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My Cat.05 5KW Gen Build

Started by bantor, October 28, 2009, 08:17:04 AM

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Here are some pictures of my first generator build based on an ST5 and Cat C0.5.  I used a serpentine drive from Mike Moneith.  I have added an automatic generator controller - GTR-168 from Tom at Georgia Generators.  I used a K&N air filter off ebay.  I made an insulated through-wall thimble that works really well.  The unit holds all of my loads really well.  The power output is stable and good enough to run everything I have.  Plasma TV and computers are fine running on generator power.  Fridges, Microwave and Well pump also are fine.  The only issue I currently have is excessive belt slap.




More Pictures and another comment... I discovers a really easy and inexpensive 1" to 1.25" hose adapter.  Went to home depot and bout a 1" barbed to 1" NPT adapter & a 1.25" to 1.25" NPT adapter.  I then slid the 1" threaded end inside the 1.25" and welded the seam.  You can see one in the pictures above the water separator.

Henry W

Nice setup. Mike sure makes some nice pulleys. Some of the best!! Keep the pictures comming with your progress.
Thanks for the pictures.



How is the noise level and vibration? What RPM do you run the engine at?

Nice job, that is exactly what I need.


Noise outside is VERY low.  I very happy with the noise level outside the barn.  Inside is a bit louder, but tolerable.

There is a bit of vibration, but again not excessive.  The front legs of my frame were just steel resting on concrete & the unit didn't wander around too much.  I have since place a rubber cushion under the legs.

I am pretty happy with the setup.  I just need to make up a dual idler pulley arrangement to reduce belt slap.


Henry W

Hello Chris,

What rpm's is the engine running.



Around 2400, actually only slightly less than it was set for when it arrived.  Maybe a half turn down on the governor setting.


Henry W

Hello Chris,

Thanks for the reply.

Did you load it up and see what it can produce in watts running at 2400 rpm?



Quote from: bantor on November 05, 2009, 05:19:17 AM
Noise outside is VERY low.  I very happy with the noise level outside the barn.  Inside is a bit louder, but tolerable.

You might take a hard look at that flex exhaust.  That stuff is so thin, noise radiates right through it.  If you could couple your exhaust system to the head with something heavier I think you'd notice a decrease in noise.



there is some mention of there being some belt slap?

is this apparent only under load? or is there some belt slap running at no load?

reason i am asking is apparently some of Mikes pulleys do not register in the flywheel
properly, the bolts line up fine, but without the register the pulley can be mounted
and be a bit off causeing vibration and belt slap.

i know of one board member that noted this  problem with a pulley he got from Mike
for his perkins version of this engine, perhaps the cat version the register on the pulley fits

in any case you might want to check with a dial indicator how much run out you have on the
mounted pulley.

anything more than a thou and i would be looking for the cause.

fwiw (for what its worth)
bob g


Thanks for the advice guys!  Bob  I went out and picked up a dial indicator with a magnetic base/arm.  It made it really easy to check the run-out.

Sure enough the problem was actually on the generator pulley bushing.  I must not have torqued it correctly.  Quick adjustment and belt movement has reduced by 80%.

Now the bottom of the belt "vibrates" by a coulple of mm rather than 10's of mm.  The top section of belt is equally stable. Is a couple of mm displacement acceptable?

I can still hear a mild / barely audible belt "squeak"  (even at no load).  Does this portend another issue?

One other interesting experience is trying to run furnace oil.  One of the local service stations has a pump that dispenses "furnace oil".

I picked up 5 gallons and proceeded to start the genset.  It ran very rough & produced more smoke.  It was almost like it was missing.

The only thing I can figure is that they were actually selling kerosene as instead of fuel oil.  I am going to draw some off my furnace tank and try running it to see what happens.

Does anyone else have any experience running one of this of other fuels?

On a final note, lets see some projects!  I need some more inspiration!




Chris, are you heating the furnace oil before it goes to the injector or straight like the diesel?

Although I must admit, I don't know furnace oil, kerosene=paraffin I know and I wont use that in my Lister.
Are furnace oil "thicker" than kerosene? Sorry for the ignorance, but we don't use this stuff for heating here in ZA, its hot enough as it is!  ::)

Lister  - AK - CS6/1 - D - G1 - LR1 -

Henry W

Quote from: bantor on November 15, 2009, 04:47:58 AM
I can still hear a mild / barely audible belt "squeak"  (even at no load).  Does this portend another issue?

Hello Chris,

I think wrapping the slack side of the belt around the pulleys will solve the belt squeak. (Slippage)
Another thing that happens to a belt on slack and pull side is it can develope a harmonic vibration just like a guitar string (Quinn's good example). A common practice is to tighten the belt to try to minumize it. This could be very hard on engine and generator bearings if you are running heavy side loads.

I wrote in one of my topics on problems like you are experiancing. It seems like you have most of the belt vibration under control. But I want to point out that if you build an idler assembly to give more wrap on the pulleys to stabilize the belt even more you will be able to loosen up on the belt tension considerably which will result in longer bearing life on both engine and generator while still have more vibration control on the belt.

Here is the topic again. It is rather long with good questions and coments from others. I feel it was a good learning experiance for myself. Also others found out a way to correct some issues they are also having with the same problems.

Buy the way you have a very nice setup there!!



Hi Gang

Just wanted to provide an update to my build.  I just completed a major overhaul to correct some issues that have been nagging at me.

I could have avoided them if I had just read a little more on here.

1) The 1.5 inch square tube frame was no where near ridgid enough.  I have significantly strengthend the frame.  This has dramatically reduced vibration and has pretty much eliminated belt movement

2) I mounted the radiator horizontally (not as compact as before, but no leaking around the cap now. I can also add an expansion tank now)

3) I have updated the mounting / tensioning system by use 2 pieces of 1.5in square tube separated by a bolt width to provide the slots for belt adjustment.  This is far stronger that the lightweight bars I had for dogging it down before.

I am very happy with the arrangement I have now.  I have even created an idler assembly like Henry's.  I have not mounted it yet because I have to get a longer belt to make it work.

I would love to see some of the Cat / Perkins builds out there!

Thanks for all your help!
