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There is a backup of ""

Started by dubbleUJay, September 24, 2009, 08:15:37 AM

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Hi guys,
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to Copy/Past this post from another group, but this guy has a backup of the old site, so I thought it necessary to inform you guys of it!

Re: [Lister_CSOG] Re: New Lister engine forum

Michael wrote:

> --- In, Ade <javickers@...> wrote:
> >
> > Chaps,Following the apparent demise of the Lister CS forum "", I've set up a replacement for it at Unfortunately, took with it a wealth of useful information, which we'll need to rebuild over time. I hope some of you reading this will consider it a worthwhile exercise to join us.The forum isn't a replacement for this yahoo group, but hopefully will complement it.Cheers!Ade.
> >
> I made an "archive" mirror of the site several months ago, it's about 5GB. I could burn it to a couple of DVD's and mail it to the new site.
> What did happen, it's often "vanished" but returned ?

Maybe someone can convince him to get a copy so that we might get back some of the info on the old forum?

Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


we are aware of perhaps 2 or 3 copies of the old forum and are working on
retrieval of what is available.  no promises.. we shall see.

in my opinion, until the epa rules change and more of the listeroids are allowed
back into the US there is little need for the vast majority of the information contained
on the old forum. Most all the engine's that are now here have been reworked/rebuilt
and put into service.

how many times does a listeroid owner need to read about bleeding his fuel system?
or decide whether or not he will use a ton of concrete or rubber mount.

the thinking is, it is time to move forward and expand to include other engine's and work on
practical application of these engines into something that is almost universally useful, that
being cogeneration.

there will always be a place for a lister forum for those that have ready access to the original
engines and to the collectors of such engines predominately and to a much lessor extent those
that simply want an engine to work everyday.

as this forum evolves it will become apparent that the value is in all the ancillary bits and pieces
that generally are of little or no concern to an original dursley lister owner. Most of the dursley boys
care more about decal's and proper paint schemes than they do in autostarting, recovery of heat, driving refrigeration, establishing test procedures/protocols, etc.

while it would have been nice to have gotten everyone back from the old forum, we recognize that the
reality is there are different strokes for different folks. 

we at "" wish the dursley boys all the best, and hopefully they will fill a need left vacant by the demise of the listerforum.

what we need to do is stay focused on what the needs of this group are, certainly there is ample experience here to answer any question that should pop up regarding any aspect of a lister/oid engine,
so in reality the information lost in the old forum is really contained in the brains of those that make up
the membership here anyway.

yes we may need to retype a few posts as questions pop up, but likely this will work out better than sorting 5gb of stuff trying to ferret out a specific answer to a specific question that likely could be reasked and answered here in far less time.

time to move on and get back to doing what we do best, that is designing and building stuff!



I'm the guy with the backup, it's about 5 months old.    All threaded and everything, but I've no idea how to best "import" it to a new site.  Maybe it could be a locked thread, but still searchable.  There was a lot of good classic info there - along with a lot of ranting and such.  I can send it off in a DVD (I think if I zip it, it will fit on a single DVD) to folks who want one, but, having it online would be a benefit if one has the webspace. I have DSL, so uploading it would be many painfully slow days.


maybe a practical solution would be to copy the thing onto cd and offer it for sale on the member for sale section?

99.9% of everything of value was posted prior to 6 months ago anyway, so most everything one would want is probably
in there somewhere.

my vote is post copies for sale, i will buy one!

and besides, those with dial ups and other slow mo methods of internet would be better served with a dvd/cd copy anyway.

maybe with enough folks with a copy, we can take the thing apart by catagory and sort the wheat from the chaff, then copy/paste to here.

makes sense to me

bob g


With respect.... "Most of the dursley boys
care more about decal's and proper paint schemes than they do in autostarting, recovery of heat, driving refrigeration, establishing test procedures/protocols, etc." CERTAINLY DOESN'T PERTAIN TO MYSELF!.  I find your comments regarding Dursley Lister owners to be somewhat condescending.  :(

I have said repeatedly, that there were many tens (hundreds?) of thousands of Dursley Listers shipped "overseas" from the UK over the last 70 some years.  Certainly a large proportion of these engines have been crushed up to make cheap chinese junk, however they are still out there!!!!!

I'd hate for everyone to have the opinion that the sources have all dried up, and condemn many of these grand old girls to the same fate as some of their buddies.  

I looked around my neck of the woods for awhile and found a Dursley 6/1, and a 12/2 just sitting around on farms.  I got my 6/1 for $100 and the guy with the 12/2 wanted a couple of hundred for it but I was already in the process of restoring mine so I notified a fellow Lister forum member who snatched it up.  I am in contact with the "new" owner of the 12/2 and it has been completely restored.  It now resides in Vancouver BC.  I can post a pic of it with the permission of the new owner if you want.


Please don't write them all off as "junk" and keep the interest in finding them alive.
We're not sure who first discovered water, but we do know it wasn't a fish.


Just as "proof" of that which I speak, here's an updated sneak peek preview of what Penelope has become, and how close I am to making smoke.

The paint is standard hardware green, machine paint, easily patchable, she has new gaskets, bearings, bushings, rings, fittings, fuel pump (more on the trials and tribulations of that later) and is awaiting fine tuning of the fuel system.

We're not sure who first discovered water, but we do know it wasn't a fish.


I spent a little over 2 weeks reading every single thread on the old forum and there was a lot of useful info there . I do honestly think MobileBob had the highest word count  ;)  .  I would think if someone spent a week or so going thru all the post and condensing that 20% or so of the really useful info and organizing it into a read only archive it might be very helpful . condensing it into text only format , tossing all the name calling, pats on the back  and avatars you might end up with a decent size file that was fairly easy to upload

is it definite the old forum is not going back on line?  What on earth will the ciggeratte peddling leno do?


it does for the most part , other than what happened to the old forum causing it to disappear?  Virus/hacker ?


gotcha, I know I was getting the same server busy message as a few of the other simple machines forums when that krisbarteo jackass was causing problems


Quote from: Stan on September 24, 2009, 05:32:26 PM
With respect.... "Most of the dursley boys...........................
Please don't write them all off as "junk" and keep the interest in finding them alive.


This piece of "junk":

Mostly looks like this now because of the old forum:

No Decals YET, but I'm looking for a couple of arrows  ::)

Now, if someone sees these pictures, they might reconsider sending theirs to China's Hell Ovens, but they might need some info on how to do it if they get stuck!
Yes, they could ask all the questions again and make all the mistakes again, but why if it was already done?

Bottom line: "A Listeroid should never forget where it came from, respect your elders!"  ;)

PS- I like your pic Stan, see, I learned something new again, I never new they put the fuel filter on that side when a radiator were fitted!
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


without going back to reread what was posted, i don't believe i referred to original
dursley listers as "junk".

if i left anyone with that impression i humbly appologize  :-\

the point i was trying to make is simply that the originals are about as rare
as finding a 53 corvette in any condition in some old barn out in the middle of idaho.

at least in most area's of the US, now canada and other places beholding to the "crown" might
well have many laying about in barnyards, scrapyards, old barns, boats, etc.

if you can find one, by all means do what you can to resurrect it.

the problem basically comes down to the scarcity of the originals and the epa ban on new listeroid
imports make getting either for a newbie down right difficult if not impossible and in any event very
expensive in my opinion.

if we go over to jolly ole england they are popping up here and there for what i would call excellent prices, and i would suspect the vast majority that are anywhere near complete are gobbled up and restored by what our old friend GuyF referred to as "gentlemen" collectors. Of course i don't know for sure if this is the case, but i have no reason to argue the point with GuyF or anyone for that matter.

in summary, there is likely a bit of bite in my language based on a bit of sour taste left over from the
other forum where if you had an original lister you were at the front of the class, a listeroid you were in the first few row, and if you had a changfa or god forbid a gas engine you were either on the back row or not allowed a seat at all. so you might have to forgive my sharp witted comments in regard to lister owners being primarily fixated on proper color choice and decals.

as admin of this forum i certainly could have placed the lister section well below the chinese section
and likely would have heard about that,, actually i did catch a few comments (although light hearted) from the original lister boys about not having a place at the table and having to be relegated to the
"other diesel" catagory.

bottom line, i do not think that the original listers are junk, although it might be argued that some of
the listeroids and certainly the minipetters are.  i really do not think anyone here thinks that the originals are junk either,, so if you are new to this hobby and you run across one, don't dismiss it as being only so much scrap iron, come here and tell us about it and where it is located.

fair enough?



Yup..UUJ...The frame for the radiator is a marvel of engineering.  Everything fits perfectly, the pushrods miss the frame by less than 1/2" and preclude having the fuel filter on that side of the cylinder.

The piece of clear hose is a "modern" adjustment to the problem of having to purchase a listeroid (dont' hate me please) fuel pump.  My old one had water in it and had rusted, something that is death to a fuel pump on any slow speed diesel.  They told me I probably could only expect about 50% of the pressure I would need using it so I had to relegate it to spare parts, and buy a new one.

The new listeroid pump uses a different sized fuel input port so the banjo fittings wouldn't fit by a long shot.  I simply put a 3/8" hose fitting on the pump, hacked off the banjo fitting (safely storing the part I cut off in my bank safety deposit box for future use  :-[) and went out and bought some very expensive clear plastic hose specially designed for modern high speed diesel engines.  This is NOT the plastic hose that comes with some listeroids, it's $9/foot stuff only available in our local detroit diesel distributor.  I figured I'd like to see the fuel coming from the filter on it's way to the pump.  Since there's very little pressure here, I figure it should work???? missed my point entirely.  I didn't accuse you of calling dursley listers junk.  I did say that everyone, probably you too underestimates the number and availability of dursley listers all around you.  Try putting an inexpensive ad in one of the farm community newspapers near where you live.  Even if you live in Manhatten there has to be some farm communities within a couple of hours drive from you.  Something like "Wanted, big old double flywheel, single or double cylinder diesel engine, any condition".

A quick trip on a nice Sunday with the family to "farm country" will let you pick up some local papers for future reference and if you get a reply the same trip will soon let you know if it's a Lister or not.  I'd bet you a beer there's at least a few of them within 100 miles of you just cluttering of the back shed behind the barn and the wife has threatened at least 12 times to "get cousin Harry out here to clean out that mess".  If you are lucky to have an Amish community or Quakers near you, you probably have dozens of them all around you.  Go to one of their stores and just start asking around, and giving out your phone number of mailing address.  You can probably forget about giving out your email address though.  ;)
We're not sure who first discovered water, but we do know it wasn't a fish.


Point taken Stan, thanks for the clarification.



WJ...WOW, what a great set up you have, I envy you and congratulate you on your workmanship.....I finally got some time and pulled your photo up in photoshop and tried to blow it up to see how your fuel feed goes to your pump.  Can you explain how it works?  It looks like a double feed selectable at the pump.
We're not sure who first discovered water, but we do know it wasn't a fish.


Quote from: admin on September 24, 2009, 08:44:13 PM

without going back to reread what was posted, i don't believe i referred to original
dursley listers as "junk".

fair enough?


You never did admin, even I know that, with English being my second language ;)
Sometimes things can get mixed-up over cultural boundaries, as I might say something completely innocent for me that might offend others!  :(

If I didn't find a Dursley, I would have had a 'roid now. If the Dursley would have cost me more than an import, I would've had a 'roid now as well!

I thing Stan said it all in his 2nd (3rd?) post.
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -