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WOW...Old Tech Reinvented

Started by Lloyd, March 10, 2010, 10:41:48 AM

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This looks like a deal changer.....

As always it's target market in the beginning is so large. It seems to me that a smaller foot print project targeted at point of use could find a market faster than a multi-tens of thousand dollar deals.


In addition to its engine technologies, AVEC has designed a revolutionary new family of high-power "Axial Flux" coreless electric generators that reach 98.5% efficiency in converting mechanical to electric energy. AVEC's Axial Vector Engine is designed to be seamlessly integrated with two 100 kW Axial Flux generators in order to create a 200 kW generator set (GENSET) that is expected to become AVEC's first commercially marketed product.
JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


Lots of claims, no test data to support them.  You're a sucker for web techno blarney, Lloyd.


Well, Bruce that may be the case,

But seeing as how they have shipped and installed 2 units to Dubai...I'll bet that info is available or coming soon.

The generator(axialflux) tech is already if the re-invented diesel motor tech proves might be eating a little crow.

For those interested in the old tech of the motor try this link
Or if you're looking for old tech to re-invent this link

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


Oh, if they say they have two sold to Dubai, then it must be a real breakthrough.   ;D


JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


Dubai sales of two and a U tube video, that seems like sure bet.  Who needs independent test data with all that!   ::)


Hi Bruce,

I am only interested in the potential, If your not, maybe others are...nobody is being made an offer. I'm not sure what your point is, have you some knowledge that you would like to share that shows this is some kind of scam...or are you just being crusty?


Quote"Adaptive Propulsion Systems" (APS) will serve as our development arm and license vehicle for our Engines, Generators, Engine Control Systems and Gensets. We acquired APS from Tactronics Holding LLC in a negotiated sale. Originally the purchase price was $2,000,000.

APS will have a new updated website soon and we have uploaded lots of technical data including Dyno reports and are registering OEMs now for an easy due diligence process to facilitate licenses. Operating APS this way will also give us a pathway to finance further marketing costs utilizing Debt or Equity finance from APS. We are also in discussions with a major group on making a large investment in APS because of the results we can now show.

We also now have the exclusive rights to see our products in the United States Military and other NATO militaries receiving the full value of this for AVEC shareholders. The IP is we believe worth much more and under our new product development program with "Engine Tec".

Key developments for AXIAL VECTOR ENGINE CORP (BAE1)
Kirloskar Oil Engines Enters Binding MOU for Joint Venture Mass Production of Axial Vector Engines

Axial Vector Energy Corp. announced the signing of a binding MOU with Kirloskar Oil Engines to make ready for mass production of its multi fuel engines and the building of mass production lines for its engines in a Joint Venture which will be held 76% by KOEL and 24% by Axial Vector. Agreement components include technology development payment to Axial Vector by KOEL of $250,000. KOEL initially shall bear 100% of costs relating to Joint development of Engines for up to a limit of $2,000,000 of costs for making the engines ready for mass production. The intention of both parties is to form the Joint Venture in India for mass production of internal combustion engines using the opposed cylinder with unique crankshaft technology of Axial Vector and the engineering, marketing and manufacturing expertise of KOEL. Axial Vector will enter into a patent license agreement to the JV on its technology. Axial Vector will receive a five-year Royalty payment in addition to its JV ownership starting with 5% of product sales value. The marketing rights of the Joint Venture Company shall extend to all SAARC countries (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Bangladesh and Pakistan).
Axial Vector Engine Corp. Announces Three New Members Added to its Board of Advisors

Axial Vector Engine Corp. announced the appointment of Mr. Sanford Feld, Mr. Michael McShea, and Mr. Deane Preston to join as members of company's Board of Advisors. Mr. Sanford Feld is the founder, major shareholder and Chairman of Flavor and Food Ingredients Inc. d/b/a Summit Hill Flavors, a private natural flavor and savory company. He is also a major shareholder in several successful small cap and publicly traded companies. His essential management skills and network of contacts will provide invaluable assistance to company. Mr. Michael McShea has a Ph.D. in Finance from Canbourne University in London, as well as additional degrees from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania and National Association of Securities Dealers in Security License Sections 6, 26 and 63. He served in the United States Air Force as Comptroller/DCS Logistics and Materiel from 1970 to 1997. He was also a senior account manager at Watson Wyatt Worldwide (now Towers Watson), a global consulting firm publicly traded in the New York Stock Exchange. He is currently working as the Principal at MBM Financial in Prescott, Arizona. Mr. Deane Preston retired from a career in the electrical industry with senior level experience in construction, installation, maintenance of overhead, underground, substation, distribution, transmission lines and wind turbines. During his career, he also served as lead contract negotiator representing union employees to large utilities such as Portland General Electric and Pacific Power And Light.
Axial Vector Engine Corp. Announces Enters Joint Venture with India's Oldest and Largest Diesel Engine Manufacturer

Axial Vector Engine Corp. announced that it has agreed to enter a joint venture to mass produce its engine with India's oldest and largest diesel engine manufacturer. The name of this billion dollar plus company shall be announced after their next Board of Directors meeting on January 24th. Under the terms of agreement, Axial Vector will receive $250,000 as a technology transfer fee with the Indian partner investing up to an additional $2,000,000 for the mass production engineering of the AVEC engines. The JV company is expected to create millions of dollars of revenue in new engine sales. AVEC's new Indian partner also has a joint venture relationship with a large Japanese motor company to mass produce engines together. Their Joint Venture charter requires them to pursue new product technologies and lean manufacturing techniques for the automotive industry.

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


If you believe what you read on the web until it is proved that it's a scam, you need to adjust your bullshit detector.

Scams never have independent test data.  What kind of company would produce a revolutionary engine with no test data to support it?  The rest of their Blarney fits the typical pattern- just bought for $2M, sales to Dubai, etc.  All hype and no substance. 

It also seems highly technically unlikely that a major breakthrough in  internal combustion engine efficiency is going to happen at this late date. You did notice that modern engines don't have much better efficiency than the Lister CS design that is over 80 years old?


Well Bruce,

They lured over 5 million in cash from one of the most recognized VC's in green energy technology, whom has a track record of success. It's doubtful that any VC is going to drop any amount of money on an unverified opportunity.

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


If I invented a new widget that performed better than all the other widgets out there, I would run side by side tests and publish them.  These guys haven't.  One wonders how come that is.



Quote"Adaptive Propulsion Systems" (APS) will serve as our development arm and license vehicle for our Engines, Generators, Engine Control Systems and Gensets. We acquired APS from Tactronics Holding LLC in a negotiated sale. Originally the purchase price was $2,000,000.

APS will have a new updated website soon and we have uploaded lots of technical data including Dyno reports and are registering OEMs now for an easy due diligence process to facilitate licenses. Operating APS this way will also give us a pathway to finance further marketing costs utilizing Debt or Equity finance from APS. We are also in discussions with a major group on making a large investment in APS because of the results we can now show.

We also now have the exclusive rights to see our products in the United States Military and other NATO militaries receiving the full value of this for AVEC shareholders. The IP is we believe worth much more and under our new product development program with "Engine Tec".
JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


40,000 hours between engine overhauls! Gosh that is nearly half as long lived as a certain mythical Listeroid was supposed to be capable of. Those ball and socket joints everywhere in the engine sure must be some different stuff! I wonder how they create the oil wedge that most long lived engines depend on.

Now would be the time to get in on the ground floor, otherwise we will likely would have to pool our resources to buy one share a year from now!

10-1 Jkson / ST-5


Ok, so it looks like they will be publishing data.  That will be helpful. 

However, the release of hype before data is reminiscent of that surrounding the Tata air-powered car.  Seems after going public with fantastic claims of wonderful economy and signing partnership agreements with several co-conspirators, er, collaborators, release of the new car was delayed several times, and most recently, the VP of engineering admitted that the launch of a commercially viable vehicle in the near future was not possible.  Reality sucks sometimes.

Lloyd, not to rain on your parade or anything, but IC engines have been around an awful long time.  And the people who contributed to their development were amazingly talented.  So I for one don't expect anyone at this late date to come up with a fundamental innovation in the mechanics of extracting energy from hot expanding gas. 



Hey, I'm not going to get on anybody who finds something on the internet and brings it to my attention... unless I'm being sold. I can find all kinds of dubious claims on the internet for all kinds of crap.
As far as I know, no member has an interest in selling this tech to anybody!
Don't like it, don't buy it!

I'd be the first to line up for the first profitable use of this technology. Great! If it works, I'll buy it.

But first, I'll let the people from Dubai spend their cash. As far as I know, Dubai has more cash than it knows what to do with. Unless it doesn't, in which case they come back to the first world bankers and ask for a break. Which they get.

98%+ efficiency in rotational conversion?

I would guess that if it was as good as the boilerplate makes it out to be, that someone in the largest market in the world - the US - or at least somewhere in the first world - will have already evaluated it - and passed. Hence the Dubai installation.

I figure if the tech works, it'll become mainstream someday, and I'll invest in that.

Fat Charlie

It's a neat tidbit, and I'm glad that Lloyd posted it.  It's got a lot of "gee, wow" and a lot of laugh.  

For revolutionizing electricity itself they settle for a $250k payment and 24% of the joint company?  Oh, wait- they get a 5% royalty for 5 years.  No, I was thinking a little better than that.  One prototype and an independently verified side by side evaluation would leave them with an Oscar-like sweep of the Nobels:  Physics, Economics, Peace.  For exclusivity, companies would be begging to bear all the initial manufacturing costs in exchange for a minority share of the venture.  They'd do even better if they simply licensed the technology.  

On the other hand, money from Dubai does take a certain degree of genius.  My three year old can't come up with an idea silly enough for Dubai to throw money at.  Still- if Dubai is going for it, then it's a certified crazy idea- maybe crazy enough to work.  I'm looking forward to seeing more from these guys.  The "gee, wow" would be wonderful to see.  
Belleghuan 10/1
Utterpower PMG
Spare time for the install?  Priceless.
Solar air and hot water are next on the list.