Kubota D722 sending unit and shut down configuration

Started by Jfamily, August 02, 2012, 08:20:15 PM

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I have been chipping away at a little generator project using a Kubota D722. I am now at the point of hooking up the electrical system. This is a used engine that came with a  shut down solenoid and electric temp and oil sending units but with no gauges. It is my understanding these units are not the same as the analogue units but more like switches.

Does anyone know where and what model of temp and oil pressure switch that would work with this solenoid. There is only a single wire from the solenoid so I am guessing I would need a controller of some kind as well. Any direction diagrams etc would be appreciated. My local dealer was not too helpful and stated they only have mechanical units available.



I built/use a 10KW using a Kubota D722. its a great setup The electrical is really simple and i can send you pics and explanations if you like. I used a Woodward brand shutdown solenoid and made my own bracket. I used murphy swichgage for oil and water but honestly i would not do the oil again.  Let me know if you want pics of the unit or other info. glad to help.


It had been so long with out any response I had stopped checking. Yes I would love assistance. Please send some pics as it looks like you have a pretty sharp set up there.

At this point the electrics is all I have left to do. I am looking for a simple diagram that would allow me to used the fuel shut off solenoid (single wire) that is on there unit with the two sending units (oil,temp) complete with ignition and glow plug wiring. I was thinking I could wire the shut down gear in series but thought there must me a controller that would make life easier.

This motor is straight out of Japan and they just snipped all the wiring when the pulled the engine. Also can I use standard automotive gauges and splice into the sending units? 


Hey J,

It will take a little looking, but if you'll look at some of the pdf's from Murphy, a lot of them have wiring diagrams that might be of some help.




Thanks Randall,

That is the ticket. I am going to order what I need and just put in new gear. Thanks again!!



From the Murphy website you can "contact" them and they will send you a CD catalog.
IT has all the info and pdf's on it.

I just got my Murphy gauges in a couple days ago.
There is a place here in OK that will get the Murphy stuff for you if they don't have it on hand.
I asked them when I got my order, if I could share their contact info with the forum.

I will show them to the vendor section in the next day or so.


Hey J

I'll send you some pics shortly.  I think a one wire solenoid engages when power is applied. So you push a shut down button,it sends 12volts, the solenoid turns fuel off.  I used a two wire solenoid. One wire is a PULL wire and is high amps to overcome the governor springs. The other wire is a hold wire that is very low amps and just holds the fuel open.  I ran the hold wire to my key switch so that it gets voltage when key is on. I hooked the pull wire to my starter solenoid. When i crank engine the pull wire turns fuel on and the hold wire does its thing. Turn the key off the hold wire disengages and it dies.  Simple but works great.  Buy your solenoid on ebay. New ones are costly

If you want to use the one wire solenoid you could put a spring on the governor to keep the fuel on at all times. Apply 12 volts to the solenoid to turn fuel off.  In this way you could get a cheap oil pressure switch (10 bucks) and a temp switch (10 bucks) and hook them in series to the solenoid. Apply 12 volts to the solenoid and if either switch hits its limit the circuit is completed and solenoid shuts down. In retrospect i wish i would have done it this way and avoided the relays etc.