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Started by potter, November 13, 2009, 02:16:59 PM

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Old Iron For A New Age


I fail to understand the logic of the site owner.

He has folks that want to use the forum.  He has Andrew who has done a good job admining the forum with the tools that he had on hand.

What is the purpose of tying Andrew's hands and not allowing updates to be made?

Also, what is the purpose of maintaining such an unstable environment that folks no longer want to be there?

I simply don't get it.

We have offered to pay for better hosting, help with admin and still nothing.

I flat fail to understand the logic...

The site owner is obviously like a child emotionally and is screaming "mine, mine, mine..." even while destroying it.



I have a different view of this whole matter and I can probably say it 'cos I'm well away from everyone:  ;)
The site owner LEF's admin is on the Arab's payroll and they don't want you guys to use Waste "anything" to run your fuel efficient "slow-speeds" (and from what I've read, I understand that the US wants to stop the imports of these as well!!!)

It's just a matter of time before they get to us here!  ;D

dubbleUJay havin' a "paranoidal" moment!
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


I talked with Andrew many times over the summer with the intent of moving the site to stable servers.  Unfortunately I think he feels an obligation to the current owner and wouldn't do anything without his blessing.  Heck, I even offered to buy the site and never heard anything from the current owner, so, too bad.......
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


Andrew (aka T19) did, as far as I can tell, as good a job as he could have done under the circumstances. He also struck me as a very honest man, and someone who wouldn't double-cross you no matter what the circumstances. I believe this is why he's not prepared to undermine LEF's admin, no matter what happens.

And I, for one, admire him for that. He's got his principles and stuck to them. I wish more people were like that.

I also know that some of the comments that were aimed his way cut him deeply; and some comments really pissed him off, a lot. That's the reason he turned his back on this forum; and frankly I don't blame him. If I'd been on the receiving end of similar comments, I'd not be here either.

So, let's cut him a little slack, eh?

Now, LEF's admin, on the other hand, I genuinely don't understand why he refuses all offers of help, and seems happy to let LEF drop out for days - now weeks - at a time. And yet, the occasional communication that does find its way out of his bunker seems to show genuine concern & a desire to rectify the issues.

Anyway: Enough. It'll be great if LEF returns; but no big deal if it doesn't. This forum is really starting to take on a life & identity of it's own now, and I think it'll stand on its own two feet.

Just my £0.02 ($0.033 approx).
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


My "paranoidal comment" was aimed at making this "dark" subject a bit light hearted, hope it was taken in that context. :D
I was talking about the admin of the site, not T19, and I corrected my mistake above! ::)
I've got to watch my mouth, maybe someone comes over next year to watch the soccer and come looking 4 me in between matches, ZA aren't that big!!!  :D ;D
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


Quote from: dubbleUJay on November 14, 2009, 06:12:32 AM
...maybe someone comes over next year to watch the soccer and come looking 4 me in between matches...

Hmmm - not thinking of coming looking in that respect, but if you've got spare bedroom(s), you could make a fortune renting to the Brits (or whoever, probably). Apparently all hotels in ZA are already block booked while the football's in town...
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


Quote from: Jens on November 14, 2009, 07:51:00 AM
Quote from: AdeV on November 14, 2009, 02:51:41 AM
I also know that some of the comments that were aimed his way cut him deeply; and some comments really pissed him off, a lot.

Re comment #2 - I am assuming it is pointed in my direction.

Jens - like Andew, I'm taking great care to not personalise this. For sure, there was some public dirty-knicker-waving between you two; but frankly there's more to it than that.

IMHO, that's where it should be left. Certainly, that's where I'M leaving it...
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


Quote from: AdeV on November 14, 2009, 09:44:21 AM
Quote from: dubbleUJay on November 14, 2009, 06:12:32 AM
...maybe someone comes over next year to watch the soccer and come looking 4 me in between matches...

Hmmm - not thinking of coming looking in that respect, but if you've got spare bedroom(s), you could make a fortune renting to the Brits (or whoever, probably). Apparently all hotels in ZA are already block booked while the football's in town...

I though about it Ade, I'm about 15km from one of the main venues (5km from the sea as well ;) ) here in Port Elizabeth, ZA, but I'm no soccer fan at ALL, mainly because it got pushed down my throat the last few years by advertising and I "grew up" on Rugby ;)
Mind you the "doe" could buy my Lister some nice stuff though, but a whole month of soccer, I don't know if I'll be able to keep my pose!  ;)
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


Quote from: AdeV on November 14, 2009, 02:51:41 AM
Andrew (aka T19) did, as far as I can tell, as good a job as he could have done under the circumstances. He also struck me as a very honest man, and someone who wouldn't double-cross you no matter what the circumstances. I believe this is why he's not prepared to undermine LEF's admin, no matter what happens.

And I, for one, admire him for that. He's got his principles and stuck to them. I wish more people were like that.

I also know that some of the comments that were aimed his way cut him deeply; and some comments really pissed him off, a lot. That's the reason he turned his back on this forum; and frankly I don't blame him. If I'd been on the receiving end of similar comments, I'd not be here either.

So, let's cut him a little slack, eh?

Now, LEF's admin, on the other hand, I genuinely don't understand why he refuses all offers of help, and seems happy to let LEF drop out for days - now weeks - at a time. And yet, the occasional communication that does find its way out of his bunker seems to show genuine concern & a desire to rectify the issues.

Anyway: Enough. It'll be great if LEF returns; but no big deal if it doesn't. This forum is really starting to take on a life & identity of it's own now, and I think it'll stand on its own two feet.

Just my £0.02 ($0.033 approx).

Just for the record, I never said the owner or anyone else walks on water.  There was only ever one perfect human, and if memory serves me correctly he had a very crappy Easter.

Look, I have been asked to raid the cookie jar, both politely and not so politely.  I will not do something I consider unethical.  Notice the word "I".  I would have liked to see the site migrated quickly, but I also run a number of other sites and I know how frustrating it can get between the ISP, the Software Tech Support and the users all wanting their needs taken care of, so I cut the owner some slack and I have been loyal.  I have no intention of doing something else just for the internet, because I still look at myself every morning I shave... and so far the guy looking back has nothing to be ashamed of. 

Jens, I have nothing against you, its just your style of saying I don't know, always has to have that hidden kick in the stones with some self advertised message.  thats not wrong, or bad, just grates on me.
BTW have you considered a career in politics, seriously, they are looking for guys like that to sell their message, and all parties are doing a crappy job at it right now, your focus and joy de vie would help I am sure. ( BTW that is serious, not ironic, or a put down)

Guys, I work in a job that... lets just say the Taliban and the Olympics are not my fav topics these days as they are making live miserable.  Add to that I am in the middle of moving (house with bigger Mans Cave) and just bought a new Harley, well with the old site down, I have focused my time elsewhere for a few weeks to take a break, smell the diesel so to speak.  I see the old site has moved, the admin now posting, and adding upgrades... kewl.  I see this site, growing and some good posts too, again kewl. 

Frankly the sandbox is big enough, dont see why both can't play nice.. maybe even merge some day... but not right now.  Anyways, Im off for a ride, and feeling great.

Tom T

Enjoy your ride the wind in your face thank of nothing but the road ahead and the  next curve. T


Quote from: T19
Jens, I have nothing against you, its just your style of saying I don't know, always has to have that hidden kick in the stones with some self advertised message.  thats not wrong, or bad, just grates on me.

Quote from: Jens
..... and no, I wouldn't last 2 seconds in politics as I have a habit of speaking my mind which has gotten me into trouble more than a few times

Once one realizes that some people are just not compatible, things starts to get better. ::)

Take me and the 'missus for instance ;)

Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -