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omg, is this guy for real?

Started by mobile_bob, January 10, 2011, 09:39:12 PM

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This is not the first time I have jumped to conclusions and it will probably not be the last time. I am just thankful we are able to have our opinions without getting kicked off. As to my remark to Bob and the use of the word god and not God. I know now since it was in lower case I was wrong and for that I owe Bob an applogy. I will be the first to admitt if I made a bad choice and this time I did. So I ask from Bob and all of my friends if I still have any please FORGIVE me for jumping the gun. Mike DD
As long as Breast Cancer Kills, I will support the battle. Please help support your local chapters.



no problem from me!

i let my ire get the best of me, and probably could have presented my thoughts a bit more carefully.

time to move forward and do what we do best i would think

bob g


WE'RE COOL     ;D ;D        NEXT?


"WCAEAPS training classes start at 10:00 am and ends at 8:00 pm. Class has a 2 hour lunch break at Playa ElDorado in Chehalis that is included in price where we continue talking about Listeroid engines in general. Bring your coveralls as you will be taking apart one engine and then properly installing each part and checking tolerances. This is a must have course for all Listeroid owners. $1,000.00 per person for the day and includes lunch."

Wow - such a deal, only $1000 for 6 hours of listeroid instruction, of course there is the 2 hour free lunch. Such a deal!


So I went to the site, and tried to check it out....I don't have a sound card in the craptop, so I didn't get much out of the youtube video, the guy kept focasing on the pulleys and waving his hand in front of the camera...

this is my all time favorite homemade "please buy our product" video....

and if these guys were selling this thing, I'd want one too...

After hanging around youtube and some old engine shows, I have come to understand what a "trailer queen" looks like... and that painted up lister looks a lot like a trailer queen. I want to see the lister he has with the 100000 hrs on it....

Are they really that good? I blew up all the ones we had in Iraq within six hours. The cement mixer engine was still running when I left, but the generators all blew up. Even had a crankshaft snap off and the flywheel go rolling across the motor park.
Anyhow, I'd like to believe, just haven't seen anything, I'd feel comfortable buying...


Wow! New for 2014 is the hydrogen generator head which bolts directly to a listeroid head. Yes, according to the inventor, this device will separate water into hydrogen and oxygen in sufficient quantities to power a listeroid engine using a combination of heat and vacume generator the fuel. The first video on his website is a must see. Gives me cause to pause and wonder why I spent all that time and money getting a mechanical engineering degree from a reputable university (University of Miami) and wonder my professors withheld this knowledge from us. Gee, come to think of it, this technology has been hidden from the world as well. We certainly are fortunate to have genius like this to invent a device to improve the qualitity of life for billions of people and save the world. After watching his highly informative, technically challenged video, everything is so much clearer now.


"It ain't broke till I Can't make parts for it"


Listeroid 8/1


Quote from: Horsepoor on September 27, 2013, 02:36:14 PM
Wow! New for 2014 is the hydrogen generator head which bolts directly to a listeroid head. Yes, according to the inventor, this device will separate water into hydrogen and oxygen in sufficient quantities to power a listeroid engine using a combination of heat and vacume generator the fuel. The first video on his website is a must see......

Link ???


Water cracking to H and O with only the heat of the exhaust?!  Wow.

Reminds me of a fun sketch of an electric car powered by a wind turbine mounted on the roof.  One you get it up to speed, the wind power takes over and it's free energy.  Har har.


either this guy is off his nut, or he is yanking our chain!

i will leave it to the reader to determine which is the case.

surely everyone knows my position on his claims, and this latest surely does nothing but
cement them in place.

what a loon!

sad thing is he will likely rope somebody into parting with large sums of money.

bob g


Quote from: BruceM on September 27, 2013, 08:05:32 PM

Reminds me of a fun sketch of an electric car powered by a wind turbine mounted on the roof.  One you get it up to speed, the wind power takes over and it's free energy.  Har har.

I recall Chevy racing engine building legend Smokie Yunich did something like this.  In order to increase available HP to the rear wheels of a racing car he eliminated the alternator that is usually a belt driven load on the engine and instead mounted a wind turbine, fan type blade driven alternator exposed to the windstream past the car to charge the vehicle battery and electrics.  NASCAR (IIRC) officials decided to ban it.  Officials can be such party poopers!
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Quote from: Horsepoor on September 27, 2013, 02:36:14 PM
Wow! New for 2014 is the hydrogen generator head which bolts directly to a listeroid head. Yes, according to the inventor, this device will separate water into hydrogen and oxygen in sufficient quantities to power a listeroid engine using a combination of heat and vacume generator the fuel. The first video on his website is a must see. Gives me cause to pause and wonder why I spent all that time and money getting a mechanical engineering degree from a reputable university (University of Miami) and wonder my professors withheld this knowledge from us. Gee, come to think of it, this technology has been hidden from the world as well. We certainly are fortunate to have genius like this to invent a device to improve the qualitity of life for billions of people and save the world. After watching his highly informative, technically challenged video, everything is so much clearer now.

I just can't wait to get one! I asked for availability and price. That ought to be good for a laugh!

The problem with people like you horsepoor is you have too much of a closed mind. Your head is filled with stuff like laws of Physics, proven engineering principals, facts, Logic, Common sense.... You're never going to get anywhere filling your head with things like that!
Once you truly open your mind to believe in things like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and that you CAN run an engine on Rainbows and Pixie dust, You too will be able to fit a Hohoho devise to your vehicle and go from 15 MPG to 150 MPG for just $499 available from ebay and good scammers everywhere!

Unfortunately, I'd be a bit like you and the first things I'd say when I came up with an idea like this is  what is the temp required to crack water with heat and then I'd look at the exhaust temp of the engine.  Of course the 2 wouldn't add up and then I'd just say well that won't work and move on to something that had half a chance.
Not this guy though! He doesn't let a little fringe science like Physics put him off, No siree! He goes right on ahead and designs something and tries peddling it anyhow. He's not going to let any little inconvenient facts put him off his ideas of free energy and fame and fortune.
What's really amazing is he is the first guy to come up with this idea!   ::)

The worrying thing is this guy sounds like he does believe the thing will work.  Wonder if he'll actually try fitting one to an engine of his own and running it on water?
I think he'll be disappointed but the real test will be if he pushes on with the thing.

I'm sure he'll be so confident he'll offer a double money back guarantee..... and then tell everyone that claims that they haven't set it up right.


Quote from: BruceM on September 27, 2013, 08:05:32 PM

Reminds me of a fun sketch of an electric car powered by a wind turbine mounted on the roof.  One you get it up to speed, the wind power takes over and it's free energy.  Har har.

Don't laugh, I saw a guy on a forum less than 2 years ago ARGUING this would work and getting shitty because people kept telling him it wouldn't.
At first people thought it was a joke but it soon became clear the guy was Fair Dinkum.  He was asking about what were the most efficient generators and electric motors and seemed to think that there would be power left over from running the vehicle to charge a boot full of batteries to plug his house into when he got home!
Scary Stuff!

I pointed out that there may be a problem with the traffic authorities and Bridges with him having a great spinning windmill on the car so he changed his plans to having lots of little ones around the car.  So glad I could help with that one!   ::)

I would not be surprised if he actually went and spent money on components to try and fit it up.
He  seemed convinced there was no possible way it COULDN'T work.


I think it's GREAT that some people are trying to defy the laws of physics. It gives us something to giggle about, and who knows; some day, one of them stumble across something nobody have thought about and - if not break the laws; at least bend them a bit... :)