anyone else see the extension of Ethanol tax breaks in the "Fiscal Cliff" bill?

Started by deeiche, January 02, 2013, 11:26:43 AM

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Gee wizz Guys.
I go away for a few days to help some of the friends/family females now crying gum needy and off come the wheels here. Elections over. Deal with it. 'Bout  a million women just did with FBI background checks in December.
BobG:    You CAN be the in the small town effort like me. Come the Yellowstone Supervolcanoe and you and I will be very valuable to the not yet living it types now Internet disconnected and info needy. EU fellows can look forward to another BIGGER Iceland event - 2010 should have been your wake up. Mornans have had it right all along - prepare for at least one/two very bad years for whatever the reason. Once, twice a generation a Reason WILL come your way. Sheeple bleet and bleed then.

Ha! Ha! Casey. A whole bunch of ex-Airforce S&W's, and other agency Ruger Security Sixes not now on the used market have dissapeared out there. Where did they all go??
While I can personally choose from .45 ACP(11.5mm), 9mmPara, .40 S&W (11mm) I usually will most often grab a .38/357 in a five, six, seven or eight. A fellow can massage ANY of these from a 148 grain bullseye pussycat target loads to rip roaring powder spraying 125 grain best proven manstoppers up to 200 grain large game loads. It even rifles well. Not at all obsolete. Versatile and proven. An unsubsidized handloader like me likes to save my own brass and roll my own many times over. I just would not want to be chasing down all of that semi scattered newest tech Secret Service, Presidential Security and Air Marshal newest Fed issued SIG357 (designed to dulpicate the 357 revolver 125 grain performance) bottle necked brass! PITA, slow, added steps to reload any bottle necks versus straight case's. Just the facts man.

Regards to All in this fine been sunny three days here now New Years
Steve Unruh

"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.


It was .357 SIG.  Requested by the SS administration "for law enforcement purposes."

Didn't know SSA was involved in law enforcement, or that their agents were armed, but then I'm just a working stiff and have never had any involvement with the SSA other than to see "FICA" deductions from my paycheck twice a month.



If I didn't think you all were a pretty good collection of people I wouldn't hang out here.  Sometimes the Devil has his way with my keyboard.  I'm a victim - really.   ;D

I live most of my life these years on a small farm.  Did I take advantage of the tax break for Solar - The whole South side of the catchment tank roof is Solar-World panels made mostly in Oregon.  The folks that live in my apartments don't get this tax credit because rental property is exempt of this program.  (If you know different please let me know the IRS form to use.)

Did I take advantage of the federal irrigation grant that allows me to grow just about anything I want anywhere on the farm?  Absolutely.  And to the folks that read this and pay taxes - Thank you very much.  I do appreciate your help - really.  I'm sure most of the farmers in my section of Kona also appreciate not having me dipping as heavily into the irrigation wells too.  And that grant money was spent right here in Kona, USA.  And those people that I spent the money with also paid taxes on those sales and their employees wages were probably spent right here in the USA as well.  The grant or give-a-way programs simply don't cost as much as their face price tag.

When I read something that is just too too too unbelievable I must reply.  Which SS office was it delivered to?  Do you personally know the person reporting this phenomena?

Have you ever compared the "welfare" money that the wealthiest 20% of the population gets in the way of grants and tax credits to the amount that the poorest get.  I cannot think of any government or society ever that the poor do better than the wealthy.  Isn't this a leading cause of our striving to be wealthy?  When I use my brain (read on when you stop laughing) and earn money I am taxed at 15% MAXIMUM and that is after deductions and basis points.  When I use my back (most of the time) I could be taxed at up to 35%.  What's the cut off for payroll taxes?  Why do the wealthiest get a free ride after $110,000?  Do you believe 6% of $100,000 hits the payee harder than 6% of $20,000?   Did you know there's a 10% tax bracket for people that make up to $8700?

But hey, this is you an me.  The elected clowns of government, even Barry, need their butts kicked.  I'd halve their wages and put them on the standard federal retirement program so fast it'd make your head spin.  If they're in it for the money then they're in the wrong business.

I got this link yesterday.  I don't know how valid it is.  I'm skeptical of the Ethanol 10% horror stories we've all heard but here's a video for your pleasure.  Hey it's Fox - It's got to be "Fair and Balanced" if not true!




Nubey but have followed Microcogen since it started .
Retied 9 years for health reasons and had computers 3 years no havent shot them yet,@64 years very tempted but would have woke the 3 cats up.
From Tasmania ,Australia and we have had gun registration for 10 years + and sky didn't fall in, health system not perfect but u get treated +subsided drugs with income restrictions
91 ron standed petrol 1.51 per liter 75.7 liters=20 us gallons @ $5.71 per = $114.30 au exchange rate $1 us=$1.05 au, 

Ethanol blend same price but super petrol $1.87 au $ per liter,yours looks cheep.
Hate Monsanto for same reasons as Billswan ,Ron sit down have a rest don't want enyone droping of perch over politician's
Mobil Bob Is $15.00 for somrad 1 year or more thanks.


Lowgear, the reguests for bids are all over the internet, just google "US govt ammunition purchases".  It is not just SSA, it is NOAA, IRS, NPS, DHS and a few other govt agencies.  But it is to the tune of MILLIONS and MILLIONS of rounds.  The real unusual part is the callibers they are specifying beyond the basic nato spec callibers(9mm, 7.62, 5.56) there is just about every popular handgun calliber and some kind of unusual rifle callibers.  I do not know of any AK-47's ever being issued or in service by any US government agency, but the DHS sure is buying a lot of ammo for them.  The domestic commercial ammo plants are obligated to fill US govt orders first.  This dries up ammo supplies available to civillians, as well as reloading supplies.  Supply and demand takes over from there with the resultant steady price increase of US domestic ammunition over the past few years. used to be able to buy winchester white box in 5.56 or 7.62 for what you can only buy russian and EU surplus import ammo for now... The import and surplus ammo has always been a little cheaper, but now it is 1/4-1/3 the price of that same basic domestic white box ammo as seen at most any wallmart ammo cabinet...  

My personal theory is that these agencies have been directed to do this by higher authority.  So what do they do with it?  They either use some of it for their armed departments/divisions(which were formed to justify ammo purchases) but mainly they just set on it.  It then expires and is sent off to be de-milled...  They cannot appear to legislate against ammo production for fear of being accused of interfering with or circumventing the second ammendment.  It is far easier to quietly buy up as much as they think they can without being caught and at the very least turn civillian recreational shooting into a rich man's game.  Backdoor gun control...

Scrapman, the issue is that I do not think that Aus/Tasmania ever had a constitution that guarantees that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shal not be infringed...  So someone in Aus decided that these firearms are evil and just took them from you(or can easilly now that they are registered).  No big deal(for you), since you never had the RIGHT to have them anyway...  I guess that is the difference between being raised as a free man.  Banning, registration and the followon confiscation IS equivalent to the sky falling in to any American who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies both forign and domestic...
"It ain't broke till I Can't make parts for it"


Casey,Interesting video link ,stopped using e10 after first tank full and had no end of trouble chucked out filters ,flushed fuel lines with clean petrol ,never used since.
Ronmar,No constitutional right that i no of for bearing arms but at a gees registration of guns may have got 60% max ,as scrap metal dealer all stainless pipe and tube in stock at
the time soled in first 3days of the announcement,plus pvc at plumbing suppliers,also petroleum base lagging tape manufactures took 6-8 months to catch up.
At registration time requied at local police station from 9am ,arrived with 2 rifles 30-30 win +308 win and had park 400 yards away line 150yards to door, made door at 11-50am
police officer requested we unload weapons 6-7times be for reaching door .man in front  of me had 8 and when in side the front door  police officer asked him to remove bolts 2 still loaded and first rounds went on floor
police man very white in face.
We are law abiding people ,they expeced 20-24 total and closed doors at 5pm i was told and rest had to come back next day,recorded serial numbers names addresses and said would send paper work on later
they no idea of how many or who .


Wish I had the option of NOT buying E10:(

EDIT:  Or the option to NOT buy the E-15 that is supposedly on the way...
"It ain't broke till I Can't make parts for it"


Recently tried to check my future SS benefits online. Due to past identity theft could not do online. Went to local SSA office in town of 20K people. All of the workers were behind walls and you talked to them through the windows. Waiting room had chairs and an ARMED guard at a desk. His job seemed to be to say "get a number and wait till its called". Really seemed unnecessary and out of place in a small country town.

On another note we have 2 stations within 5 miles selling ethanol free gas. Currently at $3.25 gallon.



what really amazes me is this

obama's first term was so damn divisive, (no i am not blaming him for all of this)
we got class warfare and a plethora of other issues that divide from race to religion, sexual preference to global warming.

what i find encouraging is it appears the second term quite the opposite is starting to show a promising harvest.

i  am finding that my liberal friends are beginning to be pissed off about what is going on in their party, and my conservative friends are also getting pissed off with their party.

yesterday on foxnews "cavuto" program he (cavuto) interviewed a sandy victim.  it was so refreshing to hear from one  of the victims that had much to say, and was mad as hell and didn't mind telling anyone that would listen.

apparently the sandy relief bill, 60billion dollars has something north of 20billion of pork attached to it! everything  from fisheries in alaska to a new roof for the smithsonian.

this man finally got power restored to his house the day before yesterday, and he does not want any aide from the sandy fund, until such time as congress removes the fat/pork/payoffs to cronies.

this man, a middle class working dude, really laid it out, and my bet is he is not a republican but a very disillusioned democrat that see's the direction we are going is clearly bad for our kids and grandkids.

you know something is changing when the various forums where the memberships were so divided over the last 4 years that the flaming was enough to heat our houses. what i am seeing now is the same heat, but not at each other!

and that i think is a good thing!

washington has become so evil, so perverted, so out of touch and control.

another point this man in the interview made which i thought was a good one.

he alluded to all sorts of facets of our society when they feel they are being shortchanged rise up and protest very loudly.  the poor folks, and the rich folks, the former with their time, the latter with their money... while the middle class really has not risen up until now.

washington best hope the middle class does not rise up and march! washington best hope the middle class doesn't toss off the yoke and say "screw this"

we are living in interesting times indeed

bob g


Good Grief, I must return to the garage remodel project.

Union busting and Social Security (almost socialist security) degeneration are the foundation of class warfare and have been going on since King George in one way or another.  It's a nasty world out there especially when we worship an economic program based in greed and the love of money.

Believe with your heart and read with your brain.
