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Warning on eBay

Started by oiler, April 29, 2010, 02:39:46 AM

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Lister Startomatic 6/1 to be restored
Lister D 1937
Lister LT1


John F
Listers, Changfas, Redstones, AG's and anything else diesel I can get my hands on!


Not entirely surprising, since it contained phrases like "do not bid" - which set alarms off all over eBay.

The long & the short of it was this: Someone had bought an Indian cylinder head from Stationary Engine Parts, and it turned out to be a casting of dubious quality.

That Indian quality control is not necessarily up to scratch is, I suspect, hardly news to most of us here. Unless there were some extenuating circumstances, I'd normally expect a UK company to "make good" - either a full/partial refund, or replacement part if within the warranty period. IME, there are very few companies not willing to do this as a matter of course, and they rarely last long.

I guess, as always, caveat emptor.
Lister CS 6/1 with ST5
Lister JP4 looking for a purpose...
Looking for a Changfa in my life...


I send them an Email at SEB.
Their reply :

Dear Torsten,
Many thanks, much appreciated. To be honest we have already seen it and have spoken to Ebay legal dept who will remove the posting. As you can imagine we are very hurt and upset by the accusation. I cannot go into details of the case however we have tried our hardest to please the customer and are now going to take legal action against him. It is a very big slur on our very good reputation and I think one that is unjustified.
Once again thank you for your kind gesture and concern.
Kind regards
Lister Startomatic 6/1 to be restored
Lister D 1937
Lister LT1


some folks are just unreasonable and cannot be made happy, they walk around with a black cloud over
their heads and seem to do their best to bring down everyone they come into contact with.

i would think the ebay guy, coming from england would have had better sense, looked and found an original head
for his engine, or failing that educated himself at least enough to realize that sometimes indian stuff is not quite up
to acceptable/usable standards.

he is bitching about a void in a casting if i recall?  jeesh it ain't like lister never built and used a casting with a void!

that ebay buyer sounds like a royal pain in the arse to me, and probably needs to be "dope" slapped in my opinion.

my bet is Joy will see a rise in sales because of this issue, at least a rise in sales from reasonably good and qualified users.
anyone with even a touch of experience knows this sort of thing happens, so i don't think it will effect them in the long run
negatively, however

i know i would never sell that buyer anything!
not even scrap!  he would probably bitch that it was greasy or rusty, and heaven help me if a single piece of the scrap
had a void in it!

bob g