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welcome to the new microcogeneration forum

Started by admin, September 20, 2009, 04:30:57 PM

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Place looks good to me, looks like we're back in business!


Love the new forum now my powerline 6/1 and I have a place to hang out. A big huge thanks to the Admin


Quote from: Stan on September 21, 2009, 12:34:19 PM
Hey Jens....How about a topic for Dursley Listers???

Hi Stan, would you settle for Lister/Listeroid like in Changfa/Chinese Diesel and maybe Petter/Petteroid as well ;-)

Jens, Stan might have a point, when I open the forum, the 1st thing I looked 4 was Lister!
I now know to look under the Listeroid sub-forum, but new members might not read further.
BTW, over here in ZA, genuine Lister's are much more common, for now anyway ;-)
Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


What the....???

The whole site doesn't LOCK UP when I go to page two    ???

How refreshing!



What people will do to try and get rid of me! Not a chance!

Listerenginedotcom members also hang around the yahoo groups, anyone that's a member there might want to post this site.
Anand Powerline 6/1 ST5


Hello all you good folks, good to hear from you again.

I really was afraid you were gone for good  :( Thanks admin


Lister Startomatic 6/1 to be restored
Lister D 1937
Lister LT1


Hello one and all.
Thanks be to the new admin, Jens et al.
Me likie the new format.

One question actually 2, will we ( current admin ,  et al ) be able to port over all the existing database or whats left of it to this new one ?
Will Troy allow it ?

And if you need a donation al la paypal count me in for a few schekels.


i am not sure he has the "rights" to others "individual" works, even if they were published on his forum.

maybe if it comes back up, folks can copy/paste those posts they originated that might be useful over to here?

I guess that is what is so interesting about the "white paper" section here, if its a product of your blood,sweat and tears
and you write up a paper, and post it here,, "its yours dammit"!!!  as it should be
and you can choose to take it anywhere you like, and in my opinion thats pretty cool.

bob g



Thank God and Greyhound!
I was gettin' kinda' loopy without any Listerroidy co-genny concrete foundation, cast iron radiator type talk!


Good to be able to post had me confined to being a lurker... :)


Great to see something back,  and I'll happily to donate once you figure something out.

To many topics in my opinion tho so many times on other forums I see people having to post on the more visited main topics to get heard on the more less run of the mill subjects.  The divisions like Refridgeration and Heat Exchangers Fuel etc do not really need further subdividing IMHO just my 2 cents worth.



The Nobster has a good point.  I think maybe there are too many, too finely divided, topics.  Mebbe add them as need arises rather than having a bunch of empty rooms that nobody checks. 



point taken...

the idea of having so many topics and subdivision was to allow the addition of
folks from other interests and forums that might have something to add to the discussion.

our hope is to attract some refrigeration guys from some of those forums for instance.

over the next few weeks we shall see how successful our membership drive is in getting some
folks from other disciplines involved here, if it doesn't happen?  well we tried and can then remove
some of the topics or merge them with others.

this is a big experiment in many ways, the idea was to keep it as familiar as possible, yet open the doors to expansion and inclusion of other area's of interest.

otherwise things look pretty good for a new forum being only 48 or so hours old.

nothing is cast in stone here, lets see where it goes and makes alterations to make it as good a forum as possible.

thanks for the input, no go out and find some interested folks or experts to fill in some of the gaps!!

lets see if we can get a thermal engineer and some refer guys, maybe some electrical engineers or designers
those sort of folks are out there and if they come and find our little forum to be at least moderately serious
in our methodology or approach, maybe some will stay and become a part of the family.




I thought since this was a Welcome post...I would throw my two cent in as well.

I'm new around here...but not really new to lister or off grid information.

I would love to get off grid, but my current situation will not allow it.

I am pretty well versed with automation, mechanics, solar, electronics, and probably a lot of other things I can't recall at the moment.

I am interested in helping with any projects that involve getting away from the grid.

I own a electronics design and assembly company.....and worked as an automation technician for 8 years. Before that I worked on aircraft electronics for 12 years.

I am always interested in projects, especially if it entails doing something different, cheaply. Well cheaper than buying some over priced item that is way too complicated or over kill.

Safety is always the first priority with any project I work on. Reliability is the second.

If anyone wants to start a discussion....just let me know.

James L