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checking in and taking the "pulse"

Started by mobile_bob, April 28, 2016, 04:41:12 PM

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is the patient dead?


i have to apologize for not being around much this last year or so, having gotten into local politics
i find that there is precious little time these days.

it has come to the point in my life that i must pass on the torch, at least as it relates to some research
and development that i have been working on. (or at least "worked" on)...

recently i looked through some notes that i made back in 2007 and found some stuff on diy exhaust heat
exchangers, particularly the one that i built the prototype of and ran something like 50 hours of testing on.

if there is some interest i will try and find the time to pass on some of this stuff, perhaps it might be useful to someone
and/or someone can pickup where i left off and use it for the better.

bob g

ps. i will also clear the decks with the new member applications, and open it up to new guys/gals.   for quite some time
we have been over run by new member applications that are clearly bots and/or from countries that are notorious for putting out
trojan/virus/adware and other bullcrap.

Tom Reed

Nope I'm still here. Now working on setting up a heating oil tank to fill the day tank for the listeroid. The '55 chevy running?
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



still read the board everyday and contribute where i can
My Projects
Metro 6/1  Diesel / Natural Gas, Backup Generator  
22kw Solar in three arrays 
2.5kw 3.7 meter wind turbine
2 Solar Air heaters  Totaling 150 Sq/Ft
1969 Camaro 560hp 4 speed automatic with overdrive
2005 Infiniti G35 coupe 6 speed manual transmission


I check in almost everyday, usually to read and learn.  I'm assuming everybody is running fine with no problems or there would be more posts.
Witte 98RC Gas burner - Kubota D600 w/ST7.5KW head.
I'm not afraid to take anything apart.
I am sometimes afraid I'm not going to get it back together.


I check daily but there is just nothing going on here at all.  Time to re-integrate with LEF?  


Well I'm having fun again after years lost in the too idealistic woodgas world.

Saved back for months and finally got a new Yamaha EF2800i inverter-generator.
Been running it in on variable speed and loadings on gasoline since brought home on Tuesday.

Amazing economical at 0.13 gallons gasoline an hour at 300-500 watt loading.
Amazing non-motor loaded wattage possible on this nominal 2500/2800 watt system. Today I loaded it up resistive, inductive and electronically loaded to 3525 watts with not enough voltage/cyles drooping to matter. And it did not even overload AC stop generating.

I'll be using this as a home 16 hours a day in my no-solar part of the world for a "no batteries requires" IC engine based BASE electrical system.
Where we were in the 1920's, 30's until Big Gov'Mint rural electrical. In the Kohler history. In the Onan history.
I have bets out now that I can too get an 8000 hours service life out of this engine.
Lining up annual service parts for this 171cc Yamaha now.
Propane conversion for sure.
Woodgas. Charcoal gas, adapted/proofed sure too.
Methane street gas is a never will have here in these mountains.
Kerosene fueling possible too. Honda take-off carbs on E-bay.

Bob it gets back to fun throwing out others demands for perfectionism, their idealisms and doing some make IC engine shaft power daily.
Those engines make-running daily makes an engine guy perk right back up!
Try it.
Viagra for the DIY lost soul.

Steve Unruh
"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.


it is so nice to hear from you guys again, it has been too long.

Steve, my bet would be that the yamaha exceeds your goal for hours before overhaul... good service and i think it would get
much more than that.
there are reports of gx160 honda's doing over 10k hours and i remember one report of over 20k hours.

all i know is i used one of the gx160's on an aircompressor in my service truck for years, i think maybe close to 15 years
and treated it like i stole it.  it got maybe one or two oil changes, and one air cleaner in all that time... and it continued to run
just fine, start on the second pull and never used a drop of oil.

ran a long time on  a tank of gas too!  i can't remember how long but much longer than i would have every expected.

Tom, nope the 55 is still not running!  it is now 42 years since i bought it, i think i will be buried in it.

as for integrating with the LEF,  i don't see that happening

having bought the rights to the LEF several years ago, it was my goal to integrated the LEF into this forum, but was told it was going to be a real pain to do... never looked any deeper into doing that.

i have considered going back to that date and making an archive of the LEF to attach here to this forum.  my thinking is, most of the really good stuff happened prior to that date, and since the discussion seems to be more toward the genuine lister engine and those that own them... or at least there is a stronger showing in that direction than what was going on in the past.

to be honest i haven't given it a lot of thought.

on an up note,  i am wondering what might happen after the next election?  we might get lucky and get a new president that might pull a few of the teeth out of the US/EPA.  if nothing else maybe a new president can do something to cut their budget and/or give them a bit of guidance on what they should be mandated to do.

it just seems like maybe they have gotten a whole lot head strong about regulating the living crap out of everything these days.

of course i have little hope, given we have gotten to the place where we have to allow guys that feel like a woman today go to the women's rest room, when maybe tomorrow they will feel like a man and go to the men's room.

i know that is probably not a PC thing to talk about, but hell, we have gotten to the point we can't even discuss anything without hurting someone itty bitty feelings and be branded a bigot or whatever else that want to tag us with.

tag your it.

bob g

Tom T

Good to hear from you Bob and every one else am  in Montana now for a while will be hear untell it gets to cold then back to Oregon for now am running off of a HONDA 2000i Grate machine trying to get solar and wind set up have thee lister stuff in Oregon.Every one take care and stay healthy. Tom T


Well BobG sound like you have like most of us reached the Nanny-Statism tipping point too.

Sigh I see no turning back point in this Progressive-ism's. Best we can do here US, Canada and 3rd world is continued foot dragging, defunding.
Letting the UK and others show the personal freedoms loses slides. And true horrendous social expenses.

WHY it is important to Fist-Up-In-The-Air bootleg make personal power anywhere daily where you can! Screw the grid-tieing.
One of those engines of yours on your street gas perking along running a gen-head daily will do the cry-out Freedom trick.

I burn up daily now one US gallon of gasoline to power the three chest freezers. The chicken house light, off-the grid shop lighting and such. An "energy wasteful" "pee-loot-ing" IC engine (wife's Honda EU2000I or my Harbor Freight Yammers-clone 2-stroke) did duty in the greenhouse earlier lighting and under the raised growing beds shedding-off space heating. Near 100% energy utilization. Just could not figure out how to put the engine-gen noise "squeal" to energy use.
No more greenhouse heating (or lighting) needed now. So I am making up a wood fuel beehive pile with a cubby-hole inside for the 66 pound Yamaha unit to slide into and generate from. Loose tarp cover and it can wood dry for the next 2 months. PNW Wetside net effect wood drying not possible untill after the beginning of July.
THEN that Yamaha engine heats can be making exhaust exchanger domestic hot water and engine fan vegetable and fruits forces air dehydrating. Time of highest freezers electrical needs then too.

Onan and Kohler and original Lister started out right with on-locations needs generating way back when.
The BIG, Mondo, energy central located generating whole society costing Named Projects distributed out across continents was the "wasteful" mistaken path to take. One size hat solutions fits many poorly.

Yep.Yep. My own chicken free-ranging eggs may actually "cost" me $5.00 a dozen with predator losses for hen replacements. But they ARE still My eggs. Better quality. Not having to be dino fuel nurtured, refrigerated and cross continent ship to us. Cheap? NO. Expensive! Only cheap as long as the recoverable oil lasts.
Home-made or grown; then YOU control.
Fresh out of the oven cookies made with love? You betcha'!! THE best.

The real Mistake is allowing ourselves to bought-off by "cheap" eggs, cheap power, cheapened Top-Down supplied/controlled e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. This benefits the Top-Down Controller/Priests to convince us to stop personal producing anything, and Matrix-like accept only being dependent on them as sheeple consumers. They profit from every damn step then.

Yeah. Maybe my Big-Hydro/Nuke/NaturalGas grid electricity is still only 10 cents a KW/h.
Maybe my own made-at-home electricity is 15 cents to 50 cents a kW/h depending on the fuel source and engine life.
It's MINE then.

That is the over-riding benefit for me.
Keeping a cost as your decision point means they still own you heart and soul.

Ha! OK I take it no engine life bet money to milk from you, eh?
I get 2000 hours on all of the aircooled outdoor equipment four stoke engines with cast iron bores consistently. That is with years of many cold start to warming up cycles. Highest wear cycles. Most often ran at 3000-3600 RPM. Higher wear and fuel use end of the charts too.
How 2000 hours? I cheat. I Never overheat. Good brake-ins. Then 5W-50, or 0W-40 synthetic oils. Changed at oil coloring. Ha! Only .6 quarts per change on this Yamaha.
This Yamaha cast iron bore inverter unit base operates at 2820 RPM to a load driven 3560 RPM. Easy wear duty.
One year will be only 365 cold starts. Easy wear duty.

Steve Unruh
"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.


yup the centralization scheme, was just that a big fat beautiful "scheme"

i remember all the claims that nuke power would be too cheap to meter!  remember that crap?

just like the scheme where GM, Standard oil, Firestone (or was it Goodyear) that banded together to get urban area's to yank out all the interurban light rail systems,  in favor of Buses as they would be more efficient?  ya right... we see how that all worked out.

how many cities are now putting the rails back in, at horrendous cost?  i know seattle has done so, and maybe by now has connected to tacoma and everett?   not sure but if i recall they planned to do so anyway, when i left in '11 they were connected to Seatac airport.

generating ones own power makes one more responsible in my opinion, and what is wrong with knowing where your food comes from, or where your power comes from?

bob g

Hugh Conway

I'm still here thumpin' away too.
We used to have grid power, but told them to take their wires off my pty a few years back. We do the panels, batteries, and a listeroid with pmg for those too often cloudy days in the coastal pnw. I have to agree with just about all the previous comments, esp SteveU's about top- down control. We're trying to get farther away from that here too. The garden and orchard grow just about everything we we eat. Our bees help with the pollination and give us some honey now and again. It is a tough go for bees here though.....wet is not helpful. Surplus food gets given to friends who give us local caught fish, home grown eggs, meat in return. Nothing formal, it just happens. Way better for everyone.
I have a check-in here nearly daily as well, just that as Thob mentioned, maybe everybody is running fairly smooth now, so we don't write as much as before. Also, now there is a wealth of information both here and on LEF. Most of the major issues have been pretty much solved, now it is helping each other with's a real nice group of people, and I consider myself being very fortunate to have such a large group of like minded friends who live all over the place.
Still standing.
JKSON 6/1 Utterpower PMG off grid
Lister SR2 with Newage Stamford 9.4Kw gen.....project
Lister 6/1 Start-o-Matic.........project


I still have a pulse too.  Had grandkids visit over the weekend, and was busy, and didn't see the notice as it came out.   But I still check here alternate days, to see whats cooking.


I check at least once a week. Busy time of year, spring and all. Solar meeting my needs so well I'm not using ICE's very much for power.



Check in here couple times a week also.
As to the content of the other board  I think you will see a continuation in the trend away from India diesels for several reasons but the primary one is $$$
Even in full D-I-Y mode a new 'roid is a $3000 project by the time its at your door and running and people who are looking at that direction simply add a small amount and go with  Dursley built product, at least that's what is going on at my shop.
$3000.00 'roid? no line. $3500 CS Lister, long line,,,,,,
Fume and smoke addict
electricly illiterate



I check most days.  Since the State of Hawaii decided that petroleum based electrical generation is the future of the planet I've put my self reliant dreams on sleep mode.  (OK, I know there's a big word for this course of action but let's just take a break today and look for the goodness in our brothers and sisters. {I'm morning and healing.})  I still enjoy reading about the wonderfully motivated really alive people that post here and on the other site (LEF).  Please keep up the great ideas and please keep posting about them.
