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been gone for a while...

Started by mobile_bob, June 05, 2013, 06:32:06 PM

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and checked in to see things look pretty slow around these parts.

so is anyone still alive here?

bob g



Quote from: mobile_bob on June 05, 2013, 06:32:06 PM
and checked in to see things look pretty slow around these parts.

so is anyone still alive here?

bob g

I am still a live...busier then a 1 armed paper hanger.

I have some reporting to go on my DC bat charger.

I have enjoyed the;u=1236 thomasnow thread .

I still think this site is relevant, and hope that everyone else thinks so too.

I been feeling the stepfather, especially since the site has been such a value to me.

So I hope to soon add something relevant.


besides, I feel like this place is HOME....

but sometimes home is where we let our guard I must now contribute!!!!

it's coming I promise... in the meantime go

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


hey bob,
been missin' you on more than just this forum!
I check in here every day.
as has been said it's the most relevant for me.
enjoy keeping up on all the projects.
mine is coming along slowly
I'll post before long.

Tom Reed

Good to hear from you Bob! How's the honey do list coming on the new house? IIRC you had a kitchen project to do before the important work could begin in the shop.
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



jep just looking here ,and busy playing with my mini lathe
kubota knd3


thanks guys

my biggest issue has been one of health, nothing major just lots of little problems

the kitchen is on the back burner again... as i have had to build another bedroom for my wifes adult son who wants to get a new start in the land of milk and honey (you all know it as the cultural center of the universe... kansas) lmao!

that and with the political climate such that it is, ammo hard to get, and my resurrected interest in muzzleloading, leading to my learning how to make useful propellants (no it isn't as easy as they would have you believe) i have been kind of busy for the last 6-8 months or so.

finally got the go ahead from the wife (after relocating her son here) to do some projects of my own, so i set out to get my machine shop in order, it is located in half of the 40ft shipping container that forms the back wall and spine of my shop we built a couple years ago. 

not having three phase, i have been working on converters and getting the machines operating one by one... still have a big leblond lathe and my brown and sharpe horizontal mill to get powered up... that should be fun as i am working on using the leblonds 5-7.5hp motor as an idler (i can kick the clutch out and let it idle) and use it to generate the other leg of the needed three phase... still working on that.

having all this stuff in a confined area makes one think like an submariner or a nasa space station engineer... every last inch is important to something and proper placement is mandatory.

i did get a nice 16kbtu window A/C unit  and got it mounted along with a pair of sliding doors to keep the cool in while i am working in there... i can't tell you guys how nice that is!

at the rate i get things done these days, i ought to have this place mostly the way i want it, by the year 2100!  in other words i have come to terms with the realization that it ain't ever going to be anywhere near done!  oh well i keep telling myself "i am having fun"

lastly  i got to tell you guys one thing, i am convinced you guys are the best group of folks a guy could call his friends.... not many forums out there are so well mannered as you guys, many are just terrible.

anyway my hope is to plod away and get some things done so i can get a generator shed put up
then i can start to assemble some stuff, do some more testing and have a lot more to post here for you all to have a look at and make suggestions on.

and i will make more of an effort to contribute around here too in the mean time.

bob g


Hello Mobile-Bob
What? You mean you've been gone stepping out on us all of this time?? Cruel world out there alright.
I did not know this then but GuyFaulks was a cutural joke played in us dumb Americans. The guy was real alright and even has some good ideas but his attitude was in his name that he chose to use. I'll let some of the Brit's here explain this one.

The quaitly here is driven by you, Jens and Ade the principal founders; and senior members insisting that if you Say it! You prove It!
Put up. Or shut up.
Push. Pull. Or get the hell out of the way.
The current dumb blond American culture joke is, "I read it on the Internet! They can't say anything untrue on the Inernet!" " Says Who?" "The Internet."

Ha! Ha! My new matirx for getting things done:
accept 85% results as good enough and then move on to the next of life's alligator.
Chasing those other 15 Angels into the heads of those pins means other needed projests get ignored and left un-done.
Your projects list is an illistration that a fella needs to keep busy and flexible always doing things.
Never get too busy to have some feel good fun with friends.

Did you cut back a bit on the tomatoes this year?

Steve Unruh
"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.

Henry W

Hi guys,

I been sidetracked with things at home and some issues with my health, but I am hanging in there. I will be working on the Kubota ea330 powered genset once again.



i decided not to plant a garden this year, my brother however thought better of it and planted a dozen or two of tomato plants

my plan is to let it all go to weeds and then roundup the crap  out of the plot in an effort to get thing dead for next year

it was a good plan i though?

now i have about 20 more volunteer tomato plants popping up, about a hundred watermelon, cantelope and honeydew along with a bunch of squash and carots, and one stalk of celery too!

and heaven knows what else will pop up!

looks like i am going to be gardening whether i like it or not!

somehow i just can't bring myself to kill perfectly good plants...

bob g

ps. good to hear you are among the living Henry!  :)


Well Bob, that move was a big step to take for anyone!

I'm almost finished the smaller HAWT that I started 2-1/2 years ago.  It has actually made power but I did not leave it tilted up in the air as the controller is not finished yet.  I also had a life threatening tower oscillation issue show up the day the tower got 350 lbs placed on the top.  I have added guy wires which ought to have that dealt with.  Controller is just days from completion.  I have been really ill so far this summer and almost totally shut down.

Ontario placed an E-weapon, they call them Smart Meters, on the house wall next to where I sleep about 3 years ago.  I had no choice in the matter.  This damned thing puts out 1 watt of microwave energy at 900 MHz and between calling home to the Mother Ship up at the end of my street and also constantly playing Chatty Cathy with all the other meters on homes in the neighborhood, I found myself living in a low power microwave oven.  On youtube you can see how these E-weapons have killed shrubs that were growing near them.  They are evil, evil, evil.  In desperation to save my very life I called Ontario Hydro two weeks ago and commanded them to terminate the service to my home and take the meter away.  A week ago they complied with my request.  Meter is gone and the wires, phase + phase and neutral cut at the street.  At first they didn't cut the neutral and I noticed that just as they were about to leave.  I demanded that they also cut that neutral line and they did.  I don't want a solar EMP coming into my system through that neutral from the hydro distribution grid, nor do I want any form of electronic surveillance occurring from the power grid, which is the primary goal of the global deployment of these E-weapons.  Enabling increased revenues for utilities was a side benefit.

I feel like a guy who saw the sh*t coming and started working his tail off early on building a bullet proof vest, but unfortunately the bullets started flying before I had my vest completed.  At any rate, a fellow has to do what he has to do.

HAWT soon to be charging the big battery bank already installed and then I can run the house off the inverter,  For now I have diesel.  What Hydro had been jacking their delivery charges up to finally reached the price I could make my own power with by diesel generator.

I haven't yet totally cut myself from Hydro.  I left the shop service connected and basically run the house through a long extension cord for now.  The shop E-weapon is far enough away that I'm not getting roasted brain cells now.

I need to weld up a huge tracking stand for  5.5 kW of solar photovoltaics this summer.  Unless my health improves that ain't happening.  The panels are sitting in my dining room, waiting for my attention.  Until they are in service I cannot cut from Hydro.
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.

Hugh Conway

Good on you.
B.C. Hydro wanted to put one of those damned E-weapons on my property too. We held them off long enough to be able to phone them up to say we want to disconnect. They did that on 21 Feb of this year.  Off-grid is working just fine. More of us should do it.
Go Edward Go
JKSON 6/1 Utterpower PMG off grid
Lister SR2 with Newage Stamford 9.4Kw gen.....project
Lister 6/1 Start-o-Matic.........project


 The growing number for people whose health has been seriously affected by smart meters is very surprising, even to me, and I've had serious electrical sensitivity for 24 years.  It's pretty good evidence that for many people, the increasing daily EMF exposures that we all accept is likely the cause of the huge growth in autoimmune diseases, chronic illness, and cancers. We seem to now be very close to a tipping point, where chronic illness will become much more prevalent. 

This last week I've been trying to help a quadriplegic lady who has developed electrical sensitivity to the point that she can't tolerate her electric wheelchair, or the house AC (3 ton unit which is right over her bedroom).  With some proper meters we've now found two transformers behind the wall of the head of her bed, a half dozen sources of high frequency EMI on her house wiring, and I'm sure we'll find more wiring errors.    The science whores of the power industry, the EPRI,  found that the average home had 2-3 wiring errors that cause substantially elevated magnetic fields in the home.  Yet NOTHING has been done to correct these simple errors which can easily cause levels above the 2mg which is known to DOUBLE childhood leukemia.  I always seem to find both high magnetic fields and high frequency EMI on the home wiring of people who have had health failures after smart meters- I think it's the "last straw", though certainly a very bad one.

  She developed electrical sensitivity within a few months of smart meter installation, though she had a large cell tower array 1 mile away for years before with no overt problems.  Sadly, in the typical small yard residential area having your own smart meter removed does not solve the problem, as you are surrounded by smart meters. 

I developed MS from just that type of simple wiring error in my new home, such that my living room ceiling light caused 8 milligaus in the living room and kitchen.  After finding and correcting that and 2 other errors, my headaches diminished greatly and my rapidly progressing MS lesions virtually stopped. 

Radio and power EMI has been shown to cause elevated endocrine markers for stress, since the late 1950s.  (Becker, Marino) We continue to expand wireless services as if we believed the paid-for "science" by the telecom industry.  We will all pay dearly for this mistake, even those who are genetically and environmentally lucky.

It's a lie that we have to sacrifice modern conveniences for a low EMI environment.  We just have to be a lot smarter about how we use power and wireless, with a whole lot less of the latter.


Well I know I wish I was building a generator house right now...instead I have been rebuilding a logging truck and then hauling Oak. I also built up a riding lawn mower...from two mowers in know... I used to think motorcycles were hard...but these MTDs with the! I was amazed at how complex the belt routing was...especially with no reference to use....just a coffee can full of stuff. I was cutting grass last night with it though.
There is a truism about cutting find all the junk you forgot about with a lawnmower...sadly the best things are found while being observed exiting the mower deck at high velocity.
With the mower off the concrete...I can now roll up the auger truck, welder trailer, and start a more fun project...not sure what though...I am thinking some kind of shade tent deal.
What I need is a wood gasifier on a wood gathering vehicle...either the logging truck or a tractorish vehicle...
Anyhow...I cannot believe tomorrow is the 4th of July already. Happy 4th everyone....!


Ha! Ha! Funny you should mention debris field mowing BrucePJ.
Without going into the details I've been taxes/fined driven having to expand from mowing in the past 12 years from  just ~1 acre in the dog fenced yards to acre by acre out to 5-8 acres now. This other is all winter rock growing and summer ground dry out shrinking tree root exposing forest edged former  cow fields. Worn out and beat to death destroyed three different belt driven rider mowers now. 2-3 gallons an hour gasoline. Now worn out one flat headed engined belt driven HD string mower. One gallon gasoline an hour, $3-5. a day in consumable HD plastic sting and just killed my arms and shoulders. Now on my third walk-behind direct drive rotary mowers. The latest Honda OHC powered converted is a real fuel sipper at only ONE quart / an honest liter of gasoline per half acre done. Fantastic! The walk behind direct shaft drive rotaries though are the ones had the bent blades, broken blades and now two engines with bent shafts. Rocks. Worse. Engine stopping blade stuck tree roots. Lots of sheared flywheel keys of course. Routine for me.

The ride on belt driven are very operator safe. But PITA out of pocket expensive to fuel and keep up and running repaired. The throw-a-way walk-behinds I wear double legged demins with thick lace up leather boots. Ouch! Still hurts. But very easy on the pocket to operate.

WHY I  IRRITATE Many DYI'es here saying on your own build-ups you really, really want a forgiving belt or  friction drive wheel in there somewhere so when some thing BAD happens you do not wipe out both the engine and the gen-head at the same time.
System safety, adaptable flexibilty and repairability easily trumps most total loss direct drive systems failures! Lots of expereince in this now!

ONLY good for individuals IF they are garage sale $20-$30 repaceable as in these push mowers.

Steve Unruh
"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.