for those interested in testing...

Started by mobile_bob, October 24, 2009, 09:58:08 PM

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This Board will be the home for "final" test reports that have been peer reviewed by members
of this forum.

The goal is to establish a uniform standard so that each final test report posted here will be easy
for the membership to understand and follow.

In this manner should we have two members running identical tests thousands of miles apart
the final reports will follow the same conventions so that an "apples to apples" comparison can be made.

Over the next couple of days we will work on an example case so that everyone can follow what we
are trying to accomplish.

I think this is going to work out very well, and over time a set of Test reports will begin to build that we all can
refer back to in order to get answers to future questions. Often times the answers are buried in the data
and without some sort of standardized method of reporting and documenting it becomes very difficult to near
impossible to go back later and make sense of random data, scattered all over the forum in various posts.

bob g