Witte model CD-14RBA complete with papers

Started by AKcrab, January 31, 2023, 07:53:06 PM

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Last summer I was given a complete Witte CD-14 engine-generator unit. It came with a sales brochure, care and operation manual for both engine and generator, warranty papers, and a bill of sale.

The unit was purchased from NC Machinery in Juneau, Alaska in 1974 as a reman unit for $4,235. That's $23,037 in today's dollars. Pretty steep price for a rebuilt unit!

Sales brochure claims "continuous duty operation in excess of 30,000 between major overhauls is the rule, not the exception". Seems promising.

It also states the condenser cooling system will permit continuous operation for 90 days without adding coolant. An optional lubricating oil reservoir with float valve allows unattended operation for up to 90 days.

Anyway got it running after unsticking the pump element and injector nozzle. Didn't run it for long because I'd like to go through it before putting it back in service here on the island.

The file of info also contains some old hand written notes of various parts suppliers. There is one in Washington state that interests me. Doesn't seem to be in business anymore, but maybe a guy could do some detective work and see where the spare parts ended up.

Henry W

AKcrab, welcome aboard!

It sounds like you have quite a generator and, quite a piece of history. Looking forward hearing more about it.

Thanks for posting.

Tom Reed

I have a BD genset from around that time period. Parts are hard to find. Gaskets to go can make you a head gasket. Wish mine had the condensing system.
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



Yes the parts situation is unfortunate. Especially the rare fuel injection pump.

I've got a good source of WVO, but don't want to risk damaging my fuel injection until I can find a spare.

I was talking to Steve Perks from Stationary Engine Parts about possibly adapting a more common injector pump to the engine. He said I should try and find a BPF1A or FA0AB style pump with an 8mm element.

A quick web search for those came up empty.

Anyone here know of a source? Any other ideas would be appreciated. I don't mind making an adapter if necessary.

Tom Reed

The BD IP parts are unobtanium too. And the barrel and plunger were worn out. I found a company call Mylex international in MS that replated the old parts with chrome and refit them. Price was reasonable, but it takes about 3 months. On the BD the injector nozzle is the same as a Chinese S195.
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



Very good information Tom. Thanks.

My sales brochure lists your BD as 5.4KW, 9hp @ 1,040 RPM. I wonder how my CD would run with that Chinese injector nozzle?

Tom Reed

Pull the injector and get the numbers off the nozzle. Then see if they match up.
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator

