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I'm out

Started by JohnF, January 11, 2013, 11:46:35 AM

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Well, after many years of happy tinkering, a sudden lifestyle change means that I am getting out of the engine business immediately.  Nothing serious healthwise, just bored and need a change (and maybe a change of Country).  I'm heading down to Panama in April to check the area out, Central America has been on my radar for a few years - NO SNOW!  It's been a blast working with and talking to "most" of you and I leave much wiser than I was when I arrived. 

Thank you all and good luck in your future endeavours.

John Ferguson.
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


Good Luck in your new endeavors. Sorry to see you leaving.


Best wishes in your change of life adventure, John, and thanks for your great Listeroid parts support over the years.

I've heard that there's a growing population of retirees up in the mountains of Panama.  At elevation over 6000 ft., near the equator, results in a very comfortable year round climate. 


just because you leaving, doesn't mean you have to leave!


you can still pop in and let us know how you are doing!

thanks for everything
god bless you and good luck

bob g


Good Luck John.

Please check in here when possible, Would love to know more about Panama.

Sounds like an adventure.



Hi John,

It's been a pleasure !
Thanks for the stuff you supplied to me, and best of luck in this new phase of your life.
Be sure to send us pictures once you set up your Listeroid at the new site.  ;)


Tom Reed

Good luck and best wishes John. I've thought of similar engenders, but the wife likes to travel, but not live in different parts of the world. I know of some nice places in Argentina. What else are you looking for besides no snow?
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator




The usual for our type - stable yet non-intrusive government, warmer weather and adventure.  The big one for me (and I don't want to get into a heated discussion over this) is the government thing.  When our guys here in Ontario, at the Provincial level, practice race-based policing by allowing natives to do whatever the hell they want it becomes bad for my blood pressure, especially when they are doing it with my money. Similarly, at the local level we have Councils giving away free diapers while claiming they are broke.  That is just a euphemism for "they don't have ALL my money yet".....Need to get off the mad train of overly developed social guilt and go somewhere that I can do my own thing.

HMM, off my soapbox......As I said, I don't want to start a fight with anyone, it is just my opinion and I'm going to back it up by taking my money away from what I consider to be bad government.  Heaven knows, there is little else we can do. 
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!



Good luck and please please please drop back in and let us know what you find down there.

I have the same urge as you do but just not sure where to go or if it is even possible to get my money out of this wretched place in the states of communist America.

I doubt if my wife could be blasted free of here but if a good internet connection is available she just might consider it. She is totally hooked on farcebook.

If there is no internet in the place you are going maybe you could be the guy to start a service there.............. ::) ;D
Just sayin, a satellite dish connection and a wireless distribution might not be as expensive as one might guess, not an expert here by any means but something to consider.... ???  Of course if the population concentration is ultra low just forget it.

By the way are firearms of the assault rifle type legal there?

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


Hi JohnF
Your frustrations are certainly  understood to most here. Why most of here have made the lifestyle changes and even location changes that we have.

Only way to change the actual "weather" (physical climate ranges) IS to uproot and go someplace else.

Can do the same to change your political climate - problem is now with world shrank now and all "wired in" unfortunately those with a nanny staters attitude will follow you or local grow in around you no matter where a fellow goes anymore. Still. It can be adventagous to relocate where at least the majority local will resist this and then with a combo of supporting the more common sense popular sentiment you ARE part of the local majority and then be able to do a lot of inward adventuring hunkering down and clamming up. That'd be me.

Most the  fellows here who grew tired of the SOCAL craziness find just going to NORCAL is good enough. Others had to go a little farther into different political Oregon or Alaska.
Wet Puget Sounders here in the PNW somtines happier moving just to the east dryside for the sun and drier weather or need to go to Idaho or even as far as Kansas for the less Gov'Mint.

Look real close into the mirror of your heart. You will be taking that with you no matter where you go.
US/Canadian unless of actual "First Nations" blood ALL of our recent ancenstors made these same choices to uproot and vote with thier feet. And the actual NA Indians just did this earlier too.

Won't wish you luck, but Grit. Sounds like to me you need to find some mountians place, with mountain folk attutude people somewhere.

Steve Unruh
"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.


I feel your pain! I am begining to feel like all governments eventualy end up running off the true free at heart. Our government is begining to behave like the one we revolted against many years ago. Our constitution is a fine document as it was written and some nessary amendments were added to get it almost to perfection for all. It is supposed to control the government but for some reason we the people are letting them read it the way they want. I wish you the best of luck and it has been a pleasure! May the force be with you! ;D
Vidhata 6/1, Power Solutions 6/1, Kubota Z482

Henry W

Hi John,

I think you did some searching on  reasonable places for retirement where people can save on spending and live a good life. My wife is from the Carribian and we been talking aboutlooking into moving to another country for retirement. She has family in Grand Cayman, (which is very expensive) Jamacia, (To much voilence) St. Kitts (which is a very nice place but to small) Puerto Rico, (Many friends there)

If things get so bad in the US we can get out if needed. My wife and I saw a show about Panama and it made us think that we need to check it out some day. Lots of people are retiring there. It is pretty much one of the hottest places where people are retiring. I think it is a fine thing to check out. For example, Puerto Rico has everything we have here. Target, Walmart, Mc Donalds, LOL.

I do know Panama has lots of stores coming in so I feel it is good to check it out. Let me know about the trip and what you think about it.



Aloha John,

I came to Hawaii for the weather alone.  I still return to Seattle a few months a year but mostly in mid to late Summer.  During this part of the year Seattle is hard to beat. 

Wow!  Panama.  That's really in the tropics.  I hope you'll keep us posted on your adventure(s) as they unfold.  I've heard they have power outages in those parts of the woods as well.

Best wishes and thank goodness you're not going to set down and wait for God.  (He can find you much faster if you're not moving.)





Well I really like the direction this thread is going.

Showed it to my wife and she said that she had just seen some show on tv about house hunting in panama city panama.

Then she said that place is tropical and how are you going to fight all the mosquitoes and malaria types of tropical diseases out on some mountain side?

After thinking about tropical problems and snow I am not to sure snow for a few months a year sounds so bad.

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure

Henry W

Where John lives they can have snow six months out of the year.