Hello From So of Houston, Bought a couple projects......

Started by injin man, December 01, 2010, 07:10:57 PM

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injin man

Ladies and Gentlemen, I've been reading the Board for a while, a friend turned
me on to it.

Since this is my first post, I'll give a little background on the projects I have under way.
I'm doing some basic solar, have one 80watt BP hooked up to a 7a controller, 140a AGM
and  a 600w MW inverter running the lights in my container workshop. I also have a
pair of Kyocera 85 watt panels for a Hydroponic project that's been slowly moving forward.
We all have to eat while we're keeping the lights on.

The next is a pair of Ningbo 6hp Diesel Gensets, these are new to me as of yesterday.
Both appear to be in good condition and got a guarantee from the seller that they would
run. It's been real cold today and the one I've been cleaning up will almost fire with
the hand crank. They're both set up with 12v starters but I can't tell what to do with the terminals just yet, anyone have a pic? I bought a Permanent Magnet Alternator a while
back and want to hook it up to one of them and get a bigger battery (forklift size 600amp
24Volt) and use it to periodically force charge it, the other will be for general shop power.

Tomorrow I'm picking up a used Deutz 3 cyl engine, it was too cheap to pass up.


Welcome Man
Good to have you on the site
you will find a ton of good help and info
Got to get a Lister!! ;D
Working with Witte 15/1,WVO Lister 12/2 with 25kw Gen head,Gasifier,Sterling Engine,Solar,Hydrogen,300sd Benz on WVO,Dodge Truck on WVO


don't listen to Jeff!

get a changfa man!


seriously, welcome to our little corner of the world good to have you onboard

bob g

injin man

Quote from: mobile_bob on December 01, 2010, 07:57:40 PM
don't listen to Jeff!

get a changfa man!


seriously, welcome to our little corner of the world good to have you onboard

bob g

I barely found the labels on them, the guy at Hardy Diesel gave me a run down on the
specs. I really do want a Lister.....finding one is the hard part or I'd prolly already have


Henry W

Before I get a Lister I would purchase a GM-90. It is a much more refind engine. How do I know? I been around and used of them both and all I can say the GM-90 kicks Listers butt!!!

But!!! I would purchase a Changfa before any of the above. They are Loud, Strong!!! And last Long!!!

Now If you want a real nice, simple, long lasting, refind, single cylinder diesel get a Farymann!!! ;D

Welcome aboard,
As you see we also like kidding around and bust on each other at times.
Lots of good folks here that have knowledge in all types of engines and other stuff.


you can get in on the group of us that are buying listers in the UK

Hope to see them in the UsA by March or so
I have found a few
Ido like my Changfas the 195 and the 1100
but as my screen name says
SLOWSPEED just love the thump da tump da thumpda thump
Ask Mike  AKA  drdeath About it if want
Working with Witte 15/1,WVO Lister 12/2 with 25kw Gen head,Gasifier,Sterling Engine,Solar,Hydrogen,300sd Benz on WVO,Dodge Truck on WVO

injin man


Glad to be here, I literally learn something new everytime I come back.
If you happen to make it to Houston drop me a PM. A couple friends and I
another board have a friend in the UK who comes over and we always
have a great time. He's a Mod on that board, he has a fishing tackle shop

From what I can gather the Changfa's and the Ningbo's and some others are
all probably made from the same parts? They are very simple and that's important
for complicated soul like me.

injin man

Ok, after nearly breaking my wrist cranking the engine by hand I finally got her
going. I put what I thought was enough diesel in the tank and it still wouldn't fire.
So I filled it all the way up and figured the problem might be air in the line, opened
the bleed screw on the pump and in a second the fuel ran free, closed it off and bang
fired right up! Loud little booger. Now off tomorrow to get a couple heavy duty truck
batteries and try the electric starters.


Welcome to the forum.
Keep us posted on the workshop and hydroponics off-grid setup.
As a fellow vegetable grower (soon to be off-grid), I'm interested to see how you are using solar/gen power to help with garden production.


injin man


I've got the rubber on the road at this point. There is a really big Hydroponics store
in Houston, the guys selling the stuff seemed kinda confused when I wanted to know
about growing veggies with this and aquaponics, it immediately dawned on me after
seeing all the blowers, filters and MH lights that veggies was NOT what their customer
base was growing. The property I live on is about 50 miles so of Houston 5 miles from
the Gulf and it's 27.5 acres with a ton of Chinese Tallow Trees for fuel. ;D A greenhouse
is pretty high up on the list, during the winter you can work outside more comfortably here,
it's 100 degrees during the summer and the sketos will have you for lunch too.