
we are back up and running again!

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Ceremonial Run

Started by dpollo, September 21, 2009, 05:28:16 PM

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I am so pleased the forum is starting afresh that I am going right out to start up my genuine Lister  (2 cyl) which is coupled to a 5 kw Katolight and hoist a glass to Jens for his efforts.  I challenge all those members whose units are up and running to do the same.

BTW  In the discussion forums I did not notice a category dedicated solely to Lister or Lister of Dursley. Maybe in my excitement I missed it .  I'll log out now and light the unit up.  dp



 Test run of about 20 minutes  (the duration of the toast) now completed.  Went well/tasted good , I think I'll have another.  Toast, not test. 

Incidentally, I am using an AVR which I bought from Trigzy  $148 in Canada and it is faultless in its operation.  Other automatic voltage controls I had priced were up in the $600 range.  I hope he will join us again.  dp


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You to whoever is responsible for this new forum.  What a pleasant surprise!!  I'm flywheel on the forum and located out on the prairie in N. IL. where I can tend to my herd of diesel engines.
Never met a diesel engine I didnt like.