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Started by wrightkiller, November 04, 2009, 05:26:32 AM

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 Is the site gone or just being moved?   any body know???????? :'(


Quote from: Jens on November 04, 2009, 06:13:05 AM
The site was quite 'spotty' in the last 2 or three weeks it was up but I have not been able to access them for maybe a week or so.  Maybe T19 would know which way the marble is rolling these days but we have to wait until it goes live again before we know what really happened.
It certainly didn't fail because it was being moved although having failed it might get moved. On the other hand, with the core membership having moved here and them taking a huge hit as far as number of posts is concerned, I would not be surprised if it stays down.



You didn't answer the question. Maybe's, might's, huge hits, core membership move and not surprised if it stays down, are not an answer it's a statement.

A good answer would be "I really don't know"

I joined this forum, and in doing so, does not constitute giving up my membership at the Listerengine Forum. The  Listergine Forum has suffered set backs for reasons unkown to us, let's all hope it does come back. 

OK I've had my say.



Quote from: wrightkiller on November 04, 2009, 05:26:32 AM
Is the site gone or just being moved?   any body know???????? :'(

I was trying to get it moved onto a new server, along with a couple of other chaps & T19 (Andrew). The admin there seemed to have given his blessing, but then the site fell over again & nothing has been heard since.

So, to answer your question: THe site is currently "gone", but MAY come back (who knows?), and MAY get moved (perhaps).

I'm trying to keep in touch with Andrew to see if there's going to be any kind of resurrection.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


most everyone here is a member of the lef. blink


anyone heard from the listerengine forum?  sadly it looks to be down for the count this time?

its too bad actually, my hope was it could be recovered or taken over by someone that actually cared about it.

anybody know whats happened to the members that held on over there?  i haven't seem many new members from
there coming over, or of those that signed in here when we first started i haven't seem much posted by them either.

hopefully there is not bad blood and hard feelings keeping the "holdouts" from coming on over here and joining the group.

anyone heard from T19/andrew?

bob g


That board has been up and down so many times, I think it's time we stuck a fork in it, pronounced it dead, and move on to other things.  Flurry of activity generated when this one came on line had me wondering whether they'd stay up, but more recently, I've been wondering what's the reason?  No need for two fora to occupy the same niche, and this one is broad enough, interest-wise, to please just about everybody.

Really was too bad we couldn't salvage posts from the early days, when Jack was getting his system up and running, and Willem was showing up under assumed names puffing his wares, and some notable over-unity nuts got their comeuppance.  But it's time to move on.



I signed up over here after waiting to see how things shook out. Compared to some of you other guys I am a relatively new guy even over there and certainly have not had the all the same history and frustrations that may be part of the chemistry of some of the initial start up here.

I felt a bit reluctant to at least appear fickle. It may be hard to keep alive the support for a forum that had such a strong emphasis and dependance on Lister connectedness especially in view of EPA problems we see looming. It certainly seems that it would be a great loss of info for newand old owners if everything dissappears. This site is showing a lot of promise for forward looking small scale energy thinkers but I doubt it will generate the spontaneous recreation of all that stands to be lost.

Provided energy is not wasted sniping back and forth I dont see how the existance of one site need lessen any other that has a reason for being.


10-1 Jkson / ST-5


. . . except that it dilutes interest.  If you have two forums that are focused on the same subject, unless everyone cross-posts, readers are going to have to read both of them, which takes time away from twisting wrenches.  It's more efficient to have a single forum, and the flexibility and wide range of interests that were built into this one at the beginning are a good sign that this forum will be able to satisfy a wider range of interests, and won't be hamstrung by being identified too closely with one technology. 



lets not immortalize the old forum and make it bigger than it really was

surely there was a ton of info there, but as with most forums the signal to noise ratio
was not at all good.

well in excess of 90% chaff with far less than 10% useful grain in my opinion, and the info
that was of most use could be replicated here in very short order.

these listeroids are just not that complex, and the problems although many have been worked out
by numerous folks that are now members here.

Quinn for one did and excellent 3 part series on the listeroid, that alone will cover 99% of anything likely to
come up with anyone with a listeroid, leaveing a possible 1% for some obscure thing that is about as rare
as a perfect out of the crate from india, so clean you can eat out of it, and perfectly balanced 6/1 that produces
15kw/hr/gallon of pump diesel.

the expertise is here to take care of any problem one is likely to come up with using one of these engine's in my

bob g


Bob, you're making me blush, and I never learned how to accept a compliment gracefully, so cut it out!

Truly, there was an awful lot of stuff posted there that was pretty useless.  And a number of very talented folks, a number of genuine Professional Engineers, others with Ph.Ds in their fields, declined to post there because of the poor signal/noise ratio. 

We've got a fresh start here with motivated moderators and a hands-on Admin who is also, so I've heard, a professional in the field.  Let's make the best of it and not look back too much. 



 Did anybody copy the site?????/    and want's to sale a copy of it .....      my yahoo e-mail$$$$$$$


I could not sell it, not mine to sell, but I can make the archive avaib to anyone who needs it.

I have 2 copies, 1 from end of April 09, and Oct 09.  I was zipping them both and such, from 8GB  down to 3GB so it fits on a DVD.  BUT I blew it with my archive program, and you will have to make a T: drive/partition on your 'puter, because all the links are T:\LEF\SiteArchive\042009\......

So if you are in the states, I'll drop it in the mail, but overseas, maybe some postage


Well, that explaines why I couldn't get on there last few days, I hope someone was able to save that body of information. :-[


Quote from: mike90045 on November 12, 2009, 03:21:12 PM
.....  BUT I blew it with my archive program, and you will have to make a T: drive/partition on your 'puter, because all the links are T:\LEF\SiteArchive\042009\......

Mike, can you not "mount" that and make a copy again of that with the correct settings ???

Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -


Quote from: dubbleUJay on November 12, 2009, 10:17:44 PM
Quote from: mike90045 on November 12, 2009, 03:21:12 PM
.....  BUT I blew it with my archive program, and you will have to make a T: drive/partition on your 'puter, because all the links are T:\LEF\SiteArchive\042009\......

Mike, can you not "mount" that and make a copy again of that with the correct settings ???

I don't think so, it is what it is. 
The program I used was for personal use, not a commercial stuff.  If my message box here is not overstuffed, I'll get a disk out to your addresses, and put my email address in - if you  have pay pal  send me something if you get the archive to work. I just need postage is all, I have a couple big stacks of DVD's  to burn this weekend.