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16/2 running, with centrifuge check

Started by Rom, September 05, 2011, 04:20:59 PM

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Ok, I got bored just now and called my dad over. I figured, after running 50 - 60 gallons of crap WmO through my simple centrifuge I would check n see what kind of build up we have had.

Well, poor Mr Lister is quite well, I am on his power right now, just cause I can. How can you argue with someone that says that!?

Neways here is a vid with it thumping away, and me scraping a bit of crap out of the centrifuge bowl. If you cant tell by my horrible Iphone recording, it is almost 1/4inch thick of crud from about 55 gallons of WmO from a outboard service shop on the next island.

Power Anand 16/2 w/ XZYER's Hollow Dippers, Power Solutions ST-12kw, Simple Centrifuge. Looking for Good 55gal Drums.


Hey Rom !

Thanks for the video.
Good to see that "Mr. Lister" is doing well.
Nice setup.



Rom, what is the make and model of you're centrifuge.  Me likey! :D


The Centrifuge is a turnkey unit from

It is a 2 part rotor with a feeder cone. They have a better style unit up for sale now that I believe is more efficient than mine. I would suppose you would have to buy the turnkey to get the newest rotor, but you can get my older 2 part rotor verison for $650 - just the rotor.

I thought to build my own rig with their rotor, but I didnt/dont have the time for it, so I ordered the whole rig so I could get on with it. Mr Lister would still be on diesel if I didnt buy the turnkey rig.

Power Anand 16/2 w/ XZYER's Hollow Dippers, Power Solutions ST-12kw, Simple Centrifuge. Looking for Good 55gal Drums.


Thanks for posting that video. Nice setup you've got there.

I have an Alfa Laval centrifuge that I use to process waste fuel. I've tried WMO in it without great results. The WMO is contaminated with carbon, and it seems the carbon does not have more mass than the oil. So the centrifuge does not do a good job removing it. Simply letting the WMO sit in barrels for a while does a better job.

What do you find?


Yea, the oil still comes out black. Some stuff that looks like soot comes out, but not nearly enough to change the colour. I do have a Raw Power inline oil heater for the centrifuge, maybe getting the oil good n hot will help to seperate more out. I doubt the oil would ever be clear coming out, but the more junk you get out the better.

Still, its just a listeroid, parts are cheap. I wouldnt want to run a real one on the stuff though.

Power Anand 16/2 w/ XZYER's Hollow Dippers, Power Solutions ST-12kw, Simple Centrifuge. Looking for Good 55gal Drums.