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omg, is this guy for real?

Started by mobile_bob, January 10, 2011, 09:39:12 PM

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Newest post on his website:

"I want to make it very clear, FREE energy is here to stay and anyone that attempts to stop us from sharing this information will be in for a big surprise. We the people have the right to explore and develop alternative power solutions that will save this world from self righteous and greedy individuals that only wish to harm us. Any interference will be taken as a direct threat to us personally and will be dealt with. Every member of our very large family has 24/7 video surveillance that watches everything, anywhere and anytime. We are watching!!! "

Makes me think of: Paranoid delusion is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. It involves the person's belief that he or she is being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed, poisoned or drugged, maliciously maligned, harassed, or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals. The focus of the delusion is often on some injustice that must be remedied by legal action. The affected person may engage in repeated attempts to obtain satisfaction by appeal to the courts and other government agencies.

Individuals with paranoid delusions are often resentful and angry, and may even resort to violence against those they believe are hurting them or a loved one. Paranoid delusions are most often diagnosed in the context of schizophrenia.

Does this sound like someone you may know?


Well, he IS disabled.  Likely has a lot of time on his hands and a modest income courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer.  So he imagines all these wonderful, glorious scenarios in which he figures so prominently and occasionally he gets carried away with himself.  No harm in that, but when someone like that invites others to participate in his delusion, and it involves making a cash advance, then it becomes more serious.  

Having watched his antics since 2005, when he first appeared on the other forum (in the guise of several different individuals, who all talked to one another on the forum - - geez, now that DOES sound like multiple personality disorder, doesn't it?), he's come and gone, always puffing himself as someone possessed of great abilities, and knowing far more than he would let on.  There's the delusions.  Hmmmm . . . I'm beginning to wonder.  And when someone calls him out, he gets very angry and retreats to his lair and licks his wounds, but then returns within 3-6 months in a slightly modified form.  

If you're a Willem-watcher, like I am, it's best to keep a low profile; don't spook your quarry.  He reads the two 'roid forums and George's Utterpower forum regularly.  A single comment from one of us is enough to elicit a nearly immediate response.  Mention the videos and they suddenly disappear, as they have again.  And no more fun.

For the most part, I think he's harmless.  He has odd, sophomoric ideas that anyone with any technical background can see are load of dingos' kidneys (a technical term), but I think his videos have been very entertaining, and I miss seeing them.  
I keep thinking Willem is, in some respects, like the Boo Radley character in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, one of my favorite movies.   In one of the pivotal lines in the book/movie, Miss Maudie said, "Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.  They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."    



Where would the world be without Nut Jobs?
There would be a whole sector of entertainment that people that have a sense of reality would completely miss out on!

I notice the run your lister on water page is gone. That was quick.  He claims people don't want him selling it. He doesn't say that most of those people were probably consumer protection groups!   ::)

This wacko thinks he sees the big picture.  He has no clue.
Lets play devils advocate and say that he develops this wonderful clean energy that can be made from water. What happens?
Well for a start, poor countries like india and pakistan  (china?) among so many others all suddenly have the ability to ramp up their industry. Whats the first thing they build?

Next thing they start a massive war with one another and/ or they go after the rich countries ( the western world) to get the resources they have. They would only have to build rifles and boats and they will probably overrun any place they want by virtue of sheer numbers of manpower.
Now our water fuel friend with bipolar that created this wonderful energy source is not enjoying the wonderful clean free energy he created sitting by his pool, he's scavenging on junk piles and among the ruins that was someone's home looking for food trying to survive the disaster HE created.
Hows things in your ideal clean, FREE energy water powered world now fruitloop?

Wack jobs.  You can achieve anything when you only know 1/1000th of what you think you do.

I like the bit about the surveillance on the family homes etc.
The next thing on his page is about gubbermint cover ups and we have all seen the endless claims that Joe Brown and countless others that invented Hohoho gas and other breakthroughs were killed by the gubbermint  to keep them quiet.  Does this clown think that a gubbermint hit team is really going to give a rats about this guys surveillance camera's? They probably will smile when they look straight into them thinking what an ignorant twit the guy was to think they were going to stop anyone trying to take him out.  As it's also possible he's in the philippines according to his site, there is not going to be many questions asked about anything that does happen especially if the right palms are greased.

Of course then down a bit he carries on about rich people trying to eat their own money and dying from starvation with stomachs full of gold, diamonds and coins.
IS this guy really that much of a tripper? He thinks rich people have great piles of cash sitting round? This is how he perceives wealth?  Seriously?
Is he that idiotic or just trying to convince total morons that would give a seconds credibility to that scenario?

The bit that scares me is these people are allowed to walk down the street and aren't locked up.
Just because you haven't committed a crime doesn't mean you aren't a real big danger to society!   >:(

In reading the above post as I was about to put up mine, I'm afraid I don't have quite as charitable a view.
As for keeping a low profile, sorry, I'll express my opinions as I see them within the rules of the medium I am expressing them on. If that upsets someone who is out of line, then maybe when called out enough they will realise their thinking is neither rational or healthy. The people that always think the rest of the world is wrong and they are the only ones that see the truth never realise they are the ones missing something.

I have not been well and have had time on my hands too and struggled with things but I haven't gone off dreaming up stupid and wild schemes and trying to get money out of people. I have wasted a lot of time and I have also put a lot of it to good use learning things that are real and practical.  I'm in an improvement stage atm and I'm putting a lot to use that I have learned to do what I can when and while I am up to it and hopefully to get going enough so I don't slide backwards again.
The one thing that I have proven to myself is if you don't help yourself, no one else can either. It's very clear to me that this guy should seek professional help.  He is probably going through a lot of frustration and dissatisfaction with his lot in the world ( understandably enough) but you can't do the same thing and expect a different result. IF he gave away the fame and glory seeking and tried to find some help he may end up a lot happier in his life that what he is now and earn the respect and acknowledgement he craves.

I don't believe anyones sickness or disability is reason or justification for going and making stupid claims or trying to con people with rubbish that hasn't got a hope of working.
There are tolerances and margins that can be made then there is just the unacceptable and this guy is well wide of what is allowable. I'm also not so sure how harmless he is although I don't have long standing knowledge of his past activities.

You have to love the net though.
Before a nutter may have been just known in their local community. Now they can be known world wide!


I really don't know why you guys, who have more important things to think about and try to accomplish, waste any time at all on this guy.  Your attention feeds energy into his existence here in this dimension.  Stop feeding him power and he will eventually do a dimensional shift and disappear.  Problem solved.
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Quote from: quinnf on October 02, 2013, 10:01:34 PM
dingos' kidneys (a technical term),

"fetid dingo's kidneys"

FTFY ;-)
Listeroid 8/1


Yes, fetid dingos' kidneys, or perhaps it should be dingos' fetid kidneys, since it is the kidneys, not the dingos, that are intended to be described as being fetid.  It's been a while since I read the Guide.



The threats to people trying to stop him and carry on about video surveillance have gone from his page but he's still raving on like a complete nut about rich people not knowing how to open a can of food and will be dying with stomachs full of gold, coins and diamonds when they try to eat it.

Total ignoramus and wack job.

His page still says they make listers that run on water.

Yep,  and there are gold bars sitting there just before I flush!   ;D


Quote from: glort on October 05, 2013, 01:13:33 AM

Yep,  and there are gold bars sitting there just before I flush!   ;D

Well, if they're still there after you flush.... flush again. If they're STILL there, they're probably real! Or possibly just a particularly stubborn one...
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


Well, here's the latest from the department of  " Fueling your engine on water and institute for the belief in the tooth fairy:

" WCAEAPS will be spending all of 2014 building water to hydrogen/oxygen generators that can be fitted onto all Listeroid engines. Please be discreet when talking about our water system and only share this information with people you trust. Nondisclosure agreements will need to be signed if you wish to see the project first hand. Our first 10,000.00 kits will only be made available to our Old Style Listers customers.

OSL Customer Prices:

Single Cylinder Engines: $1,000.00
Double Cylinder Engines: $2,000.00
Each complete, bolt on, water to hydrogen/oxygen generator kit will fit any indirect injection Listeroid engine. "

FIRST 10,000kits ???
Exactly how many listers does this lunatic think are out there???  I'll be amazed if there is a single solitary unit made.  No doubt there will be all sorts of excuses about dark forces and Gubbermints stopping him putting the thing into production and other typical dreamer rubbish.

I wonder what is in the non disclosure agreement? Some thing from preventing you telling everyone its a complete and utter load of Bullchit?

This guy needs to be locked up and given therapy before he hurts himself or someone else.


With respect to the nut job: I spend most of my forum time contemplating the technical issues and engineering theories. These topics are very interesting and thought provoking. When I want a little change of pace, I switch over this thread or one of the older ones for a little entertainment. There is almost always some new outrageous claim or delusional rant which has an entertainment value. It's not personal but you got to admit, this guy really is nuts.  


Wille the weirdo is at it again.

Re-loaded his you toob video with the following warning:

Published on Oct 5, 2013
All new WCAEAPS Hydrogen and Oxygen generator system for 2014 can only be used on Listeroid engines. Please be discreet when talking with others about this system or we will have to remove it from youtube.

On his daily spin doctored rather than updated home page, Wacko Willie now shows a couple of listers where he talks about he water fooled Hydrogen heads but surprisingly, the engines are not fitted with them nor are there any pictures. 
Now I would have thought that if a person was promoting something and telling people how well it will work and what it will do, especially when it's going to come under suspicion, That one would have been built for demonstration and proof of concept purposes.
He's go the price and is taking orders, I would have thought that he would have built one so he can show everyone how well it works.

I guess that's why willie the wack job is raking in the big bux and building his empire and I'm just sitting here laughing at him.
I just don't have what he's got that enables him to re-write the laws of physics.

At least that proves he's not a con man.  He's just a full blown nut case. If he was a con man, he wouldn't threaten to take down his own advertising which he has already done and I imagine he'd cobble up one of these water heads  even if it was just out of paper mache and silver spraypaint so he could have something to show in photos and suck people in with.   No, a con man wouldn't say such stupid things and shoot himself in the foot. Con men are clever and seem trustworthy and intelligent and reliable.
This guy is fruityer than a tropical salad!  A 105 Yo on prozac could see through this wack job's delusions.

With a little more work, wack job Willie could take first place in my personal regard for the Nets most insane Lunatic. This suspicious position is currently held by None other than Jeffery S. Brooks of "My blended Veg Fuel works perfectly even though I have to clean my injectors every 300 miles and have blown 5 Injector pumps on my mad max style van in a year".

Yeah, would be good to get wack job willie and self ordained and shunned by the Buddhist movement Jeff together.
They would keep the mental health journals chock a block full of thesis and white papers for decades!

I'll bet those two could take their electro shock therapy straight off the transmission wires on light poles and not even flinch while they shorted out whole suburbs with their bare skulls.


ok guys,   here is my latest project and you all get to hear about it first

because of the vast coverage of this forum it has become the defacto forum of register and as such any details of any project are now given the full protection of the world patent office.

for the record, dateline october 8, 2013

the apparatus is as follows:

description:   laser fusion reactor fuel source for internal combustion engines

overview:  the apparatus defined here is in effect an alternative fuel producer for use primarily in compression ignition engines, however it also can provide fuel for spark ignition, 2, 4 and 5 stroke gaseous fuel engine's of both injected and carburated design, as well as sub warp and warp drive engines for use in propulsion of space craft and spit balls.

explanation of apparatus and theory of operation:

the reactor unit is comprised of a standard 100 watt light bulb with the filament removed, attached to the screw base socket are unobanium titanium alloy heat exchanger coil that fits within the envelope of the bulb as well as an injector that injects molecular water vapor at pressure exceeding 1000kbar. 

the bulb flask is surrounded by a series of standard pen style laser pointers, all pointing to a focal point wherein the high pressure water vapor is injected

the lasers are controlled by a secret high performance 8080 micro chip running at 1.993k giga hz, each being pulsed with bursts of 240vac  at .0000000001 micro seconds

the apparatus is started wherein the water vapor is injected, the lasers are fired and the atomic structure of the hydrogen is cracked to subatomic particles that have been proven to be 1000x the btu value of garden variety hydrogen produced by those inferior products being sold on ebay and other internet sites. those units which crack water into hydrogen by either electrical current, or by high temperature dissociation of water, or both.

prototypes of this unit are currently in operation in various locations around the world, with the pleasant side effect being standard engines such as the lowly 5hp briggs and stratton are routinely producing 50 to 60 hp at 367rpm,

we have engines with over 125k hours and still running with this apparatus.

we are looking for investors to work with us to further develop the apparatus with the goal being packaging and marketing to discerning buyers that are sick and tired of getting close to being able to buy something only to find out some mega corp oil or power company has bought the patent and killed the inventor.

interested parties please respond here,
(be prepared to sign a non disclosure agreement, provide a blood sample, finger prints, retinal scan, stool sample and either your first born, significant other or you favorite dog)


be forewarned that in the case this technology is stolen we will go to any and all lengths to collect damages via the courts to protect our rights.

bob g




This is a winner for sure Bob!
Can I be the distributor for the Pacific/ Oceania region for you?

Whatever you do don't sell it direct to the vehicle/ aircraft/ ship/ Locomotive manufacturers because then they will fit it to their vehicles standard and we won't be able to hock it on the net one sale at a time and come onto forums and try to convince people to buy it.  There is no future in licencing it to major manufacturers for tens of  Millions a year, you want to stick to cobbling them together out of PVC plumbing supplies in your garage and flogging them off one at a time.

What you really need is a testimonial from the Outer Mongolian Office of Sustainable Yak farming and alternative cosmic energy development bureau.Like my dear old grandpappy used to say,  If you can't trust the Outer Mongolian Office of Sustainable Yak farming and alternative cosmic energy development bureau,  then who can you trust ?

Something from a real person Like  Cletus Z, of wherethefukarewe, Backwater, USA will also give a lot of credibility to the product because everyone loves Cletus and knows he wouldn't recommend anything he wasn't paid to say was true.

I think for a marketing strategy you should go on forums and rave about the product. When anyone challenges your wild and unsubstantiated claims against the laws of Physics and common sense, I'll come on and say how I have one and how great it works then pick a fight with everyone who asks a question other than " Where can I order one?"  When the whole thing turns into a bun fight and the mod closes the discussion down, we'll disappear having only ever commented on that one single thread and go on to the next forum under a different name but with the same predictable agenda and insult to peoples intelligence.
I have seen this time and time again with different products so it must be a highly effective strategy and move thousands of these questionable products that will save humanity and your childrens Children.

I'm happy to sign the non disclosure agreement and give you everything required,  PARTICULARLY my first born and significant other  ( take them both, PLEASE!!!)  but I'd really like to keep my dog.  I need someone to share my new found fame and fortune with.
I just have to find a large enough Mason Jar for the stool sample. My medication cause's me not to go often but when I do, it's like giving birth to a full grown Anaconda. 
Will you accept the sample in a 5 gallon plastic Bucket if I can squeeze it all in?

I'll get started on finding an office in the Philippines as that is a far more safe and secure and law abiding place than Oz or the US.  Zero crime and corruption there after all.
Would you like me to set up a swiss bank account for you while I'm at it setting up mine? I know this is really about saving the world from big oil enslaving your children to salt pits and shale oil mines but we'll have to hide the Billions we'll make somewhere so we can take it with us when we die.


this is going to get down right entertaining!


bob g