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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Started by Henry W, November 23, 2011, 05:03:18 PM

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Henry W

I would like to wish everyone in the U.S. and abroad a happy Thanksgiving. Even if you do not celerbrate this holiday, you all will be in our thoughts. We all have lots to be thankful for.



JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


I third it.

Best wishes to all during this holiday season.


Tom Reed

Yes yes don't worry be happy. And thank full too.
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



thanks to all you guys for making this place what it is,

have a good turkey day and enjoy friends/family/dog 


bob g

ps. back to the kitchen working on turkey and dressing to feed 48 people this year!



Lets all have a moment of silence for all the turkeys that gave their lives to make ours just a little more full. Mmmmmmmm......turkey.  :o
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?



Vidhata 6/1, Power Solutions 6/1, Kubota Z482


Hi All
Happy Thanksgiving day!!
Saw a sliver of blue sky this morning for the first time after 7 days of La Nina` grey sky fire hose. This is good.
My remaining roosters crowed happy. Freezers restocked with the others. Mmmm. Yum.
Wood sheds still 85% full after 30 days of two house cheerful glow providing.
Snow tires all on for another season of service. Ha! Ha! Our Winter season road condition sounds! (Hint - quiet means be r-e-a-l careful)
Leaves are finally all down and the gutters all serviced.
Cool enough to now have all of the woolens out in constant "warm when wet"  cheerful wear. This is real good.
Time now to settle back for 3 months of snoozing, veging out and reading.
Life is good.
Washington State Steve Unruh
"Use it up. Wear it out. Make do. Or do without."
"Trees are the Answer" to habitat, water, climate moderation, food, shelter, power, heat and light. Plant, grow, and harvest more trees. Then repeat. Trees the ultimate "no till crop". Trees THE BEST solar batteries. Now that is True sustainability.


Happy Thanksgiving and best wishes to everyone here!

My family (incl 2 doctors and an ICU nurse) have time off work now and don't over Christmas, so we are having Christmas now, too.   Went down to my parents.   Lots of family.   15 people sleeping in 1 house, including 4 kids under 7 y/o, a 16 y/o exchange student, and another guest from Switzerland.    Will have about 20 total around the Thanksgiving table.   What am I doing on the forum?   Being around family is wonderful but I have to *escape* every so often!   :)

I hope all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving have someone special to share with and you get well fed!   ;D

JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"