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what the heck happened?

Started by mobile_bob, May 26, 2010, 02:14:29 PM

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Sorry Crumpite, I'll behave. It was only 4 grins.
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous



I'm not offended !
That why I put so many simlies in my post !

I'm always astounded at what you can find on the internet.

I've always been tempted to go to the dark side and start my own religion/cult/blog type thing and just see what I could get people to believe.
Rush Limbaugh would have nothing on me, I declare !

Then when everyone believed everything I said, I'd declare that giant mutant turnips were attacking Washington.
In the confusion I'd slip away to my private island (bought by my selling advertising) and live on my ill gotten gains...


Yes, I've had my medication today, I swear... ::)


On the plus side, I managed to do a lot of work on my cogen setup yesterday.
(today I spent in bed healing up from all the activity, sigh...)

I hope to be starting full power tests next week, starting with diesel, then WVO and then WMO.
The next step is heat recovery for my water heater, then full house heating, then exhaust gas heat exchanger.

I hope to be done by fall when I really will need the heat.

And that's the news from Lake Woebegon, oops, I mean Crump, MI.

Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend !


Not a problem, I've just been bored $h!tle$$ while fighting off the Kreeping Krudd for the last 2 weeks. This crap is miserable.
I wanna work on Walla Walla Xing Dong! I wanna build a thermal storage tank, I wanna exhaust heat exchanger WAH!
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous


I have pretty much disappeared from the internet world and will be for the summer.  Lots of work to do.  I have been busting myself working on my wind turbine project, the BGT (Big Green Thing).  Lots of climbing and welding up topside.  The weather here has been HOT.  I can weld when it's hot, I cannot weld when it is neg 20 and snowing.
"There are more worlds than the one you can hold in your hand."   Albert Hosteen, Navajo spiritual elder and code-breaker,  X-Files TV Series.


Yes Crumpite, this is pretty typical stuff, that's why I'm pissed off  >:( !  A few people were going to make a lot of money from this well at the risk of killing all the rest of us  :o !  I know the oceans will survive, and also the earth, but the eco system which a small percentage of is a thing called the food chain, might not  :o !  The torpedo article sounds like bullshit to me but what do any of us really know?  For sure what we see on the news is all the best possible spin with the least fact content that TPB thinks will keep the masses placated.  What I think I see going on is that somebody drilled a hole through unstable earth and sleeved it with sub-standard casing and then bent the pipe sticking out back and forth until it kinked over and snapped off.  Now, every 2 days there is the same volume of crude oil that the Exxon Valdeze spilled erupting from a reservoir that contains hundreds of billions of gallons of crude at very high pressure  :o !  If they jiggle the well casing enough to start the oil coming up outside of the 5' hole that is now constricting the flow they might be able to empty this reservoir of oil into the ocean in maybe 5 to 20 years instead of the 150 or so years it would take at the rate it's flowing now.  Maybe if they try a Nuke Stopper and open the hole up to a 1/4 mile wide or so we could see the gyeser of oil from shore  :P !  I just don't know much about this kind of stuff but common sense tells me this could be a real big problem and the fact that the oil has been flowing for more than a month without any apparent progress other than trying to hide the problem with a toxic fluid (I love the name of that chemical Corexit, like from late nite TV "just spray it on and problem gone  ;D !) has me a little worried.  My .05 worth.  Where's the Octogon?  Leland  


What I know is also little. But it's a ship, not what everyone thinks as a platform

But we are in a global economy... everyone is pointing to this being a US problem...

IT'S NOT.................

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR OIL RIG IS TONIGHT" This link only represents a PORTION  of the rig's with oil pumping   The Fleet  Our Rigs  List by Water Depth Listing by Water Depth

7,500 feet or deeper
Cajun Express
Deepwater Discovery
Deepwater Expedition
Deepwater Frontier
Deepwater Horizon
Deepwater Millennium
Deepwater Nautilus
Deepwater Pathfinder
Development Driller III
Dhirubhai Deepwater KG1
Discoverer Americas
Discoverer Clear Leader
Discoverer Deep Seas
Discoverer Enterprise
Discoverer Spirit
GSF C.R. Luigs
GSF Development Driller I
GSF Development Driller II
GSF Explorer
GSF Jack Ryan
Petrobras 10000
Sedco Energy
Sedco Express

4,500 to 7,499 feet deep
Deepwater Navigator
Discoverer 534
Discoverer Seven Seas
GSF Celtic Sea
Jack Bates
Jim Cunningham
M.G. Hulme, Jr.
Sedco 702
Sedco 706
Sedco 707
Sedco 709
Sedco 710
Sovereign Explorer
Transocean Leader
Transocean Marianas
Transocean Rather
Transocean Richardson

400 to 4,499 feet deep
C. Kirk Rhein Jr.
Falcon 100
GSF Aleutian Key
GSF Arctic I
GSF Arctic II
GSF Arctic III
GSF Arctic IV
GSF Grand Banks
GSF Rig 135
GSF Rig 140
Henry Goodrich
J. W. McLean
Paul B. Loyd, Jr.
Polar Pioneer
Sedco 601
Sedco 700
Sedco 703
Sedco 704
Sedco 711
Sedco 712
Sedco 714
Sedneth 701
Transocean Amirante
Transocean Arctic
Transocean Driller
Transocean John Shaw
Transocean Legend
Transocean Prospect
Transocean Searcher
Transocean Winner

300 to 399 feet deep
C.E. Thornton
D.R. Stewart
F.G. McClintock
G.H. Galloway
GSF Adriatic I
GSF Adriatic II
GSF Adriatic IX
GSF Adriatic V
GSF Adriatic VI
GSF Adriatic VIII
GSF Adriatic X
GSF Adriatic XI
GSF Baltic
GSF Compact Driller
GSF Constellation I
GSF Constellation II
GSF Galaxy I
GSF Galaxy II
GSF Galaxy III
GSF Galveston Key
GSF Key Gibraltar
GSF Key Hawaii
GSF Key Manhattan
GSF Key Singapore
GSF Labrador
GSF Magellan
GSF Main Pass I
GSF Main Pass IV
GSF Monarch
GSF Monitor
GSF Parameswara
GSF Rig 134
GSF Rig 136
Harvey H. Ward
Interocean III
J.T. Angel
Randolph Yost
Roger W. Mowell
Ron Tappmeyer
Shelf Explorer
Transocean Nordic
Trident II
Trident IV
Trident IX
Trident VIII
Trident XII
Trident XIV
Trident XV
Trident XVI
Trident XVII
Trident XX

Under 300 feet deep 
GSF Britannia
GSF High Island II
GSF High Island IV
GSF High Island IX
GSF High Island V
GSF High Island VII
GSF Rig 103
GSF Rig 105
GSF Rig 124
GSF Rig 127
GSF Rig 141
Searex 4
Transocean Mercury
Trident VI

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


 The Fleet  Our Rigs  List by Location List by Location

US Gulf of Mexico
Deepwater Horizon
Deepwater Nautilus
Development Driller III
Discoverer Americas
Discoverer Clear Leader
Discoverer Deep Seas
Discoverer Enterprise
Discoverer Spirit
GSF C.R. Luigs
GSF Development Driller I
GSF Development Driller II
Transocean Amirante
Transocean Marianas

GSF Grand Banks
Henry Goodrich

Trinidad and Tobago
GSF Constellation I
GSF Monitor

Cajun Express
Deepwater Discovery
Deepwater Millennium
Deepwater Navigator
Falcon 100
GSF Arctic I
GSF Celtic Sea
Sedco 706
Sedco 707
Sedco 710
Sovereign Explorer
Transocean Driller

North Sea
GSF Arctic II
GSF Arctic IV
GSF Britannia
GSF Galaxy I
GSF Galaxy II
GSF Galaxy III
GSF Labrador
GSF Magellan
GSF Monarch
J. W. McLean
Paul B. Loyd, Jr.
Sedco 704
Sedco 711
Sedco 712
Sedco 714
Transocean John Shaw
Transocean Prospect
Transocean Rather

Polar Pioneer
Transocean Arctic
Transocean Leader
Transocean Searcher
Transocean Winner

D.R. Stewart
GSF Arctic III

G.H. Galloway
GSF Key Manhattan



Caspian Sea
Trident XX

GSF Aleutian Key
GSF Explorer
Jim Cunningham
Petrobras 10000
Sedco Express
Sedneth 701
Transocean Richardson
Trident XIV

Deepwater Pathfinder
GSF Adriatic IX
GSF Adriatic VIII
GSF Baltic
GSF Jack Ryan
M.G. Hulme, Jr.
Sedco 709
Sedco Energy



Ivory Coast

GSF Adriatic I
GSF Adriatic II
GSF Adriatic V
GSF Adriatic VI
GSF High Island V
Trident IV
Trident VI
Trident VIII

GSF Adriatic X
GSF Constellation II
GSF Key Singapore
GSF Rig 103
GSF Rig 105
GSF Rig 124
GSF Rig 141
Interocean III
Transocean Comet
Transocean Mercury

Equatorial Guinea
GSF Rig 140
Sedco 700

GSF Rig 135

GSF High Island VII

GSF Key Hawaii
GSF Rig 127

Saudi Arabia
GSF High Island II
GSF High Island IV
GSF Main Pass I
GSF Main Pass IV

Jack Bates
Transocean Legend

C.E. Thornton
Deepwater Expedition
Deepwater Frontier
Dhirubhai Deepwater KG1
Discoverer 534
Discoverer Seven Seas
F.G. McClintock
J.T. Angel
Randolph Yost
Ron Tappmeyer
Trident II
Trident XII

GSF Parameswara

GSF Galveston Key
Trident IX
Trident XVI

Searex 4 The SEAREX 4 is a Pontoon Supported Swamp Barge drilling unit capable of operating in water depths up to 21 ft. A 13-5/8in 10,000 psi BOP is used to obtain maximum drilling depths up to 16,000 ft.

GSF Compact Driller
Trident XV

C. Kirk Rhein Jr.
GSF Adriatic XI
GSF Key Gibraltar
GSF Rig 134
GSF Rig 136
Harvey H. Ward
Roger W. Mowell
Sedco 601
Sedco 703
Shelf Explorer
Transocean Nordic
Trident XVII
JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


What happens when you create a vacuum?????

We have been sucking oil from the core of the EARTH for about 110 years...what is filling that vacuum?

Sea water ..???    I suppose...bc...that's the only thing with the kind of volume that can replace the amount of oil that has been extracted ....WHAT does that mean????

Just a Q

JUST doesn't matter what came first, as long as you got chickens & eggs.
Semantics is for sitting around the fire drinking stumpblaster, as long as noone is belligerent.
The Devil is in the details, ignore the details, and you create the Devil's playground.


P.S. the forum is acting different than it used to  ??? .  When I get to the bottom of the box I can't add any more words!  I don't mean to be that boring  ;D but there didn't seem to be a restriction before.  Anyway, I was hoping that a member here had some actual experience in the offshore drilling industry who would share their opinion of what's really going on with this oil disaster?  The U.S. taxpayer is not getting their moneys worth again on this thing it seems.  Hey Crumpite you stole my cult idea  ;) !  Hi Loyd, maybe the ocean wants to get our oil first for a change  ??? .  I've read that they pump water down into the formations that the oil is pumped from to float the oil up to the well pipe; also that they inject steam or nitrogen down to the strata where the oil was to push oil to the well pickup and sometimes to keep the land above from sinking.  I've also heard that in some locations where they pump out a lot of ground water year after year that the ground sinks, I think I've read that Mexico City is sinking 1/2" per year from ground water pumping  :P .              Leland  


Quote from: M61hops on May 31, 2010, 04:13:23 AM
P.S. the forum is acting different than it used to  ??? .  When I get to the bottom of the box I can't add any more words!  

Sometimes, the software and/or browser gets itself all of a tizz... best bet is to highlight everything in the textbox (triple-click a word if you're on Windows XP or newer), then cut & paste it. If cut doesn't work, use copy & paste it into Notepad (just to assure yourself you've got it - this is especially true if you're writing a long missive), then press F5 on the post window, and paste the notes back in. That usually fixes it.

In fact, if you're writing a real tome, I'd recommend copying it to Notepad before you post it anyway; just in case something goes wrong - and, especially with MS Internet Explorer, you can _guarantee_ that if it's gone pearshaped, when you hit "back" all of your typing will be lost! At least that doesn't seem to happen with Opera or Firefox.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


That problem is common if your forum software doesn't quite "jive" with Internet Explorer 8. Simple Machines forum software, such as we are using here, has a known issue with IE8
So - if you are having trouble posting, or seeing pictures, or uploading pictures, the first thing to do is to update your Windows/IE8, make sure all security patches and updates are installed. If you aren't using IE8, update to that, too.

After that, set your browser "Compatibility View" settings. You should see, up there at the top of the page beside the web address window, a small icon that looks like a torn piece of paper. That's your "Compitability View" icon. Click on that, and always view this forum in compability mode. That fixes most problems with posting on forums using SMF software.
If you don't see the icon, do a search on how to "Turn on Compatibility View."

All bets are off with Firefox/Opera/Chrome/etc - most of these forum software providers can barely keep up with IE8, let alone try to be compatible with off-brand browsers.

Ahem. And now for something completely different.

(And - as to the runaway well in the Gulf - I know a little bit about that, too. The technology to stop this type of failure does not exist. Period. They are inventing it now, on the fly. Oh, sure, it existed on paper, and in simulation, and in Senate Hearings where the oil companies are talking to blustering politicians who have no idea what they're talking about.

What more could the government do? nothing. The government has no expertise at this, unless talk and lobbying and putting cash in ones' back pocket count as expertise. They can tell BP to hurry up, I suppose, but I'm pretty sure BP is going as fast as it can...

Government had their chance with regulation of the industry. That ball got dropped ages ago. They'll pick it up again - a day late and a billion short.

Basically, everyone just crossed their fingers and hoped that it never happened...

Oil companies/drillers/etc. lobby/baffle/pay off governments in order to make their job less expensive. In the past, they've successfully managed to kill the requirement for 2 Blow-Out Preventers, and redundant remote-operated/dead-man triggered safety systems. And this is what they've ended up with - a system that has so many single-point unrecoverable failure modes, that they don't work - except on paper...

Coincidentally, US companies operating in Canada tried to get regs loosened to US standards under NAFTA. In one of the few decisions they got mostly right, the Canadian government of the time said no. Canadian companies operating here and abroad are required to use redundant remote-operated/dead-man triggered BOPS. T least, they used to. That may have changed since my information was current.

Dispersant? It's glorified dish soap  - linear alky-benzane sulphonate - with a fancy name and a few additives. COREXIT dispersant is no worse - and no better - that many of the others.
Now you have a gulf full of oil mixed with dish soap, and this is supposed to be some kind of solution?

The whole system is flawed, there's plenty of blame to go around - right down to anybody who has ever put gas in a car and complained about the price... if oil companies did all that they could to make it as safe and pollution free as the public now wants, it could be done, from the well-head to the gas pump, but the average consumer wouldn't be able to afford the products.

We want the cheap gas and we want the zero environmental impact. We are learning...

IF this had happened up north - under the ice - there is no technology (even as bad as what they are using now) that could stop it. Dispersant doesn't work in water that cold, they wouldn't be able to get ships in, all equipment would have to be trucked in over the ice (winter only!) after having been brought up from down south - or flown in... how could you clean up an oil spill - under ice? This is one reason there is so much resistance to Northern exploration - and much of it comes from inside the industry! They know a spill like this would bankrupt any company it happened to. One can chant "Drill, Baby, Drill" all one wants - it remains a very bad idea. It's not politics, it's physics.

Industry insiders know all this. It's common knowledge. Anything you see to the contrary is spin - or just misinformation.

So - if you own BP, I'd sell it "short", if I was you... I would be surpised if there was much left of the company after this - let alone the "Cleanup," just the public backlash will be enough to put it in a coma for a loooong time...

Unless I miss my guess, there will be oil from this spill washing up on the shores of Scotland before this is "over", if it ever is...

Just my opinion...  I might be wrong, I frequently am!  ;D ;D ;D )


Oops, I just realized what this thread was supposed to be about, and I've wandered off-topic somewhat... ;D

If the mod want to move or delete my post, that's OK with me. Sorry 'bout that!


Quote from: cognos on June 01, 2010, 10:09:24 AM
Oops, I just realized what this thread was supposed to be about, and I've wandered off-topic somewhat... ;D

If the mod want to move or delete my post, that's OK with me. Sorry 'bout that!

This topic went off into never-never land a looooog time ago...

Excellent post cognos, I couldn't agree more.
Very well put...



Quote from: cognos on June 01, 2010, 10:09:24 AM
Oops, I just realized what this thread was supposed to be about, and I've wandered off-topic somewhat... ;D

If the mod want to move or delete my post, that's OK with me. Sorry 'bout that!


Anything you write is worth keeping and I know how easy it is to wander off what is on topic. ;D

16/1 Metro DI at work 900rpm and 7000watts

10/1 Omega in a state of failure


Stay on topic? Dear Lord! I have ADD, it is darn near impossible for me to stay on topic. (as many of you have noticed, Sorry!)
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny -- Thomas Jefferson

"Remember, every time a child is responsibly introduced to the best tools for the protection of freedoms, a liberal weeps for the safety of a criminal." Anonymous