Latitude/Longitude/Distance & Planimeter Perimeter/Area Software

Started by sailawayrb, October 16, 2020, 02:14:53 PM

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I recently developed two software calculators that folks who frequent this forum might find useful.  Both of these calculators may be used to determine the GPS coordinates from a legal property description so as to accurately determine property boundaries, property perimeter and property area and Google map the property as illustrated here:

Known and documented survey monument latitude and longitude coordinate points (e.g., township, range and section corners) accurate in degrees to seven significant decimal digits or about 1/2 inch accuracy may be found here:

The first calculator (i.e., "Latitude Longitude Distance Calculator") is used to determine either:

1) The unknown North/South and East/West distances if the known latitude and longitude coordinates of both the survey reference point and the second reference point are entered into the calculator.

2) The unknown second reference point latitude and longitude coordinates if the known survey monument reference point latitude and longitude coordinates are entered into the calculator and the known North/South and East/West distances between these two points are entered into the calculator.

3) The unknown second reference point latitude and longitude coordinates if the known survey monument reference point latitude and longitude coordinates are entered into the calculator and the known bearing and great circle distance to the unknown second reference point are entered into the calculator.

If you enter 97537 for the first input parameter (i.e., "Point 1 Latitude") of the first calculator (i.e., "Latitude Longitude Distance Calculator"), you will quickly see how Point 2) of the "True Point of Beginning" was determined by using the associated legal property description bearing and distance and see it Google mapped.

The second calculator (i.e., "Planimeter Calculator") determines the perimeter and area of an arbitrary shaped section of land if you know the latitude and longitude coordinates of several points that define the enclosed land area.

If you enter 97537.1 for the first input parameter (i.e., "Point 1 Latitude") of the second calculator (i.e., "Planimeter Calculator"), you will quickly see all the "True Point of Beginning" markers Google mapped.

If you enter 97537.2 for the first input parameter (i.e., "Point 1 Latitude") of the second calculator (i.e., "Planimeter Calculator"), you will quickly see the all property boundary markers Google mapped.

The associated instructions for each calculator clearly explain how they should be properly used.  If you use survey monument latitude and longitude coordinate points accurate in degrees to seven decimal digits and use the oblate spheroid earth option, overall 1/2" accuracy may be expected.