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Where is everybody these days??

Started by tinkerer, April 30, 2012, 10:03:35 PM

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Bob, you sound like quite the gardener! I also am an avid gardener, but not quite to your extent. We have a 40' by 60' garden that keeps us in produce for most of the year. I tried drip irrigation using PVC pipes this year and so far its working really well. It sure is alot less weeding and you save alot of water when watering.

Frank S

Bob B you remind me of something I did a long, long time ago in a land so far away.
my wife at the time, decided she would like to have a small garden in our back yard .
OK I said but the soil is Highly alkaline and laden with rocks don't expect much the first 2 years until I can get it well composted this was in January. I was working 6& sometimes 7 12 to 15 hour days the last thing I needed to do was spend what little time I had left breaking up  virgin soil in the back yard of my suburban home So like most of her ideas I put it as far back in my mind as I could.
  One sat night in mid Feb I get home only to find 2 dump truck loads of compost about 20 tons worth,in my yard,
So Sunday morning I hooked up my trailer and  was off to a rental place for the biggest ugliest ground breaking machine with a loader bucket I could find that could fit in my yard, I located a Bobcat 963 with all the necessary attachments.
all day and through most of the night I set about preparing a garden spot. Good thing I had Monday off as it was 4 in the afternoon when I returned the bobcat.
Short story getting longer by the time the veggies started coming off in bushel baskets full in late spring early summer once again I realized why I had left the farm as a teenager . breaking that ground I had removed enough rocks to fill a dump truck. The black alkaline clay infused with the 20 tons of 6 year old barnyard compost was as fertile As Myrtle the turtle  A lot of people ate pretty good off of that 150x40ft home garden.that was the summer of 78
some will never escape the confines of the box. I've lived outside of mine for so long that I can no longer even find my box



As you now know, that's WAYYYYY too many tomato plants!  Better perfect the concept of "drive-by tomato-ing", I got really good at it a few years ago when I planted too many.  Hint - convertibles are great targets, you can leave pounds of the things on the seats and make a quick get-away......
John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!

Frank S

Bob I learned that tomatoes and cucumbers are either the most over producing things in the garden or they hardly produce at all there is no in between
some will never escape the confines of the box. I've lived outside of mine for so long that I can no longer even find my box


Quote from: Frank S on June 17, 2012, 04:49:52 AM
Bob I learned that tomatoes and cucumbers are either the most over producing things in the garden or they hardly produce at all there is no in between

Tomatoes and zucchini.   I swear, I've finger size zucchini one day, and they are thigh size the next,  Monsters!  Cukes are wimps.


"A man should never plant a garden too big for his wife to take care of."
-I don't remember where I first heard that.

And yes, I'm guilty.  But we only have 20 tomato plants this year.  They are just now getting ripe, and boy are they good!  Gave away a few at church this morning.

Last year we got a couple of ripe tomatoes, and then a hail storm destroyed everything in the garden.  Good thing I've got a day job!
Witte 98RC Gas burner - Kubota D600 w/ST7.5KW head.
I'm not afraid to take anything apart.
I am sometimes afraid I'm not going to get it back together.


We have a modest size garden.  We just got our first 2 zucchini yesterday they were about 13" long and we got only 1 cucumber about 7" so far this year. 

We have 9 tomato plants 25 assorted peppers, 12 Broccoli Rab, 25 lettuce, 20 garlic, 25 onion, 9 cucumber, 6 eggplant, 6 watermelon, 12 cantaloupe, 9 honeydew, 50 Idaho potato, 2 Sweet Basil, 50 Sweet White Corn, and a bunch of carrots.

We had a late frost that i thought wiped out a good portion of my transplants but only a few didn't survive.

Its my job to get the garden started and since my wife is a school teacher and has off in the summer she does the harvesting.

our garden is easy to take care of, we have  very few weeds, we use a weed blocker and lots of mulch and we also use a drip irrigation system with a driper at each plant that is controlled by a timer so no watering is necessary.  There is even an liquid fertilizer injector that injects small amounts of fertilizer into the water each watering. 
My Projects
Metro 6/1  Diesel / Natural Gas, Backup Generator  
22kw Solar in three arrays 
2.5kw 3.7 meter wind turbine
2 Solar Air heaters  Totaling 150 Sq/Ft
1969 Camaro 560hp 4 speed automatic with overdrive
2005 Infiniti G35 coupe 6 speed manual transmission