
we are back up and running again!

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Anyone else running?

Started by fuelfarmer, June 30, 2012, 09:29:19 AM

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A big fast moving storm blew through a number of states in the east. The generators on the farm have been running for over 12 hours. One 55 kw diesel tractor powered, one 45 kw diesel engine powered, one 40 kw propane engine powered, and one 15kw gasoline engine powered. All I need now is a coal fired generator and I will have most of the fuel sources covered.

Misery loves company, anyone else running? And it should hit close to 100 F today. Where is the sweating emoticon when you need it?     


155 KWHs?  What village are you powering?



Sounds like maybe the village of dairy farm?
"It ain't broke till I Can't make parts for it"


Three farm locations plus my house. One dairy and two turkey farms. Lucky for me my house well provides water for some of the cows, so I get to run the screaming gas unit 24/7. My wife asked if they make a quieter generator. I said yes, it is called a battery. I need to get the listeroid going to run at night when the load is low.   


The power is still off. Two generators have been running 48 hours. Have you hugged your grid today?


I'm over here in Eastern Montana. We've been running since Tuesday. A large wildfire has burned up many lines and continues to burn as I speak. Its about 60 miles away yet but if the winds keep up it could be our problem in a couple of days. I unfortunately do not have my Yanmar genset built yet and have had one small gas screamer genset fail. The governer on the engine ceased to govern so any time a fridge or freezer kicked on or off you had to adjust the rpm to keep the frequency within spec. My kill-a-watt meter has saved the day and is my friend.  :) My parents had a genset fail also. It ended up losing the neutral and fried some appliances. We were fortunate enough to find a couple of generators a couple hundred miles away and are in a little better shape now.   This fire is nothing like I have seen in my life and the old timers say its the first of its kind for them also. They've seen some large ones but this year there is so much fuel that its unreal. On top of that, we've had temps in the 100's and 20-30mph winds. In fact when it started on Tuesday, the temp was 108 degrees with 6% humidity. I have never seen it that hot ever. Please pray for everyone as we need all the help we can get. Many have lost homes and livestock.


*sigh* I can only dream of a power outage like that.  ::) As many batteries and generators as I have, the power never goes out here. Everything is buried and we just don't have storms that can knock it out. It's been at least 15 years since the power went out, it didn't even flicker when they came and changed my old spinny meter to a digital one. ???
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?


All is quiet on the eastern front, except for the sound of the generators running all over the place. Day four of no grid power.

We did a generator shuffle. The gas powered unit moved to the nephews house.

And a tractor driven unit came to my house.

Generator at dairy barn


Grid power is back on!  ;D for now anyways... They said they are running the power down a temp line. The fire is still burning out of control and has burned up several ranches and buildings. It is now at 250,000 acres. A few friends have had the fire go through their ranches but thankfully it has spared their buildings. It is a little cooler today. Only about 90degrees and the wind is about 10-15mph. It has been in the 100's with 20-35mph winds the last couple of days.


Power is still off. One gen set has been running nonstop for 5 days. Power is on all around us. Maybe tomorrow............


Power is on. It went off Fri. around 9 pm and came back on Thur 11:30 am.