - genset, should have it done in the next few weeks.  My load of 6/1's and 12/2's arrived last Friday, they are unloaded and safely stored in the shed (I even had one guy from Arkansas sitting in the yard salivating until I put one directly into his truck!) and my 10kw solar array is in progress.  The solar array is something I would never have done except, our "wonderful Liberal government in Ontario" is offering 80.2 cents kw/hr for every watt I can produce - and the rate is guaranteed for 20 years.  I did the math a hundred ways from Sunday and still came to the conclusion that it was a win situation - for me!  At last, a government program that is going to pay me instead of the other way around.  Before anyone asks, no, I'm not sorry to be taking advantage of some liberals!

After that, gotta clean up my boidiesel shed, build a new processor, maybe put together the producer gas unit, got an old mobile Ruston Hornsby genset that needs attention, my '61 Jag project is nearing completion......I'm tired just thinking about all that stuff.
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!



It's not generous, it's plain loopy.  Only in liberal territory would someone sell something for 10 cents and buy it for 80. 

Guy that was here from Arkansas on Saturday had a bumper sticker that read "Piss off a Liberal - work hard and be happy".  Hmm, might go into the bumper sticker business.....
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


I'd love to take advantage of the 80 cent plan but the cost of the hardware is way beyond whatever accumulates in my loose change jar.  I refuse to put my neck in a noose held by banksters.

John, I'd like to know how you are gonna collect any money from Ontario Hydro.  In a Net Metering situation they won't pay cash out for anything and after you cover what you used you get nothing, nada, zip for your generation plus YOU STILL HAVE TO PAY OUTRAGEOUS DELIVERY CHARGES AND OTHER BAILOUT FEES AND TAXES.  The more power you move in their direction, the higher those delivery charges could get!  Kinda like the one about the farmer that won the big lottery.  When asked what he was gonna do with his winnings he replied that he would probably keep farming until it was all gone.  >:(

Most of my workshop power comes from my diesel genset so my fuel bill for electricity is already high.  Then I'm connected to Ontario Hydro.  Guess what.  My typical bill is about $120/month.  of that $15 is actual electricity used.  About $80 is Deliver Charges, the rest are the other fees and taxes.  THIS IS UNCONSCIONABLE HIGHWAY ROBBERY!  With the new HST the utility bill is going to get even larger through higher taxes. This nonsense is the incentive that makes me work so hard on my wind turbine.

This subject just makes my blood boil.
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Quote from: JohnF on April 12, 2010, 03:53:00 AM
This year?  Whatever gets done.....I'm officially a year behind on my projects now, so I can start fresh!

I'm working on my CH...Chang....Chinga - darn, can't type the word - genset, should have it done in the next few weeks.  My load of 6/1's and 12/2's arrived last Friday, they are unloaded and safely stored in the shed (I even had one guy from Arkansas sitting in the yard salivating until I put one directly into his truck!) and my 10kw solar array is in progress.  The solar array is something I would never have done except, our "wonderful Liberal government in Ontario" is offering 80.2 cents kw/hr for every watt I can produce - and the rate is guaranteed for 20 years.  I did the math a hundred ways from Sunday and still came to the conclusion that it was a win situation - for me!  At last, a government program that is going to pay me instead of the other way around.  Before anyone asks, no, I'm not sorry to be taking advantage of some liberals!

After that, gotta clean up my boidiesel shed, build a new processor, maybe put together the producer gas unit, got an old mobile Ruston Hornsby genset that needs attention, my '61 Jag project is nearing completion......I'm tired just thinking about all that stuff.

If only I'd have known...  He has to drive thru (or close to) Missouri to get to Arkansas, he could have dropped one off with me...
GM90 6/1 ST5 (ready for emergency)
Changfa ZS1105GNM with 10kw gen head
S195 no gen head
1600 watts of solar panels are now here waiting for install
2635 watts of solar panels, Outback 3648 & 3048 Inverters, MX60, Mate
840Ah (20 hr rate) 48v battery bank & 660Ah (8 hr rate) 48v battery bank



Cost for putting the system in is around $100K.  There are banks now (and Farm Credit Corp) offering loans for this deal - they can all see the guaranteed return.  The people I'm dealing with guarantee $12,000/yr in income in my area and suspect it may be higher.  So at that rate, the 20 year return is $240,000 and the payback is around 9 years even if interest rates go up a bit.  The one drawback is that I do have to re-connect to the grid and that will cost per month, but the rest of the costs that Ontario robber Hydro can charge are mandated - even down to the "account admin fee" they can charge per month - $6.35.  It is not a net metering application, the rules have been mandated by the Ontario govt. and Hydro One has been instructed to go along with it and pay for the power produced.  In my case, because of the 80.2 cents, I'm not even going to use the produced solar electricity to power up the tracker - I'll use Hydro One stuff at 15 cents for that. 

I don't think this program is going to last more than 2 years, even a liberal has gotta come to his senses sometime!
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


I guess I'll have to look for any similar programs around here.
I'm building a 60'x60' shop/hangar which I plan to keep 'off grid'. It's in a rural area, I don't live there yet. I plan to move the ST2-LIMA genset there, plus Solar/MPPT Battery. Plenty of roof will be available for panels.  ;)
With current technology and dropping prices, I hope to avoid connecting to the grid. Would be nice to get paid for it tho-


Quote from: JohnF on April 12, 2010, 02:04:45 PM

Cost for putting the system in is around $100K.  There are banks now (and Farm Credit Corp) offering loans for this deal - they can all see the guaranteed return.  The people I'm dealing with guarantee $12,000/yr in income in my area and suspect it may be higher.  So at that rate, the 20 year return is $240,000 and the payback is around 9 years even if interest rates go up a bit.  The one drawback is that I do have to re-connect to the grid and that will cost per month, but the rest of the costs that Ontario robber Hydro can charge are mandated - even down to the "account admin fee" they can charge per month - $6.35.  It is not a net metering application, the rules have been mandated by the Ontario govt. and Hydro One has been instructed to go along with it and pay for the power produced.  In my case, because of the 80.2 cents, I'm not even going to use the produced solar electricity to power up the tracker - I'll use Hydro One stuff at 15 cents for that. 

I don't think this program is going to last more than 2 years, even a liberal has gotta come to his senses sometime!

John, our municipality has made resources available to a group that is applying for this program. Getting the approval and testing of the capability of existing Hydro transmission to convey the proposed power can be an issue. Though Ontario Hydro is compelled to purchase, the transmission process is a separate company and they do a cost benefit on where they can get the most bang for their buck and you have to wait in line till they get around to doing any upgrades they deem necessary.

Like much of the stimulous funding, someone wants to take credit for allocating the money but the process of getting approval, financing the local contribution portion etc. etc. effectively means that much of the wonderous allocations never come out of the deep pockets. When it does there is a large chance it will go through the hands of someone who is a friend of the party that is doing the posturing.

yesterday I drove in to the area that has been cleared and it is massive but since the project will need investers and much of the process is in the hands of others and a bit uncertain, it has not been easy raising money. If you can get your project going without any need to upgrade existing transmission system you might get lucky. Dont be doing any more of that knocking the present government, Lol! Suck up!

10-1 Jkson / ST-5