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omg, is this guy for real?

Started by mobile_bob, January 10, 2011, 09:39:12 PM

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most of us know of this company and its founder, the one, the only, the legend in his own mind...


check out his new HHO power system, and its prices!

this dude is way past help, maybe on the other side of the fence?

i will personally give anyone here that can provide the name, location, and some documentation of one of these HHO
systems by oldstylelisters 50 bucks cash...

i just got to see this for myself, and what kind of person, company or other entity that could part with that kind of money for
something that is way over the line and clearly qualifies as a hoax

bob g


Aw Bob you're just too pessimistic! At that price surely you see that it comes with a lifetime supply of fuel! :D :D
Seriously WOW!
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


is it any wonder why the AE thing is so challenged in this country?

jeesh where else in the world could you try and hoax like this without being summarily executed for even trying it?

the chinese would shoot him, the russians would carve him up for fishbait, the mexican druglords?

what a country!

the rest of the world has to be laughing at the usa for housing such a bozo.

on a related topic

over on a windpower forum, there was a topic about a company selling windgen's that mount on your rooftop, they want 15 grand for one.
i did the math last night for a typical american home with the average windspeeds available on a rooftop, factored in the cost of average utility power
and it only works out to a bit over 400 years before it breaks even!

a fool and his money are soon parted i guess.

for the love of all that is right, we should keep an eye out for this sort of bullcrap and make sure no one we know falls prey to this sort of scam.

i wouldn't wish this sort of "screwing" on my worst enemy,, i can't think of anyone i hate that bad.


just what i needed to take another run at the epa about cogen!

if this flippin clown can get clearance ,,,by golly,  we ought to have no problem at all!

bob g


just did the math on this joke

it would only take 547 years at 12cent/kw/hr to break even!

what a deal

bob g



We know you WANT one!   ;D



Well, any idiot can make a web page these days...just because he has one doesn't mean he is selling anything!

After more than a decade selling on ebay though, I can tell you people will buy ANYTHING for top dollar if you're a good enough salesman...

If anybody can prove to me how generating HHO gas will improve the efficiency of any engine I'll buy you a new Corvette.
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?


Wonder how many of those $99,997.00 hydrogen models he thinks he'll sell - not. Amazing....


if this flippin clown can get clearance by god we ought to have no problem at all!

bob g

Bob I think you are an alright guy. If I didn't I probably would not support this sites cause. I will have to think this was a joke, but this remark could be considered offensive. I thought relegion was not a topic to be discussed. I'm not sorry standing my ground on this. The bible teaches that works will never give us or deny us passage into the Kingdom of God. No matter how bad or how good someone is on this earth there is only one way into the Kingdom of God. Everyone has that right. The DD
As long as Breast Cancer Kills, I will support the battle. Please help support your local chapters.

Henry W

What a Scam!!! I think he will talk some person into buying a unit. This is sad. One thing for sure, if he sells one he will be laughing all the way to the bank.


Henry W

All he has to do is sell 4 units a year and he will live a better life than most of us. Are we missing somthing here? ??? I guess I just don't have the Intestinal Fortitude to pull a stunt like he is doing. I would not be able to live with myself if I pulled a stunt like this wacko. He sure is a basket case ::)



I thought he'd moved to the Philippines, I guess he's back !


I'm trying to figure how in the world he can claim to run the thing on what sounds like Brown's gas! I thought it took more energy to produce than
one could recover from it's use? Or is it just used to supplement another fuel? The website is not very clear on anything really.
I believe he's a Snake Oil Salesman.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous



Importer and Manufacturer
Both the original engine
manufacturer (the company that
assembles the engine) and the
importer are responsible for ensuring
that engines imported to the United
States comply with all certification
standards and requirements. For
example, importers and manufacturers
are prohibited from importing or
manufacturing engines that are not
properly EPA-certified and labeled.
EPA highly recommends that
importers inspect the engines they
intend to import to verify that they are
EPA-certified and labeled. Importers
are also responsible for ensuring that
the engine manufacturer will honor the
emissions warranty. (This warranty is
separate and apart from any other
manufacturer warranty.) Depending
on engine type and size, the warranty
period may vary from two to five
years. The importer also bears
responsibility for any requirements
not met by the original engine
manufacturer. For more information,


Here is my favorite quote from his site:

"In fact all W.C.A. engines can be exchanged for my newest engine free of charge so you will never have to buy another engine ever again."

That's because you never receive one in the first place so it's easy to "upgrade" it...




What can you say about a guy who names an engine after himself?

I'm amazed that nobody has sued him for fraud/misrepresentation.  Surely, he's sold a couple of engines, but I haven't seen anyone yet admit to that.  If he ever sells one of these HHO engines, and the buyer realizes what's happened, Willem's in for a bumpy ride.