This is great!! A place for us Changfa / Chinese Diesel owners.

Started by Henry W, September 21, 2009, 12:45:00 PM

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Henry W

Henry W

Is anyone working or running a S195 is weekend? Lets hear about it if someone is.




if my back will allow me, and the wife is well enough to take care of herself, i am planning
on rerunning a full set of specific fuel consumption tests on the 195 driving the st7.5 on sunday.

and if i can get through with that, i will rerun a set of tests on the 195 driving the 555alternator
for comparison.

i got tons of data from several months ago, but in all my excitment i didn't keep things together very

but now that i am typing this, i think i have my daughters science fair project from last year, it was a full
battery of tests burning a 50/50 mix of waste oil and pump diesel, maybe later tonight i will dig that up
and post those test results and then follow up tomorrow on pump diesel.

you going to do any specific fuel consumption testing this weekend?

personally i can't wait to see the results of a 195DI w/st12 belt drive, compared to 195IDI w/st7.5 direct drive

(i am betting you best me by 3-5% because the DI engine is about 5% more efficient than the IDI, and the st12 might
be a percent or two better than an st7.5 because you are running at about 2/3 capacity and i am running at near 95%capacity.)

maybe we can show these lister and listeroid boys how we changfa boys roll?

they only wish they could get as many kwatts out of a gallon of fuel!!


(throwing down the gaunlet)

bob g

maybe tomorrow we can plug in some really good content into the "Testing" section of this forum?

Henry W

Hello Bob,

I will be looking for a scale this weekend. And once I'm ready I will let you know.

I am really excited about doing this test.

I did not expect numbers I pulled yesterday with 100% diesel.

Bob, Guard those numbers from yesterday with your life. Sorry guy's the readings I pulled yesterday is lock box. And they will be posted once the test is ran again to confirm the readings from yesterday. The next test will also have fuel weighed.

But for now you guys will have to wait it out. ;D

Lets hope I can get a good scale for a decent price.



No problem Henry,  i will post mine and you can post yours,, besides
the admin will ban me for a week if i take credit for your numbers anyway!

i really look forward to your specific fuel consumption tests with that engine and genhead combo

i know i have squeezed mine for every last drop of efficiency, and am thinking i will be cracking
open the crate on a IDI 195 and i already have an st12 on the shop floor waiting for me to mate it up.

only wish i had a 3 phase meter head because i would mate my stc12 to the IDI 195 and see how much more
could be squeaked out... that would probably be the absolute limit for this class of engine driven genset.

good luck in your search for a scale

bob g

Capt Fred

Not on topic, but I wish there had been a forum or at least a thread for  Changfa engines before I got my roid, I'd likely gone this way (please don't tell them 'roid people though - i might get banned again  ;D)

Keep up the good work, might go changfa for the other house.

Cheers, Fred



You will love both engines for different reasons.
I have 2 Changfa's and just got a 6/1 roid. The best of both worlds.
Mobile Bob threatened to ban me from the Changfa club for treason, but then I think he realized that roids have a certain charm also.
(Between you and me.....I think he's jealous  ;)  )
