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Canadian Border Crossing

Started by vdubnut62, September 13, 2010, 08:39:51 AM

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Is it Yahoo or has my email really slowed down since writing on this thread?


Tom T

It has been very slow lately all over. Tom T


Quote from: LowGear on September 23, 2010, 09:38:00 PM
Is it Yahoo or has my email really slowed down since writing on this thread?


Watch him Boys, he's a throughly dangerous man!  Ya'll may not know it, but this man's a spy, he's an undercover agent for the FBI and he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan.
Charlie Daniels, " Uneasy Rider"

   Wonder how that gets their attention? ;D ;D ;D ;D
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


Ron and Dick Cheney outing federal employees.  It's a dangerous world.



OOPs! Sorry Casey! Figures- my DSL went out at 12:05AM this morning came back on around 9ish.
the ISP said they were "upgrading" and something did not go right.
Yeah you have redneck me for a customer, Duh!
If only they knew.......
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


Quote from: LowGear on September 24, 2010, 09:18:55 AM
Ron and Dick Cheney outing federal employees.  It's a dangerous world.

Who did Cheney out ? Not that Valerie Plame broad again I hope !!!!
Old Iron For A New Age


On a related note to this thread, one of my friends was recently on a domestic flight.  Remember the Lee handloaders?  He had one (metal) component from that set in his pocket.  When they made inquiry as to what it was, he told them. (Perhaps that was his mistake.  Maybe he should have said it was a muffler bearing.) It created a scene.  He was pulled aside, heavily questioned, and treated--in his words--as a criminal. He was embarassed, humiliated, and angry. One thing is certain, you can't count on TSA to have a whole lot of common sense. 

I think a good perspective on this was given to me by another friend.  He was in military intelligence, codebreaking and computers for his entire career, and had retired.  I said to him, "Bill, (not his real name), I wish you could tell me what you know."  He said these chilling words: "I cannot tell you anything really, but I can tell you this--I have probably read as many or more classified documents and communications as any man, and I will tell you this: never trust your government."  And then, he was silent.


Just in case some of you have forgotten or never knew.  The founders of this US government did so because they were fed up with government and I can't see anywhere that any of them recommended trust of a government.



Quote from: LowGear on September 26, 2010, 07:23:59 PM
Just in case some of you have forgotten or never knew.  The founders of this US government did so because they were fed up with government and I can't see anywhere that any of them recommended trust of a government.


In fact they distrusted government so much that the 2nd amendment was included into the bill of rights. It's intent is that when government becomes too big & overbearing that the people will rise up & overthrow that government & replace it with a new one. Thier writings of the time say so specifically. The amazing thing is four out of nine of the "smartest" judges in the country can't understand these simple facts.


Old Iron For A New Age



"When you give freedom to business you must build prisons to control those from whom it was taken"

That is too extreme to be taken totally at face value. I believe in balance but it seems to be true that every institution will grow to be a self serving nuisance unless limitations are deliberately set. When the heads of the institutions  sit on the jury  the exercise is a sham.

Unfortunately when the inmates take control of the institutions the resulting extreme "cures" usually soon beget worse conditions than what they tore down; check history to see how long the catharsis of the French Revolution lasted.

10-1 Jkson / ST-5




In fact they distrusted government so much that the 2nd amendment was included into the bill of rights. It's intent is that when government becomes too big & overbearing that the people will rise up & overthrow that government & replace it with a new one. Thier writings of the time say so specifically. The amazing thing is four out of nine of the "smartest" judges in the country can't understand these simple facts.




Yeah, I know you put "smartest" in quotes but didn't you really mean to say... " four out of nine judges appointed based on their political views and not their intelligence can't understand these simple facts?"

Randy B


Old Iron For A New Age


To be real.  If the selection process is true for one it is most likely true for them all.  People that think like me are not better or worse informed or above or below average but rather just think like me.

Delusion is a beautiful thing.

The Bill of Rights is the result of a massive compromise.  Sort of like our current Supreme Court.  I genuinely respect this set of laws while some of the individual amendments make more sense to me than others.  Just like sometimes the Supreme Court makes sense to me.

What a shame these rights don't include all passport bearing US citizens when we are on US soil and the border "shacks" are on US soil.
