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Yes but....your wooden shelter wouldn't be largely EMP proof!

Started by LowGear, August 31, 2010, 10:57:24 AM

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I'm lazy.  I could spend a few hours getting edumacated on this EMP thing but perhaps a few people would just quickly fill me in on what it is and (more importantly) where this phenomenon is going to come from?



Electro Magnetic Pulse! Like a sweep of a gigantic rare earth magnet it would instantly destroy all magnetically stored data and disable every computer and most things that have any computerized elements. Probably destroy bank records. Excellent move if you owe money but instantly beggar you if you have any.

Most likely source to come from? US Government ............. it seems the only way they could ever settle their debt.

10-1 Jkson / ST-5


Large EMPs can be caused by solar activity, or nuclear explosions.

Or perhaps mind-controlling aliens. Hence my reference to the tin foil hat in the shipping container thread...  ;D ;D ;D


Oh Hell!                 (Twilight Zone theme playing in the background)
Where's my tinfoil?
Seriously, my old house is wrapped in foil under the 2 layers of siding (1 asbestos!) and has a metal roof. The darn thing would probably explode under EMP
Aw, nobody gets out of this life alive anyway.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


Probably microwave your fillings and your titanium joints and do in your pacemaker too.

Seriously it is scary how dependant our social order is upon electronic gadgetry. If the grid and electronic accounting were to go down we would be virtually paralysed. Even cash would not get you any goods unless you were dealing with the amish or mennonites. Their cash registers are not electronic. Probably most of our chipped vehicles would not run even if you did fuel them. All the GPS controlled operations would be dead in the water including off shore drilling.

My wifes bicycle computer used to register 6 KPH even standing still anywhere within about 25 ft of my electric fencer.

10-1 Jkson / ST-5


NASA warned all governments back in June of a potential EMP storm coming in 2013.
The chance of a storm is very likely however the magnitude is uncertain.
Here is the article....

If the grid gets knocked out even for a few weeks there will be widespread chaos.



Huge by normal standards but presumably small in relation to what is predicted.



I got a shotgun, a rifle, and a 4WD...this country boy can survive. (and the 4WD has a carburetor and manual trans)
Do engines get rewarded for their steam?


The August 7th solar flare was classified an "M1" flare, which is defined as a Medium sized flare which can cause brief radio blackouts.

Here's an interesting site, I watch it fairly regularly to see if I might be able to see some aurora where I live.
