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The smoking GUN...that killed

Started by Lloyd, October 03, 2011, 11:22:58 AM

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I just bought a new listeroid 8/1 from Diesel Electric Services in Chase Kansas, it was in kit form, screw the EPA, it runs on bio diesel right now, soon to be dual fuel, bio and straight veg oil, I'll wager it will meet or beat and emission standard.


Quote from: LowGear on October 04, 2011, 05:07:38 PM
My theory is that the rest of the world will catch-up with the progressive parts of Europe in the next decade or so. 

Most of Europe is screwed... it just doesn't have the brains to realise it & turn up its toes yet.

All of the Eurozone countries are in deep shit - the Euro is on the verge of collapse, when (not if) Greece goes, it'll be the start of a house of cards. The big worry is that it turns to war.... there is, unfortunately, plenty of precedent.

The "European Project" (i.e. the EEC as it started out, and the EU as it is now) always had a United States of Europe as its end-game: one country, one border, one currency, one language. They even invented a language (Esperanto) to do the job. Unfortunately, it'll never work: If you imagine how different a Texan is from a Georgian, or a New Yorker - then multiply that difference by a million, that's how different an Englishman is from an Italian, or a Czechoslovakian. We're not better, just different... and ALL of Europe is like this, and they want to try to smash us together like atoms in a supercollider.... then they wonder why we (Europe) keep having wars & things.

No, whatever you do, don't copy Europe. That way lies ruinously expensive madness.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


I looked at the exhaust pipe of 2009 Dodge diesel and it was metal colored.  I wiped it with my finger and there wasn't any smug what so ever.  I'm still amazed.  I'm told there are diesels that can already meet the 2015 standards.

I sure hope the BMW SUV units sell.  It's really nice to see an upbeat diesel advertisement.  A few "in your face" successes from diesels should temper some of the zealots that work for the EPA.



Don't kid yourself Casey, the only thing that will temper the EPA is either Congress or Executive order, maybe some ruling by the high court.
I don't see either having the backbone to do a damn thing except maintain the status quo.
Just my stubborn cynical opinion.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


VW has been selling 45-55 mpg diesels in the US for years, I have a co worker that drives a passat that's about 10 years old that gets 57 mpg.
Joe public in the US was turned off by diesels in the US by several monumental failures by US auto makers, the worst of which was GM, they tried to take a standard 350 and put glo plugs and injectors in it and call it a diesel, FAIL.


I sure wish VW would do some old fashioned bragging. 

That elitist crowd know as The Prius Owners Club would kill for 57 MPG.  Don't get me wrong; the Prius is a neat car but too much smugness sticks in my craw.  And those Smart Car screwballs that take them out on the freeways - Makes a motorcycle look like sensible safe transportation.



Pretty much every diesel VW sells and most of the ones Mercedes sells beats the Pious in mpg by as much as 50%.

injin man

I'm not sure about a dollar to donut, I got a cuppa coffee at the doughnut
shop this morning and just one glazed doughnut was .85 and regular ole
large coffee 2.25!


Quote from: injin man on October 05, 2011, 06:17:58 PM
I'm not sure about a dollar to donut, I got a cuppa coffee at the doughnut
shop this morning and just one glazed doughnut was .85 and regular ole
large coffee 2.25!

Sounds like old Juan Valdez & his jackass are makin' out like bandits :D
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


I say we organize a protest. All of us meet in front of the white house and fire up our diesels 'till you can't see it anymore through the cloud of smoke. ;D
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?