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Looks like...

Started by AdeV, February 15, 2011, 01:46:58 PM

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...Spencer is selling up:

Just remember, if you're looking seriously at purchasing, that the engine has significant wear (maybe ash related, maybe something else)...

UPDATE: I've spoken to Spencer, he'd like to point out that the wear is only really the bore & rings - both of which are basically service items - the rest of the setup is fine (and I've no reason to doubt him). The engine is still in daily use, but only to re-charge the battery bank, and is no longer being used for full-time power.

Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


How convenient he left out the part where it has over 2000 hours on WMO and is completely worn out.... ::)

Good reminder to be VERY careful buying used engines!
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?

injin man

Fuse is lit, bomb is thrown ;D  This ought to be an interesting thread.
Did you post this over LEF?
That is one dirty engine


Quote from: injin man on February 15, 2011, 05:48:28 PM
That is one dirty engine

My first thought was that he had painted it black. I'll bet this is a clue as to the kind of service this engine got and why it might have been worn out in a short period of time...

The old drum I dump used oil into is cleaner than that...
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?


I don't think the colour is as bad as you think - I think the photos are underexposed is all. I had to post-process most of my Lister photos, they were either too dark or too flat.

On the other hand, if the wear is significantly affecting the engine, then its bordering on the criminal not to mention it, let alone moral.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


it looks to me like the seller ought to divulge the truth about the engine, he was only too quick to report to our forums
the damage the engine incurred using wmo, and was adament about it.

i sent the seller a question asking about the condition of the engine, and whether or not it is the one he reported as being
worn out from using waste motor oil on the forums.

lets see if the question posts on ebay, and if he answers the question.

bob g


Perhaps someone should post a question on ebay...along the this the worn out engine you discussed on the forum? 

I don't know what I dislike more...someone who does something wrong...someone who sees something wrong and doesn't do anything about it...or someone who sees something wrong, doesn't do anything about it, and then afterward finds enjoyment in breaking the news to the victim...

Bob B.


i sent a question about the engine, and whether it was the same as the one he reports being worn out from use of wmo as a fuel

and got a very pointed and classicly rude response from our old friend spencer
via email,

of course he didn't post it on the add!

why does that not surprise me?

bob g

Tom Reed

Oh come on, Spenser is an upstanding guy. He probably completely rebuilt engine and being humble didn't mention it.  ::)
Ashwamegh 6/1 - ST5 @ just over 4000 hrs
ChangChi NM195
Witte BD Generator



he is selling a worn out pos as a "fully functional" unit

i don't think the term "disclosure" is in his vocabulary
although somehow i suspect he would be up in flames if the tables were turned and he bought such an engine.

interesting little man he is, he is

bob g


Bob G.,

Thanks for taking the extra step for calling him out on this.  Sometimes that's all one can do and trying to understand what motivates some people to do the things they do is beyond us...

Bob B.


maybe he thought no one here would recognize his name since it is so cleverly disguised.

My Projects
Metro 6/1  Diesel / Natural Gas, Backup Generator  
22kw Solar in three arrays 
2.5kw 3.7 meter wind turbine
2 Solar Air heaters  Totaling 150 Sq/Ft
1969 Camaro 560hp 4 speed automatic with overdrive
2005 Infiniti G35 coupe 6 speed manual transmission


little spencer is all wadded up in a knot, and is threatening to post a youtube to out me as a communist!

bring it on you little peckerwood, bring it on!

(hell i might even become famous, it might even go viral)  8)

i might get to be on msnbc or even fox news!



bob g

ps. Spencer, i know you are lurking and that is fine, however two can play this little game
i have not posted your ugly emails to me, because quite frankly i don't have time for your "kid" games
GROW UP!  quit your sniveling and be a man!  all anyone expects is a certain level of honesty here,

you give all english sellers a bad rap, when you represent your product as fully functional when the reality
is as you reported here and on the LEF  as being worn out from use of mystery wmo.

you don't have to divulge everything, but at least report the engine as needing an overhaul, its ok to state
that it runs, but needs and overhaul,, you don't need to go into the details of why it needs an overhaul
just don't represent it as something that it is not.

i don't know why i am wasting time on you, except  i am not actually doing this for your benefit, i just don't want to
see someone pay a premium for your engine and find it is a cluster of crap that you have thrown together and abused
to the point that it is hardly worth half the price.

buyer beware, be very wary of this seller and his product, know that it needs a major overhaul and bid accordingly.
anytime a seller misrepresents one aspect of a product you gotta wonder what else he is covering up.  the generators may
also be in need of major work, there may be cracked castings, missing parts, or other hidden and not disclosed issues
buried under all that grease and dirt.

might be best to go take a good look at the item before you bid,


bob g

injin man

I'm not registered over at LEF but read a thread about the Auctions and
he was quite caustic to say the least.


Something about this situation and this character really chaps my hide  >:(

His ebay ad was posted on the LEF site too, so I added some references back to this site to tell "rest of the story".

I reckon the best we can do is make as many folks as possible aware of this.

Bob B.