One reason why used and core engines are drying up in the U.S.

Started by Henry W, February 22, 2012, 05:32:29 AM

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Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
Honda EU20i
Anderson 2 HP/Fisher & Paykel PM conversion
Anderson 3.5 HP
Villiers Mk20
Chinese 6500 watt single phase 4 stroke


Not really, just a realist, like a boy scout, always be prepared. Or as a good friend of mine always says "When the music stops I aint gonna be the one without a chair". ;)


Like there hasn't been a major redistribution of wealth over the last 30 years....

However distasteful I find the thought, I have to fully agree.

Ron - you are a scarey guy.

Sorry, don't mean to be.....I really, really, really, hope and pray that I'm just paranoid.

When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


You ever wonder why when greedy bastards figure out how to beat a civilization out of their earnings and savings without leaving anything of value behind it's called "Life",  But when a majority of the people in a civilization decide to take some of it back in a process called representative democracy it's "re-distribution" of wealth?  Any process of enriching one group in a civilization at the expense of the other is re-distribution.  Take a look at the distribution of wealth change over the last 40 years and tell me it's not a plan and those of us that don't have a few million in capital assets aren't chumps or victims.



We are merely cannon fodder in the game the 1%ers play, we create the wealth they don't, we live, work, buy and die by the millions, it's their job to harvest the wealth we create through what ever means necessary, even if it means bringing in rocket scientists to dream up new harvest methods.


Casey, it's a Representative Republic.
By redistribution of wealth, I mean the establishment taking what I have worked for
and giving it to those who are too lazy ( or what we here call "too sorry") to work for their living.
That's my backwoods definition.
'Nuff said.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


Hi Ron,

Potatoe, Potato or Potatah its pretty much all the same.  Why are sorta transparent transfers more or less irritating than hidden or unknown ones is my question.  I don't actually know anyone really working the system without working.  I think your villains chose a very shallow and unfulfilled life.

The busier I am the more I enjoy my life.  I think most of the readers here are blessed in much the same way.  Our culture has some pretty challenging attitudes and behaviors to get redirected down a more successful and richer life. 

I've suggested a mental health chip be installed on all TVs so that they can't operate during the hours of daylight.



The problem with calling this country a representative republic anymore is the SC decision that corporations are individuals, and the vast majority of actual individuals in this country are imbeciles, all they care about is when is American idol on or what ever mindless pablum reality TV show is on, when does the latest video game come out, the other day they had near riots because Nike had some kind of shoes on sale. And these imbeciles have the right to vote, all they know is what the Oligarchs have told them is the truth.


Quote from: vdubnut62 on February 25, 2012, 09:41:50 PM
Casey, it's a Representative Republic.
By redistribution of wealth, I mean the establishment taking what I have worked for
and giving it to those who are too lazy ( or what we here call "too sorry") to work for their living.
That's my backwoods definition.
'Nuff said.

Over the last 30 year, income growth for the top 1% has increased phenomenally relative to everyone else (and the top 0.1% even more so). The top 1% now hold more of the country's wealth than at any time since the 1920s. Are the 99% "too sorry" to work for a living? Seems like blaming the victim to me....
Listeroid 8/1


Quote from: vdubnut62 on February 25, 2012, 10:20:37 AM
Like there hasn't been a major redistribution of wealth over the last 30 years....

However distasteful I find the thought, I have to fully agree.

Ron - you are a scarey guy.

Sorry, don't mean to be.....I really, really, really, hope and pray that I'm just paranoid.


After the last few posts and knowing your from TN, I think I saw you on the nat geo channel last week. A guy from TN that was on doomsday preppers. Lol
GM90 6/1 ST5 (ready for emergency)
Changfa ZS1105GNM with 10kw gen head
S195 no gen head
1600 watts of solar panels are now here waiting for install
2635 watts of solar panels, Outback 3648 & 3048 Inverters, MX60, Mate
840Ah (20 hr rate) 48v battery bank & 660Ah (8 hr rate) 48v battery bank


Quote from: cgwymp on February 26, 2012, 05:34:22 AM
Quote from: vdubnut62 on February 25, 2012, 09:41:50 PM
Casey, it's a Representative Republic.
By redistribution of wealth, I mean the establishment taking what I have worked for
and giving it to those who are too lazy ( or what we here call "too sorry") to work for their living.
That's my backwoods definition.
'Nuff said.

Over the last 30 year, income growth for the top 1% has increased phenomenally relative to everyone else (and the top 0.1% even more so). The top 1% now hold more of the country's wealth than at any time since the 1920s. Are the 99% "too sorry" to work for a living? Seems like blaming the victim to me....

The underclass (I say that because there really isn't a middle class anymore) has become more and more the victim, all the bailouts, all the stimulus packages were paid for by the underclass, we bailed out the banks that screwed us into the great recession in the first place. And now they got the balls to keep foreclosing on the homes of the people who bailed them out.
My stipulations on a bailout would have been, if you want a bailout you cannot foreclose on a single home that was bought during that period of time, and your board must be fired and your CEO, CFO and the three most senior vice presidents must serve 15 years in an ultramax penitentiary, with no chance of parole.


A bit off topic - but nonetheless damn interesting. A really good read  - The omnivors dilema. Has a good look at redistribution of weath with regard to the corn industry and its affect on the US economy. Cheers, Derb.
Bay of Plenty
New Zealand
Honda EU20i
Anderson 2 HP/Fisher & Paykel PM conversion
Anderson 3.5 HP
Villiers Mk20
Chinese 6500 watt single phase 4 stroke


Quote from: fabricator on February 26, 2012, 09:58:55 AM
The underclass (I say that because there really isn't a middle class anymore) has become more and more the victim, all the bailouts, all the stimulus packages were paid for by the underclass, we bailed out the banks that screwed us into the great recession in the first place. And now they got the balls to keep foreclosing on the homes of the people who bailed them out.
don't know where you live but there is plenty of middle class where I live.

BTW, the only people who bailed out the banks were future generations.  We, US tax payers, just went hat in hand to the chinese and begged them to buy our US debt, or worse yet the Fed printed money and bought it.  None of us will ever live long enough to see it paid off, if it ever is.

Quote from: fabricator on February 26, 2012, 09:58:55 AM
My stipulations on a bailout would have been, if you want a bailout you cannot foreclose on a single home that was bought during that period of time, and your board must be fired and your CEO, CFO and the three most senior vice presidents must serve 15 years in an ultramax penitentiary, with no chance of parole.
The bailouts sucked, ALL of them.  Corporate bailouts and union bailouts, they are still bailouts.  My pension plan got hit, when the US gov't orchestrated two car company bankruptcies that zeroed out bond debt.  So not only do I bailout wall street financiers I bailout union workers living in the rust belt.

Last time I looked we lived in a country that was supposed to live by the "rule of law".  Sounds like you'd prefer to go back to the days of lynching.


Quote from: fabricator on February 26, 2012, 05:25:32 AM
The problem with calling this country a representative republic anymore is the SC decision that corporations are individuals, and the vast majority of actual individuals in this country are imbeciles, all they care about is when is American idol on or what ever mindless pablum reality TV show is on, when does the latest video game come out, the other day they had near riots because Nike had some kind of shoes on sale. And these imbeciles have the right to vote, all they know is what the Oligarchs have told them is the truth.

Your perspective strikes home with me.  Seams like governments and religions have made great strides in creating a society of morons that they can emotionally control to do their will and bidding.  I guess that isn't anything new relative to third world nations, but I am amazed how quickly it has been accomplished here.  Anyone with half a brain that challenges the status quo is quickly labeled an elitist, a socialist, a muslim, an infidel or whatever else will stir the emotions of the mindless masses.  Pretty sad state of affairs and it doesn't bode well for our future I am afraid...unless you are a moron that does what is expected since ignorance is bliss!

Bob B.


Quote from: deeiche on February 26, 2012, 11:40:29 AM
Quote from: fabricator on February 26, 2012, 09:58:55 AM
The underclass (I say that because there really isn't a middle class anymore) has become more and more the victim, all the bailouts, all the stimulus packages were paid for by the underclass, we bailed out the banks that screwed us into the great recession in the first place. And now they got the balls to keep foreclosing on the homes of the people who bailed them out.
don't know where you live but there is plenty of middle class where I live.

BTW, the only people who bailed out the banks were future generations.  We, US tax payers, just went hat in hand to the chinese and begged them to buy our US debt, or worse yet the Fed printed money and bought it.  None of us will ever live long enough to see it paid off, if it ever is.

Quote from: fabricator on February 26, 2012, 09:58:55 AM
My stipulations on a bailout would have been, if you want a bailout you cannot foreclose on a single home that was bought during that period of time, and your board must be fired and your CEO, CFO and the three most senior vice presidents must serve 15 years in an ultramax penitentiary, with no chance of parole.
The bailouts sucked, ALL of them.  Corporate bailouts and union bailouts, they are still bailouts.  My pension plan got hit, when the US gov't orchestrated two car company bankruptcies that zeroed out bond debt.  So not only do I bailout wall street financiers I bailout union workers living in the rust belt.

Last time I looked we lived in a country that was supposed to live by the "rule of law".  Sounds like you'd prefer to go back to the days of lynching.

You may have noticed in the news lately that all three domestic car makers are making a profit now, is that all because of the bailout? No it's not, the UAW has made a lot of very big concessions to help make that possible, I think my being a union member living in the rust belt where people are going back to work every day, and your obvious hate of unions, it would be best for me to just bow out of this one.