really confused about series parallel cross tied charging and discharging

Started by loonogs, February 08, 2010, 04:58:40 AM

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Sorry Loonogs, we derailed a bit there... ;D

Have you been getting any wiser? :)



You were right.

I to am glad we got that secured to all of or likings.

I really am sorry. I'm just so use to depending on what a comp..screen tells me, that you gotta knock me upside the head.

The worst kinda of being wrong, is when your definitively right, but wrong. As I was.

I hate eating crow, but I do eat, when I've earned it.

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


Actually, i'm glad you were wrong (;D), because before you presented that Peukert chart, i'd never heard of him (?!); i just knew how batteries behaved under different loads. ;)

Seing those wrong-looking numbers made me study what/who Peukert was, and since i have a head for math, i'm now a bit wiser, thanks to you. :) Had your chart made sense first time around, i wouldn't had bothered finding out what/who Peukert was.

See? It's always good for something. ;)

Now, where did i put that bottle of sherry?!


JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


Mobile Bob, i do take your point and man do you have a way with english!

Guys, thanks for all the information, data and real life incidents, i hope others are finding this as useful as i do.

I enjoyed reading the messages here, people here know their stuff and if wrong will say so.



Quote from: Lloyd on February 13, 2010, 08:13:28 PM
12 volts when dead shorted will give you enough amps to make black scorch marks, and nick metals..

Must have been a really wimpy dead battery.  Any 12V battery I use, if you short it, you've likely lost the use of the "shorting tool". It's either a full inch shorter, or fused  right into the remains of the battery.  And a string of batteries, too scary to think of.

Additionally, my friend at work, has no ring finger. While he was working on his motorcycle, he got his ring arc welded between the + and chassis on the battery cable.  His finger was trapped in the ring, and it just cooked it to the bone.   Gold wedding bands are higher resistance than copper battery cables, and while the battery was fresh, it welded the ring in place, and then just continued cooking.


24 volt starting systems will turn a wedding band florescent orange, and about a size larger
don't ask me how i know this,,

and no i don't wear a wedding band since.

bob g


Quote from: mike90045 on February 14, 2010, 10:41:47 PM
Quote from: Lloyd on February 13, 2010, 08:13:28 PM
12 volts when dead shorted will give you enough amps to make black scorch marks, and nick metals..
Additionally, my friend at work, has no ring finger. While he was working on his motorcycle, he got his ring arc welded between the + and chassis on the battery cable.  His finger was trapped in the ring, and it just cooked it to the bone.   Gold wedding bands are higher resistance than copper battery cables, and while the battery was fresh, it welded the ring in place, and then just continued cooking.

And that wasn't even a car battery. The "arc welded" isn't just a term, it's a fact. I have arc welded steel with a couple of car batteries several times.
I am looking forward to senility,
you meet so many new friends
every day.