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Working Exhaust heat exchanger projects

Started by keith71, January 14, 2023, 02:22:05 PM

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Hi all, has anyone built a working exhaust heat exchanger for a diesel engine yet? Have seen lots of threads on the subject but no working examples really.
If anyone does have one going, could you list some of the parts you used, what style did you build. Was it succesful and are you still using it?

This forum needs a horse kick in the ass to wake up and get motivated on them projects again..

Thanks, Keith71
Kubota D722
10HP Diesel Air cooled 186fa yanmar clone                                                         
12/2   Field Marshall CS Lister clone
 R170 Jiangdong  (needs some work)

Tom Reed

Most of the systems I've read about had soot issues.
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



Depending on the engine size, consider an EGR Cooler from a v8 diesel truck engine.
It's a perfect stainless steel "Shell and Tube" heat exchanger with the right connections.

Exhaust in/out
Water In/Out

And its made for diesel exhaust.
The capacity to handle the EGR for a large bore V8 diesel probably matches the full flow of a small single cylinder engine.

I picked up one used for $30

Look for the Ford 6.0L Powerstroke diesel EGR Cooler.
Many people remove them as part of an emissions mod.

Wreckers have them also.

Henry W

Bob G has built some successful prototypes. We might be able to get him involved once he's finished with an engine rebuild.


id love to see bob chime in on this. Ive seen lots of talk of what he has come up with but yet to actually see any picture?

Im currently working on building a SS shell in tube exhaust heat exchanger. Hopefully ill be posting pictures soon


Naturally I haven't taken a finished photo yet but hopefully soon IMG_9451 Medium.png

Tom Reed

Alright! Is exhaust going through the shell or tubes?
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



The exhaust will flow through the small tubes and the water will flow around them.