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Redstone Original Manufacturer?

Started by Apogee, March 14, 2010, 10:51:13 PM

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Since John and Joel have chosen to not import any more of these, would it be possible to get the original engine manufacturer's name and the model number of the engine?

I'm still interested in trying to find one, so if anyone has one and their project hasn't materialized, I'd love to know about it.

Short of that, it'd be helpful to be able to search on the correct brand and model number for reference information and parts.




So, 72 views and not one person knows who made them or a model number?   ???

I would understand the information vacuum if they were still being imported and sold by Joel and John with the objective of protecting their market.

But, BY THEIR OWN CHOICE, they're not.

This is EXACTLY the concern I had regarding information and parts availability when I considered buying one and I posted on the Lister Engine site about it.

Why the continued secrecy?  Is this some special skull and bones club or maybe the entropy design of the century?  So phenomenally good that we can't share any information about them because someone might be interested?

Good luck with that business model.  We can clearly see how successful it's been, as they're no longer available.




let me break the ice, so to speak

i have seen exactly one redstone, heard it run, was favorably impressed by the design and figured it to be a good
replacement for the big twins and larger hp singles.

i don't know who the manufacture is, or was
and i don't know the model number either.

my interest remains with the s195, and its little bro' the r175, although i might look at a 10hp aircoole DEK or similar
sometime down the road.

i wish i could tell you more than this, but i can't,, not because i am protecting anyone, but rather because i just don't know.

unless there is a change in the epa reg's, which i don't believe is going to be forthcoming under the current regime, it is probably
nearly impossible to import one anyway, and even if you could the price with shipping would make a compliant american or japanese engine
look very good in my opinion.

if i were you and was really looking for a restone, i would continue to post on the forums, and figure eventually someone will be hard up for
money and have to part with their engine.

other than that? i still have some big twin petteroids for sale
i have a 20/2 and a 28/2 with waterpumps, fans and radiators, preban and still in the crates
also have access to another 20/2 and 28/2 with same options

they are all  legal and all local too :)

bob g


IIRC John F told me a minimum order of 50 engines was what the manufacturer wanted , and that was just more than he could deal with.
If memory serves the darn things were also close to $2400 each.  Then add shipping and you have to figure a way to get the engine into the US. That's why I bought an 1100 Changfa clone used for $500.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


The answer may be very simple.
Perhaps people just don't know who the manufacturer is ?


The Redstone is, indeed, based on the JD1800, but with several improvements.  As others have said there are problems - one is the minimum order the Chinese want, the second is the good old EPA.  None of my U.S. associates are willing to take the risk of bringing in a container load of engines to have them seized at the Port of entry.  In my case, right now it is just too big an outlay of cash.  I might look at it again in the fall as I MAY have a company in China that would assemble a modest number for me, but that's the best I can offer right now.
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


John et all,

Thank you for your answers and the info.

My frustration point all along has been the information vacuum and I felt like it was continuing.

They seemed like a well put together solution, and I remain interested for no sane reason besides the fact that I like them.

Bob, thanks for the Petter offer.  I haven't forgotten about those either.  I do still have a couple of other engines to put together also.  Like I mentioned above, I need one for NO SANE REASON!


John, I hope you are able to line up a new manufacturer.




appogee, the redstones were made by JULING LTD as per the parts print that came w/the engine. blink
