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Last post

Started by oliver90owner, December 12, 2009, 02:59:24 PM

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Last post

Question: why is it in bold type?  When I come on to the board to check for new (today) posts I am confronted with so many 'last post' in bold that I am having to look carefully for the new posts.  Just seems unnecessary.

Can it be changed, please?

Regards, RAB


I agree....I got tired of scanning the side bar looking for the obvious Today. I started using the "Show unread post since last visit" Now that is easy...
Vidhata 6/1, Power Solutions 6/1, Kubota Z482


welcome aboard RAB!

sorry the forum isn't quite to your liking, but as with most everything in life it is a compromise i guess.

as stated the best way to track the forum is with the "show unread posts since last visit" as stated, and
if it is something you have a special interest in, be sure and mark it for email notification, that way you will
get followups via email, which might or might not be useful to you.

anyway, good to see you onboard

bob g


Hi Mobile Bob,


sorry the forum isn't quite to your liking

Not at all.  Let me put it another way.

Why is 'last post' emboldened?  Usually there is a good reason for doing something or you don't do it.  I'd like to hear it, as I am just  unable to see/understand the reasoning behind it.

I would also say there are a few sections that could be omitted/condensed into fewer.  Just my observations and first impressions.  Much better than disappearing for days on end, though....

Regards, RAB


RAB, I believe Admin is looking into the "many" sections situations and it was the intention to see which sections work or not and can be combined. Personally I think it was quite clever! ;)

I cannot help you with the BOLD thingy as I always just look at "Show unread post since last visit" like XYZER, it works for me.
Ade, can you help with this one ???
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


The bolded "today" is just how SMF displays posts that were posted today, as far as I can tell...

I haven't seen a setting in the admin screens for it, so I assume it's coded as part of the theme, or possibly hard-coded in the software itself. My money's on the software, as I use the "Babylon" theme rather than the default one, and "Today" is bold there too.

There's a few ways of tracking down unread posts. The easiest is to click "Show unread posts since last visit", up by your avatar. If nothing shows (but you're sure that there are unread posts), click the "All unread topics" link that will have appeared on the screen.

Another option is to click the forum icon (which should be dark blue where there are new posts); this will bring up all the posts in that forum with at least one unread message.

Finally, clicking the little "New" icon that's next to each thread with new posts, will take you straight to the first post you've not read since your last visit... (assuming, that is, you never use the "mark all posts read" link).

WRT the bolded "Today", if it continues to be a hassle, I'll have a look to see how difficult it is to remove.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...



WRT the bolded "Today"

It is not that which is the problem. 

When I access the forum I am presented with a list of sections, this one at the top.  It is the emboldened 'Last post' which is the issue.  There is obviously a last post for everything, so it, as far a s I can see, is pretty well superfluous, not needed and a waste of time highlighting that fact.

I need to scroll down to find the recent posts icon and can sort if I want to see any posts today (also usefully emboldened).  My question remains:  What is the reason for emboldenment of the words 'last post'.  All sensible explanations accepted.  It was not this way, and is not, on the old forum.

Regards, RAB


This forum was never meant or will never be the perfect solution for everyone, the hope being it
will suffice for the majority.

Sure there are quirks, but most that have been here for a while now have come to accept them and take it
in stride.

As for the large number of boards, over time some will be removed, moved, consolidated, to clean up the appearance
and to allow for the formation of other useful boards to be added.

So far we have been in operation for just under 3 months, and have done a pretty good job here in the opinion of most.

We certainly could do better in some area's, and likely will as time goes along and we attract more members with interests
that more closely relate to specific boards, so I am hesitant to be too hasty in removal of what might be an underused board
until we have given it more time.

For those that are intimidated or irritated by the size of the forum, you can shrink sections so that they do not take up near as much
space on your screen, and basically be invisible to you.  I would suggest anyone that doesn't care for a particular forum for whatever
reason go ahead and just minimize the section, that way you won't be bothered by what happens or does not happen there.

We have a fairly high percentage of active members on this forum with varied interests and experience, some of which comes to light
with some regularity on these various boards. Without these boards we might not ever be aware of the resources we have at hand with
the membership.

This is "our" forum and it will be whatever we want it to be, and it will only be as good as what we put into it.

So far it looks pretty good to me  :)

Thanks for everyones effort



Quote from: oliver90owner on December 13, 2009, 02:03:37 PM

WRT the bolded "Today"

It is not that which is the problem. 

When I access the forum I am presented with a list of sections, this one at the top.  It is the emboldened 'Last post' which is the issue.  There is obviously a last post for everything, so it, as far a s I can see, is pretty well superfluous, not needed and a waste of time highlighting that fact.

I need to scroll down to find the recent posts icon and can sort if I want to see any posts today (also usefully emboldened).  My question remains:  What is the reason for emboldenment of the words 'last post'.  All sensible explanations accepted.  It was not this way, and is not, on the old forum.

Regards, RAB


It's a "feature" of the theme you are using - which is, of course, the default forum theme.

To get rid of it (and, as an aside, make the whole forum look more like "the old forum"), do the following:

  • Click the "Profile" link, near the top of the screen
  • In the left-hand sidebar, in the Modify Profile section, click "Look and Layout preferences
  • Next to "Current Theme", click the "(change)" link
  • Scroll down & choose the "Babylon" theme
  • The forum will now look like the old one, and the bolded "last post" is bold no longer


(PS: If you switch to Babylon, you'll notice the "YouTube" button loses its image - this is also a "feature", I must speak to Admin about the solution...)
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


Thanks to AdeV,  I was able to change to the Babylon "theme", and I do find that easier for me.

I have some vision problems, have to mess with colors of the display to be able to read at all on the screen, must print anything lengthy.  I'm glad someone brought up a format issue, because I wouldn't have learned from AdeV that there are some options you can mess with. 

We are very lucky to have you helping this wonderful forum along, AdeV.  In helping someone else, you helped me a bunch too.  Thank you!



i stumbled onto the babylon theme the first weekend the forum was up and running, then forgot to mention it
as i guess i figured that was what everyone was seeing.

i like it much better than the default theme overall.

bob g


I removed my post but it looks like I may have also removed the post below mine - my apologies for that.
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


Wow, our first tempest in a teacup.  I'm using the 'default' format, not the babble-on format, and I have had no *urgent* format issues.  Guess I must be blind and stupid, or just far too tolerant.  ???
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Quote from: JohnF on December 14, 2009, 02:57:18 AM
I removed my post but it looks like I may have also removed the post below mine - my apologies for that.

Sorry to see that you capitulated and deleted your post John.  Was it because you no longer feel that the original poster came across as a bit whiney and presumptuous being a first post newbie to this forum?

I'm starting to see a trend here that somehow deems it necessary to santize the historical record and hide the 'rough parts' of our reality so as to not potentially offend 'newcomers'  Frankly I don't like it, Jens!

Let there be no doubt then.  Why not make a bold statement on the site home page proclaiming the absurd that unlike the rest of the world's, out shit has absolutely no smell!
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Chaps, please... there's no need for snarkiness in this thread. RAB's request was a perfectly valid one, once I'd understood what he was asking (and my reason for not understanding is, in the theme I use, the problem isn't there!). The solution may not be perfect, but it is there - and by happy coincidence it makes the forum look more like LEF.

Bruce, thanks for your kind comments :) For what it's worth: This sort of stuff is what I do all day, every day. My day job is working on website-driven software; not quite forums, but it involves a user interface. My Lister's, CHP plans and other stuff is all sideline hobbies. At the moment, I'm doing nothing with the Lister because I'm far too busy playing with my new lathe & milling machine. Because all this stuff is a hobby, and because I'm only learning as I go along, I tend not to be able to contribute much to some of you practical folks. So, when I can contribute something useful - e.g. forum instructions - I'm happy and willing to do so, as it's giving something useful back to the community.

JohnF - you can only delete your own comments. By doing a bit of forensic "reading between the lines", I'm guessing Jens subsequently deleted his post as it was a reply to your now-deleted post. But that's just a guess. Maybe the dog ate it ;)

Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...