anyone else see the extension of Ethanol tax breaks in the "Fiscal Cliff" bill?

Started by deeiche, January 02, 2013, 11:26:43 AM

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Hey deeiche,

I just got finished with a rant but it was way past the good taste of this site. 

Why is it acceptable to these 535 or so clowns to deliver incompetent work rather than adequate or better work is the bigger question.  I have voted for my last incumbent - period. 



Yep.  Score one for the Mansanto GMO corn growers.
Score 0 for taxpayers getting horrible lower btu fuel......
- Brett

Metro 6/1, ST-5 - sold :(
1982 300SD
1995 Suburban 6.5 TD
1994 Ford F-250 7.3 TD
1950s ? Oilwell (Witte) CD-12 (Behemoth), ST-12
What else can I run on WVO?
...Oh, and an old R-170


Yacht lease payments and campaign contributions (the kind of support that come from super pacs and no one knows from where) are far more important than the needs of the people.

Good Bye incumbents!



Well .......

Here we go hating those damn farmers and their damn ethanol...........

If we only knew what was in the 175 page  American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that was voted for in the wee hours after only minutes in the hands of the politicians...........

535 or so clowns? Is the "or so" referring to the lead clown Obama?   A guy continually on vacation that uses class warfare to get what HE thinks is right done? 

1000+ days without a budget thanks to the senate and Obama and the liberal press giving them a pass.............

Politics politics politics boy can that stuff start a war......on a forum and in real life........................

another dumb farmer...........that grows corn, not necessarily for ethanol just for sale to the highest bidder.
By the way the link deeiche posted , if read closely does mention CELULOSIC ethanol the kind that I believe has yet to be produced in any form other than by small pilot test plants. And I will admit I personally think might be a total waste of any ones money. But it is a pet project of the lead clown.
16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


Please don't get me any more upset..... my BP was 165 over 105 today, I get any worse pissed I'm liable to stroke out >:(
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


I like farmers
I like corn
I don't like huge multinational agri-businesses
I don't like GMO food period.

I support businesses
I do not support corporations

I support you if I can shake your hand
I do not support you if you are "treated as a person" for tax or other "lawful" purposes

I like billswan..... as far as I know"
   He is a farmer
   He grows corn
   He is not an agri-business corporation
   If he is willing, I can shake his hand.
- Brett

Metro 6/1, ST-5 - sold :(
1982 300SD
1995 Suburban 6.5 TD
1994 Ford F-250 7.3 TD
1950s ? Oilwell (Witte) CD-12 (Behemoth), ST-12
What else can I run on WVO?
...Oh, and an old R-170



I don't blame the farmers, I blame anyone who thinks we can keep subsidizing ANYTHING when we, you know the US Taxpayer, keeps borrowing money at such prodigious levels.  Though I can see how you could construe from the Subject line I was attacking farmers.  The first article is ag related, the second is not.

Personally I think the Baby Boomer generation, I'm a Boomer too, "screwed the pooch" with our US gov't.  We have burdened the up and coming generations with rising taxes to cover our outrageous National debt levels.  All talk of "fixing" SocSec and Medicare excludes 55 and over, which means the vast majority of us will get more from these services than what we ever contributed.

Quote from: billswan on January 02, 2013, 06:36:59 PM
Well .......

Here we go hating those damn farmers and their damn ethanol...........

If we only knew what was in the 175 page  American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 that was voted for in the wee hours after only minutes in the hands of the politicians...........


They had to include those tax breaks.  If they didn't the cost to pay them would be passed along to the end users, driving gasoline prices up.  They have to shield the actual costs for ethanol additives from the sheeple untill it is so established that we cannot easilly reverse the ethanol requirements.  Then everyone will wonder why we suddenly have $5 a gallon fuel prices for 25% ethanol laced gasohol...
"It ain't broke till I Can't make parts for it"


i watched the talking heads last evening and i think charles krautheimer (sp) has it spot on.

obama's plan is to continue the expansion of the welfare state, (not only welfare to people but to entities such as corporates, unions, hollywood, ag, and others) with the idea being he can keep the balls in the air long enough to see him through his next 4 years.  near the end of that term we will start to see the balls come crashing down, the electorate will vote out the dems from the white house, install a republican and he will get the blame for having to sharply raise taxes on everyone!  this move to taxing everyone will so damage the republican party that the dems will regain control and the country is done.

that of course presupposes that the dems and the republican's remain basically the same as they are today... which i think will sadly be the case.

it has been said that we have lost the 19 -30 yo class due to being poisoned/indoctrinated by a decidedly leftist education system,  they are voting in huge numbers... i am not so sure they are lost as they will be called to pay ever increasing amounts of taxes to keep the system afloat.

we are heading for a reset, and it is going to be very painful for folks not prepared.

reduce your debt people, learn to grow more of your own food and preserve it if  you aren't already, start stockpiling fuel for heat especially, get at least one car/pickup that will make over 30mpg average,  learn to do things for yourself, many things as you can.  and teach your kids to be self sufficient, which means stay away from student loans to the largest degree that is possible, that means maybe work while going to school, doing the first two years at community college etc.

consider a small business startup, and look real hard at going C-corp!  you may as well avail yourself of the same benefits these big bastards are using! a one man business can incorporate as a C corp or any other corporate status, and you can then deduct many things you cannot as a sole proprietor. you will be required to show a profit one year out of five, but there is no definition as to how much profit.

use the system where you can, where it is legal to do so, and where you are producing something of value rather than just taking from a system that is going to fail miserably.

i know i am preaching to the choir here, but fella's i have absolutely no confidence in the direction this country is heading or those that are leading us, with few exceptions.
those few exceptions while gallant are too few to effect the changes needed at least at this time.

when we read reports of government offices such as the social security admin taking delivery of several hundred thousand rounds of 357magnum ammo to be delivered to something like 40 regional offices across the country, we ought to be asking ourselves some very serious questions.  why 357 magnum? why so many rounds? why to so many offices in larger cities across the country and not a specific region? and a hell of a lot more...  there are other agencies doing the same.
i am not particularly a conspiracy theorist, but i like to think of myself as not being an idiot either!  erring on the side of caution seems prudent to me.

with all these school/theater/mall shootings, the next congress is going to move to limit firearms to the extent of at least putting the assault weapon ban back in place, however there is big talk about registering all arms in this country... registration is the first step to taking them, or at least could be?

one has to ask, why is the government stocking up on 357 rounds, and now talking of registration and other limits to our gun rights?  what are the possible reasons and ramifications of these moves?  we have to look at all possible reasons from the innocent to something far more sinister.

remember too the 2005 changes to the bankruptcy laws, they were put into place not
to protect the little guys! they were to make it so that the big guys could recover losses over the course of a few years, rather than allow for a clean start for the debtor. one has to ask why this change, and why then? 

i am reminded of boy scouts and the "be prepared" philosophy.

plan ahead fella's take care of yourselves and your families, uncle sam may not be your friend when the chips are down.

bob g


Quote from: mobile_bob on January 03, 2013, 09:19:18 AM
i watched the talking heads last evening and i think charles krautheimer (sp) has it spot on.

bob g

Yes I also watched the same show. If more voting americans would watch that group of commentators and actually think about what is reported I would think the elections would have a totally different outcome.

Politics one nasty business.

And guys I am all for less subsidy to everyone, farmers included and I HATE Monsanto with a passion that company has  destroyed farming as I know it.
16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


Neat Thread.

I'm setting here thinking "Why do we believe what we believe."  (Even if we've read it on the Net.)

Group - The world is changing!  Saying, writing, mumbling it are totally different from believing it.

357 ammo at the SS offices?  What weapon does the US Government use that requires 357 ammo?  Please think about this.  Now if you said 7.62 (is that the old NATO round) or 5.56 (M16A2 [AR16] rounds) we'd have a much better story.  I'm sorry group but "caliber" rated small arms ammo is over.  If it ain't mm then it should be shipped to the Smithsonian.

"Be Prepared" is a good motto but discriminate against fellow citizens because they belong to some minority is not.  Ah, the good ole days when we could bash anyone as long as they weren't white males that may vote Republican some day.

We must be careful reducing this federal program.  Did you know far more people get hurt coming back down the mountain than when climbing up it?  What's really interesting is that the last time I climbed Mount Rainier in Washington State it took about 10 hours to summit out and only about two hours to get down.  Shouldn't the ratio of getting hurt be 5:1 in favor of up the mountain?

The good ole days when for every mile of rail line railroads built the government gave the railroads a twenty mile right of way often with full fee simple ownership.  What has happened to our splendid "stand up" corporations.  No welfare there.  They were so socially conscious about sharing that wealth with the workers too.





for the record i am not for, nor do i support discrimination against anyone, be they black, white, brown, green or purple!  same goes for religion or lack thereof, sexual preferences or political party, provided those different than me do not try to shove their
belief systems on me.

they can speak out about their views all they like, that is free speech.  i have to allow them their right to this freedom so that i can demand mine.

bob g


Maybe it wasn't 357 magnum.....
It could be 357 Sig   which is basically a .40 cartridge necked down to a 9mm projectile.
It is a newer round that has become popular with some law enforcement agencies.
- Brett

Metro 6/1, ST-5 - sold :(
1982 300SD
1995 Suburban 6.5 TD
1994 Ford F-250 7.3 TD
1950s ? Oilwell (Witte) CD-12 (Behemoth), ST-12
What else can I run on WVO?
...Oh, and an old R-170