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Engine governors...

Started by BioHazard, July 28, 2011, 05:12:14 PM

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QuoteThe mains will keep that engine running at exact phase sync and frequency.

Even if it runs out of fuel !


Quote from: mike90045 on August 02, 2011, 04:52:20 PM
QuoteThe mains will keep that engine running at exact phase sync and frequency.

Even if it runs out of fuel !

My coffee almost just came out my nose.  You really caught me off guard with that comment.  Absolutely true!  ;D
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.



  I hadn't thought about having the generator tied directly to the net . . .  Can you say "Think BEFORE yoiu speak/write"? <grin>

  I'm not sure that works for me, though, because my generator is going to feed the Xantrex inverter/charger and then the Xantrex synthesizes a frequency to exactly match the line . . . at least that's what I think happens!  In that case, the generator keeps purring happily along at whatever phase-angle/frequency it happens to be at and the synthesized voltage from the inverter matches the line.

  Of course, if the generator is very far off 60 Hz, again amount "off frequency" settable by the operator, IF you buy the console, it just "dis-allows" the generator output as being "wrong-frequency" and ignores the generator - so you get nothing!

  From reading the spec's/manual, it appears that you can have the line, the generator and your inverter fed/feed loads all at a different phase angle to each other - seems like a strange way to run a circus, but it IS their circus!  <grin>

  Isn't "gee-whiz" wonderful???  <grin>


Wayne Stayton

P.S. Its now 48 hours since I sent Generac an email and I still haven't heard anything - maybe they have my name on a list as a "loose-caannon" with an "ignore" footnote??? <smile>

  I'll give them one more day, then I'll wade through their voice-mail system with a phone call!

Mercedes OM616 Four Cylinder Driving ST-24


Quote from: WStayton on August 02, 2011, 06:13:29 PM

  I'm not sure that works for me, though, because my generator is going to feed the Xantrex inverter/charger and then the Xantrex synthesizes a frequency to exactly match the line . . . at least that's what I think happens!  In that case, the generator keeps purring happily along at whatever phase-angle/frequency it happens to be at and the synthesized voltage from the inverter matches the line.

  Of course, if the generator is very far off 60 Hz, again amount "off frequency" settable by the operator, IF you buy the console, it just "dis-allows" the generator output as being "wrong-frequency" and ignores the generator - so you get nothing!

  From reading the spec's/manual, it appears that you can have the line, the generator and your inverter fed/feed loads all at a different phase angle to each other - seems like a strange way to run a circus, but it IS their circus!  <grin>

The XW AC2 (generator input) never connects to the AC1 (Grid)    The inverter/charger chooses one or the other, but does not tie them both together, so your genset cannot backfeed the grid.   You can charge the batteries from anything, and SELL that to the grid, but between the expense of the fuel, maintenance, and the cycle wear on the batteries, it's only economical with solar or zero maint wind / hydro.

  Or you can have a wimpy generator on AC2 and the inverter will sync with the genset, and recharge batteries, power loads, and use battery/inverter to support large loads the genset can't manage. (as long as the batteries hold up)  As loads drop off, it autoswitches back to charging batteries.



While holding my breath waiting for Generac to answer your questions, I found a wiring diagram for the unit. I hope this helps and I am very interested in this apparently cost effective solution. I want to build, at least, a nudge system that will take an unloaded prime mover running at 60 Hz and pull a second, much lighter spring attached to the govner linkage that will "nudge" and hold the engine at 60.X Hz as loads are added.




  That schematic has been around for a while, somebody else brought it up in a previous discussion.

  It is worthy of note that it says "There are two "Plug-In" connectors housed inside connection boxes in the harness between the control module and the stepper motor."  Maybe all we need is the part number for the "connection box(es)" and we can order one and we are good to go!  <grin>

  It DOES puzzle me that they refer to the box(es) in the plural and the picture only shows ONE . . .

  Hopefully, when I finally get to talk to somebody conversant with the hardware at Generac, we will solve the problem.  The way it stands, I'm not sure that if we ordered the stepper motor that is called for in the control unit paperwork, that we would get the connection box, so we still might have the same problem!

  I am not willing to order ANYTHING more until I can get someody at Generac to tell me that it will plug together and work!

  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  <smile>


Wahne Stayton

Mercedes OM616 Four Cylinder Driving ST-24



Keep us posted on your progress because I am anixious to order the correct part numbers. I really like the idea of an out of the box electronic governor kit, utilizing Hz from the ST gen head, and all for less than $200. This is something I have search for at least a couple of years.



I would be interested in this as well.