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Admin, problems with personal messages

Started by Jens, October 10, 2009, 11:46:33 AM

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I have run into a couple of issues with the forums private message system. My profile calls for an email notification every time I receive a personal message from a group member. It appears that this is not happening. I just discovered that I had three personal messages and I was not notified about any of them.
The forum software puts a number right behind the "My messages" but it's tiny and not obvious at all.

It would be nice if this could be fixed when time allows.



One other software issue-  email does not get sent when you ask for your password to be sent.  We could be loosing contributors this way. 


don't know how i missed this topic,  we have the same issue
with not getting email notifications either

i will check into this and see what needs to be done over the next couple days.



Internet Exporer 8 has trouble with some versions of Simple Machines forum software... I was having trouble posting and getting the forum to display properly - turned on "Compatability View" up there on the toolbar (looks like a piece of paper torn in half), and my problems disappeared.

Although I have no idea if this has anything to do with email trouble. So here's my 1ยข contribution... ;D


Quote from: Jens on October 19, 2009, 03:17:40 PM

PS.: Firefox is a great alternative and it's free

And, just to be contrary, I'd recommend Opera - which is also free, and rather excellent.

Of course, if your a total masochist (or a Mac user), you could kill your computer entirely with Safari  ;D
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


I've never had any problems with  a properly set-up IE7 or 8, and I can't change, I run a fully-integrated Windows-based platform for work-related compatability. I actually like XP, it works well. Time to kill it, eh Bill?
I don't like Vista, and I haven't got enough experience yet with W7 to comment.

I'm "comfortable" in Windows-land or Apple. My first non-home-built computer was an Apple II Plus... I was the last man standing in my division to be Mac-based, wrote the compatability software myself... in order to emulate customer's MS systems...

I don't mind Apple, it's just overly expensive and finicky. Too many clients have MS stuff to bother. I don't know of a single integrated oil company that is Apple-based. My dentist has an Apple-based office. It runs as smooth as a Model T with a dead cylinder.

Linux and I get along fine.

Not as well as Hypo and Assem, though... and where's my SWATFIVE-S compiler?

(Antique computer languages...)

;D  ;D  ;D

Try that "Compatability View"...

Watch that Firefox, lots of security holes...
Chrome uses your browsing habits information...

Just my opinion....


Quote from: cognos on October 19, 2009, 05:11:11 PM
I've never had any problems with  a properly set-up IE7 or 8, and I can't change, I run a fully-integrated Windows-based platform for work-related compatability. I actually like XP, it works well. Time to kill it, eh Bill?

I also like XP. In fairness, it's 8 years old now - which, in computer terms, is ancient history as you know. 8 years prior to that, you could still buy an Apple ][e, brand new!


I don't like Vista, and I haven't got enough experience yet with W7 to comment.

XP was a major functionality & usability step-change from Win 2000; wheras Vista appears to be a DRM-hobbled special-effects-guru's wet dream gone wrong. I've only ever seen 2 Vista machines "in the wild", and I couldn't see any reason to update my many XP machines. Although MS is now busy releasing a plethora of patches for XP, all of which seem designed to make my machine slower & slower..... I may defect back to Win2K at this rate.


I'm "comfortable" in Windows-land or Apple. My first non-home-built computer was an Apple II Plus... I was the last man standing in my division to be Mac-based, wrote the compatability software myself... in order to emulate customer's MS systems...

I don't mind Apple, it's just overly expensive and finicky. Too many clients have MS stuff to bother. I don't know of a single integrated oil company that is Apple-based. My dentist has an Apple-based office. It runs as smooth as a Model T with a dead cylinder.

I guess that means "quite lumpy" ??? ?

My first computing experience was an Acorn BBC B, then a Sinclair QL, Apple Macs & DEC VAXen for a couple of years at University before, of necessity, working with PC's and Windows. Along the way I've dabbled with Sharp MZ-80Ks, CBM Pets & similar, and a few exotica have passed through my hands as well. I never went back to Apple (nothing against them, just never happened), now use Windows & Linux pretty well exclusively. Although if I ever get my hands on a Vax 8800... I think I'll need a couple of BIG Lister(oid)s to run that one...
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...