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Interesting new engine technology

Started by Jens, November 01, 2010, 11:56:21 AM

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I saw something very much like this on the other site before and was dubious.  Right on top of it as usual.



Quote from: Jens on November 01, 2010, 11:56:21 AM

Sorry about the huge URL ........

Hey Jens,

This is just a tip and you don't have to use it or feel like a dunce for not using it above.

If you want to form a much shorter link that is dead simple all you need to do is this;

{url=} LINK{/url}

Instead of the curly brackets as I have used above use the square ones, like these [].

HERE'S the site you linked to above.

Click on the quote button and look at what the board software shows.

Hope this helps,


"EcoMotors' opoc engine is built with opposing pistons, opposing cylinders, and a single crank in the middle. Together, the components work to create a combustion power event with every revolution, unlike existing 4-stroke engines that combust every other turn, Runkle says."

Wow, they've invented the Boxer Twin! How do I invest?



personally i see the thing having significant emission problems inherent to all the 2stroke engines that came before it.

most especially when it comes to diesel operation.

bob g


Quote from: Jens on November 07, 2010, 12:26:30 AM
Quote from: TimSR2 on November 06, 2010, 11:42:33 PM
Wow, they've invented the Boxer Twin! How do I invest?

Look at the video ... totally different from a boxer twin (unless my understanding of a boxer twin is completely wrong)

Yup -- this thing has two cylinders but 4 pistons!
Listeroid 8/1

Henry W

It is hard to say how it will work out. With todays advances electronic fuel injection it might have a chance. You will not have part of a fresh fuel mixture excapeing on the exhaust schaveging part of the cycle. This is where electronic fuel injection cleaned up Evinrudes new two stroke outboards. It is working very good for some of the Outboard manufactures so It might work in other places.



there are a few mechanical design considerations that concern me

the use of a master and articulated rod system being one, which adds a few more stressed parts

and then there is the issue wiith rods that are placed in tension rather than compression, those parts that
have to hold all that together are going to have to be very good in my opinion.

the outer pistons and there related pins, master and acticulated rods and bolts are always under tension
even though they can be built strong enough i wonder what happens if there is a shock load, or some other
overload condition that might lead to something breaking that wouldn't ever break on the companion parts
that operate the inner pistons.

i think it is an interesting design, but i don't see it as being commercially successful in anything other than some
very specific applications where loading is tightly controlled, weight is an issue and longevity is of secondary concern.

maybe a military genset?

i don' think we will ever see one in a car, at least not in a car that has a long lifespan

bob g


Quotei don' think we will ever see one in a car, at least not in a car that has a long lifespan

Look out!  You're going to get GM and the rest excited.



Would it be anything like the British Commer diesel engine? Looks like a lot of power train complexity. I bet the Rajikot  engine business is not going to try to clone it. I dont think it would tolerate a lot of casting sand!

10-1 Jkson / ST-5


While reading the original post's link, I came across this company:

Do any of you know anything about it?   Looks like quite an improvement on the old Wankel Rotary concept.   They are even talking about engines down to the 2 HP size.   If they are really as efficient as claimed, I wonder about their longitivity.   A small one could power backup generator?

JKson 6/1, 7.5 kw ST head, propane tank muffler, off-grid, masonry stove, thermal mass H2O storage

"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temp Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin, 1775

"The 2nd Amendment is the RESET button of the US Constitution"


Does anybody besides me remember the Wankel engined single rotor lawnmower that was in either Popular Science or maybe
Mechanics Illustrated back in the early 70's? I guess it went the way of Suzuki's Rotary engined motorcycle and the Chevy Vega, Corvair,
4 rotor engined Corvette, Chevy Monza(that was designed for a rotary), etc.
FWIW Moller is using several Rotary engines in it's Skycar instead of a single much larger power plant.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


Apex seals on the rotor has always been a problem in wankels; I would like to see what they have done differently in that aspect. Intuitively the hype is a turn off. The pollution reduction and efficiency gain percentages would indeed be a tremendous break through.
They say they are looking for a partner to take the engine to production. If the claims were supportable they would have been swamped with suitors long ago, methinks.

10-1 Jkson / ST-5


I know that the early 1990's era Mazda RX7's had some real longevity issues. and when performance began to drop, it was a very short amount of time before they were toast.

The literature @ that site mentions that the design/technology is so good that it requires no lube or cooling!

That is truely incredible! Unbelievable comes to mind! ;D

Has a certain scent about it.


QuoteHas a certain sent about it.

I was thinking more like cent.  But it's already gotten farther that I thought it would when we looked at this idea a year or two ago on the other site.  Is there any truth to rumor that you only screw Gates once?  No hinge jokes please.
