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TIER 4 Mid Sized CHP System

Started by veggie, December 01, 2016, 05:02:23 PM

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Cool but it looks pretty complex lol


Yes, very interesting.  They'll need to do some serious sound reduction to sell any of these outside the industrial plant.


some years ago,  i found or someone posted a link to what in my opinion is one of the largest chp units hidden right under
everyone's nose on the 3rd floor of a high rise building.

if i recall it had two large natgas engine's providing all the heat, power and cooling the building needs.  the elevators skip the 3rd floor, you have to have a key to get there.

iirc the units have been running since in the 60s and have never been down.

when the power in the city goes down it is the only high rise that still has lights on.

it is an excellent example of sound and other vibration isolation.

now that i think about it, i think i found the site while researching "ebullient" cooling systems.

i was amazed at how folks have worked in that building for years and never have heard, smelled, or felt anything associated with the units running right above their heads and under their feet.

bob g